Learn Dutch Alphabet + Pronunciation

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Learn Dutch Alphabet - Dutch Pronunciation, Dutch Course.

Learn Dutch: how to pronounce the Dutch alphabet correctly. If you start to learn Dutch, don't skip this video. It is not an exciting lesson, but you have to go through it, if you want to know how to speak dutch perfectly! Correcting Dutch pronunciation at a later stage will be far more difficult. For a good understanding, repeat this lesson a few times, and try to pronounce the same way as the tutor does.

The Dutch alphabet lesson consists of 4 parts:
- the alphabet in Dutch
- each letter in detail explained how it is pronounced in Dutch
- combination of vowels, so called diphthongs
- combination of consonants

A correct Dutch pronunciation is very important. If you do not produce the right sound, it may be a total different word. Knowing how to say the words correctly is not only important to understand the Dutch. The Dutch may not understand you, if you pronounce the words differently.

This video lesson to learn Dutch is made by Bart de Pau.

Please do not forget to like and share this video lesson!

Dit is een video les over het Nederlands alfabet, gemaakt voor anderstaligen die beginnen met Nederlands leren. De les wordt vanuit het Engels gegeven. In de les wordt de Nederlandse uitspraak behandeld van alle letters en letter combinaties. Het verdient de aanbeveling deze les van het Nederlands Alfabet enkele malen te bekijken ten einde een goede Nederlandse uitspraak te verwerven. Als men de video voor de tweede en opvolgende keer bekijkt, is het aan te raden om de uitspraak na te zeggen.

Bart de Pau - Dutch teacher at Dutch Summer School
Рекомендации по теме

I'm 28 and dutch is my first language. It has always been hard for me to learn the ei, ij, eu, uu, ui, au, ou, vowel combinations and I still make mistakes with them in my writhing. So don't worry it's not just you and it's not your fault.


"The real difficulty starts only now." Oh great because so far it's been a picnic


My brother studied languages at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in California. The pace of study was intense. Students had to master the language course in 36-64 weeks. Psychologically it was very difficult, but fortunately he was helped by Yuriy Ivantsiv's book "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign languages”. The book " Polyglot Notes" became a desk book for my brother, because it has answers to all the problems that any student of a foreign language has to face. Thanks to the author of the channel for this interesting video! Good luck to everyone who studies a foreign language and wants to realize their full potential!


Me: *Is Dutch*
Also me: *Interesting*


In 1999 I took a Dutch sommer Kurs while I was in. German classes here in Sao Paulo Brazil. German helped me in Dutch. I keep hearing songs sung in Dutch since them.


Can I just download this information into my brain?!


in the first week it was terrible to try to speak RUGGENGRAAT. However, after 6 days, I am able to speak perfectly like a native Dutch and without straining my throat too much to leave the sound of GRAAT at the end of the word. Hallelujah hahaha, thankypu Bart🖒😉


02:13 a 12:23 au
03:10 b
03:39 c 13:51 ch
04:00 d
04:21 e 11:34 ei 12:53 eu
05:12 f
05:25 g
05:47 h
05:58 i 11:46 ij
07:03 j
07:14 k 15:02 kn
07:25 l
07:36 m
07:46 n 14:41 ng 14:51 nk
07:57 o 12:12 ou 12:31 oe
08:19 p
08:29 q
08:47 r
08:56 s 14:12 sj 14:22 sch
09:08 t
09:33 u 12:42 ui
09:54 v
10:10 w
10:37 x
10:48 y
11:08 z 13:02 eeuw/ieuw 13:21 aai/ai/ooi/oi/oei


I am here to thank the only teacher who made me understand the pronunciation of the vowel combination UI, I am very happy that there is someone in the world who was born with the divine gift to teach and help those who are beginning to know the Dutch language. Thank you very much Bart for being someone so focused on teaching with details😍. God bless you all your family with health and prosperity always🙌


Dear Bart, I have two years and a half untill I move to Amsterdam, so I'm starting to learn Dutch on my own thanks to your material. I plan to see all your videos, copying stuff on a notebook, pronouncing the words with you and taking the tests after each section. After that I'll seek for a private teacher, since we don't have Dutch schools in my city (what a pity!). Thank you very much for your work, I'm really excited with your content, your voice and how you stress letters in a word makes everything easy and pleasent. Again, DANKE U WEL!


Just immigrated to the Netherlands and trying to learn it. Thank you. i like the word "achtentachtig"


Thank you 😊 i am a new learner of dutch language..its a little bit difficult for Asian people .wish me good luck because i wanna connect with dutch community


i'm a native spanish speaker and alphabet doesn't seem to be as difficult as I expected! thanks for uploading this!


Taking basic german has really gave me a head start on Dutch. A lot of these sounds are found in german.


Hello! I started playing with the idea of learning Dutch after a few trips to Amsterdam. I speak both English and German (2nd language), so Dutch is a bit familiar with certain words. This video is by far the best one I've come across to date. It's clearly spoken and explained...and at a good pace. I look forward to more!! Thanks!


English speaker: that meme is pretty dank
Dutch speaker: um your welcome


I had to come back a couple of times. But noow I'm able to see it more clearly. Thank you very much!


Trying to tackle German, French and Dutch at the same time and boy is it confusing xP but this awesome video helps a lot.


Very helpful, I speak English but now learning Dutch because I've now got a Dutch friend, so recommend this video.


Yuo are the best teacher! I was lurn duch for a month in 2004 when i leave in Antverp, but now i have to lurn more, cose i go to Holand.Greetings from Bulgaria.
