How to Disagree as Christians | Theocast

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We live in a time where we’re prone to throw mud, be condescending, self-righteous, and accusatory, and we often misrepresent those with whom we disagree. This behavior doesn’t seem to align with what Scripture teaches about being gentle, kind, patient, and avoiding arguments. So, today, Jon and Justin are going to talk about that. We’ll also discuss the hope we have, our citizenship in heaven, and our Savior, Jesus, and how all of this should inform our posture and interactions with others. We hope this conversation is helpful to you.



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I just found your podcast and it helped me to realize how I should react to others on Social media when discussing politics. As a Reformed Christian I tend to be very black and white in relating to others. Your podcast helped a lot! Thanks ❤


Last night, i got into a debate over 12 steps at my rehab.I asked the Lord to teach me from His word if I am walking in truth or deceived.❤This is confirmation and a lesson on how


Thank you Jon and Justin. I completely agree with you guys. I commend you both for speaking the truth in love. This was encouraging.


Thank you for this podcast episode. You articulated things that have been in my heart, but I couldn’t get organized to put into words. May God bless you both.


“And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6: 31


Like you guys said there are two camps and those in the middle who are deciding what camp to be in? Let’s admit that there is error and pride in both these camps. We disguise our errors in Christian kindness and tolerance, which is not the same as Christian Love and on the other side of the road a zealousness for the kingdom that is also distorted. I believe no matter what spectrum we are on, there is something fuelling this divide.
To be clear there are extremes in both directions, so where do we fall, only God knows our hearts in these matters. We are so easily self deceived in our thinking, it is easy to think we are standing on holy ground and yet are witnessing our fruits are not good. Division can be a good fruit, as division or pruning can produce better fruits. I think that’s what we believe we are doing, our prayers should be, God search our hearts for the sake of the body.
I was encouraged by Chris Gordon, Doug and Jared as they reason together for the sake of unity, an example for the rest of us. It may not have had the results of perfect unity but it was three guys in the Spirit of unity. Imperfect men with the help of the Spirit being biblical, why did it upset so many? We do need the Lord Jesus more than we realize, and maybe this is the hardest lesson we need to learn. This testing we are going through is really messing with our pride, I do believe we all think we are doing the righteousness thing, and yet here we are.


Luther, Calvin and Zwingli had a war of words and then went to war literally with the pope against the anabaptists. The best of men revert to dangerous infancy at times. As for me the less I'm on social media the better. After all why fight with people virtually when I can really fight with my wife, kids and the members of my own local the sarcasm I hope is self evident. 😢


Didn’t listen but I agree with the subject.


Brothers, will you make it possible to buy an on line attendance to the April conference? Thank you


Great video. You’re going to have dozens of Christian YouTubers try to counter this video. Hahaha


9:50 This is one of the problems with reformed teaching. It naturally leads to this. This, “othering.”


I don't think Peter was writing about verbal discussions when he said to be ready to give an apologetic to anyone who asks for a statement of the faith that is in us, but the context suggests that the apologetic is to suffer persecution without retaliating. The word "logon" (accusative of "logos"), best translates as "statement", and in context I think the statement is our extreme devotion to what we believe, I do not think the statement is referring to explaining our reason for believing, but rather our actions speaking louder than our words THAT we believe (caps for clarity, not yelling). It's similar to when Paul told the Corinthians "you are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read of everyone"; they are not literally an epistle; they are literally humans. Likewise, the request for a statement is not a literal request, but it is the persecution which begs for one response or another, and we answer with the response which amounts to a Spiritually potent apologetic, that being to love them in return for their persecuting us, just as Christ did.

Maybe Peter is referring to a conversation that sparks in the middle of the persecution, but the rhetorical flow seems to indicate that the apologetic is the gracious suffering of direct persecution.


According to the Text (context, in this case), Galatians 5 verse 12 is referencing circumcision, not emasculation. Paul says "I owe (meaning "I am obligated to say this"): those who are troubling you are going to cut themselves off". This is a rhetorical reference to circumcision, as in to say "if they are so gung-ho for circumcision, they are going to cut themselves off and cast themselves away from the expectation of eternal life, just as foreskin is cut off and cast away, just as sin is cut off and cast away from our hearts".

So, one of the main excuses that is used, is based on an erroneous reading of the Text, an error to which people seem to have a strange sentimental attachment.

The Holy Spirit via Paul was not wishing vulgar terror on anyone, but rather was warning of a deep spiritual matter.

That is according to the Text, anyway.


Stage cage, , , hyper everything now, just the way the enemy plans it.


Don't y'all factor in the fact, in the USA we still live in a constitutional republic? Each state can legislate various remedies to the problems plaguing it. Free speech is not actuality absolute, in our Republic, it's alright to curb language that is inciting violence against particular groups. Therefore, the power of the proverbial sword, will be employed to protect citizens. "What are the 4 limits on free speech and press? Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, false ..."


I don't think you put a very fine point on why so many objected to the interview between Chris Gordon, Doug Wilson and Jared Longshore. Bet, because of your bias, you did not actually notice what a jerk (for Jesus) Gordon was actually being.


Chris Gordon did not get lite up for sitting down and talking, he got lite for doing the very thing you are talking about today... uncharitable.
