Medicare Plan F vs Plan G

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Medicare Plan F vs Plan G
Now how to plan F matches up against plan G was another debate, and for about the last five years plan G always was a better decision financially, because of the money you can save simply not paying the annual part B deductible yourself.
Plan F pays this deductible for you however you pay far more in premiums than what the deductible cost. Simply put, you’ll end up paying more in giving them extra money for them to just write a check, with your money! Because they’ll take your money and pay the Medicare part B deductible for you, still give you 100% coverage afterward, but they’ll keep the rest of your money that you give them in the form of extra premiums.
Why not save them money and put it back in your pocket? With Medicare Plan G you will. By simply reading the deductible check yourself each year you will save the most money possible and still get 100% coverage just like plan F.
To learn more watch the video above, as well as give us a call today so we can shop the rates from all the top companies for Medicare plan G. Where an independent agency saving seniors the most amount of money in a Medicare supplement sure it’s for the last 11 years and were licensed and 47 states and chances are we can help. Call now at 1-888-891-0229!
#Medicare #MedicareSupplementPlans #MedicareSupplement
Now how to plan F matches up against plan G was another debate, and for about the last five years plan G always was a better decision financially, because of the money you can save simply not paying the annual part B deductible yourself.
Plan F pays this deductible for you however you pay far more in premiums than what the deductible cost. Simply put, you’ll end up paying more in giving them extra money for them to just write a check, with your money! Because they’ll take your money and pay the Medicare part B deductible for you, still give you 100% coverage afterward, but they’ll keep the rest of your money that you give them in the form of extra premiums.
Why not save them money and put it back in your pocket? With Medicare Plan G you will. By simply reading the deductible check yourself each year you will save the most money possible and still get 100% coverage just like plan F.
To learn more watch the video above, as well as give us a call today so we can shop the rates from all the top companies for Medicare plan G. Where an independent agency saving seniors the most amount of money in a Medicare supplement sure it’s for the last 11 years and were licensed and 47 states and chances are we can help. Call now at 1-888-891-0229!
#Medicare #MedicareSupplementPlans #MedicareSupplement