NEWBORN BABY HAUL 2023: Everything I Have Bought For Baby Number 2 So Far | Unboxing Big Baby Buys

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My first Newborn baby haul of 2023, including everything i have bought for baby number 2 so far!!

Newborn baby haul:


00:00 - Intro
03:57 - Baby bouncer
06:29 - Baby carrier
09:14 - Breast pump
14:53 - Car seat
20:14 - Outro



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MUSIC: The music I use on my channel is all from Epidemic Sound.
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I breastfed my daughter for 15 months (She is now 7) and my son is now 7 months and still feeding. My main tips are
1. It isn’t easy, you will want to quit sometimes. But if you still at it it gets so so much easier
2. If baby is feeding lots it does NOT mean you have no milk. Babies cluster feed to increase your supply. It is normal
3. I always found the easiest way to pump was to pump one side and feed baby the other (I have a wireless Elvie pump). Our routine has always been I express one feed per day. Husband gives this in the early days as a night feed, now as a day feed.
4. Buy lots of lansinoh. As a never before feeder apply this daily even if not sore
5. You can do it! The health benefits for you as well as baby are enormous


With breastfeeding knowledge is power. There are so many online free courses which are great! The first 6-8 weeks are a learning curve but if you can stick with it it’s so much easier than faffing with bottles x


My breastfeeding journeys with my two were so different! The first 6wks were really painful for me - but literally over night at 6wk the pain disappeared, and it was fine. So if you can get through the first 6 weeks it really does get better!

My son was breastfed, but had some formula in the hospital and then I pumped from 6wks and I, like you, loved the recording, knowing how much he had etc however downside this also created anxiety - the feeling of not having a "stash" just being one bottle behind, the worry I wasn't producing enough. At 6m we supplemented and at 8m he went to formula full time. I used a Spectra with him and hated the wires!

My daughter totally different - i bought an elvie was excited about pumping. A tip to save money - i bought one side and an Elvie Catch. I always got the same amount from the catch when I was pumping or feeding the other side. Used my Boots Points and saved loads!!

So anyway, with #2 and a toddler to manage, i lost all capacity to worry about anything regarding how many ozs, when the feeds, were how many times...I just stuck her on the boob and had to get on with it.

My daughter is now 13m and a BOOB monster!! She's never taken a bottle, completely refused. So even though this time I had a good supply, made a "stash" she didn't want it 😭 so my toddler drank it instead 😅

My biggest tip, is try not to worry you aren't enough, see your boobs as a tap rather than a jug that fills with milk and can be emptied. I was always worried about being "empty". Your baby sends messages to the brain for your body to produce milk, so as long as you put baby to boob and she can send those messages you should produce enough 😊

Plus use vinted for nursing clothes!!! I've never bought new nursing clothes this time round and have a great capsule nursing wardrobe for super cheap!❤


I'm currently tandem feeding my 3 and 1 year old. You've had lots of good advice already! My tip would be to think about how you'll keep your older child involved while you're glued to the sofa cluster feeding in the early days! It's a phase and it does pass. We had a stash of special books, puzzles etc we'd pull out while I was feeding, plus some sensory bins where I could sit on the floor and play with my 2YO whilst breastfeeding the baby.


Im feeding my 16 moth old and what i found as soon as i started is knowledge is everyhting! And do not listen to people around you that has not read up.. Having a low supply is not as common as people make it look. I had the idea that i wanted to pump ones a day to bottlefeed one (for dad) that just didnt work for us. I found it so much more work than feeding myself! I did use the pump tons ones i went back to work :) And baby will want to feed a LOT. That is normal! But tiring. I was the most happy i breastfed when my baby got ill and wouldnt eat (solids when she was older) but still had milk. Just gave me such peace of mind!


One of my favourite pieces of advice for breastfeeding is ‘give up on a good day, not a bad one’. I think this can really help getting through those tough early weeks <3


I just had my first baby a few months ago and I was so looking forward to breastfeeding. But following the advice of my midwives wasn’t much help and in fact made some of the issues worse. So I went to see a lactation specialist at my local children’s community center and she was such a huge help! I seriously left there crying happy tears of relief to have finally gotten my baby to latch properly and nurse him to the point of fullness for the first time. I really wish I had gone to see her sooner. So if you find BF difficult at the beginning (and you probably will bc it is 😅), then I strongly recommend meeting with a lactation consultant in person who can help coach you and baby both.

That said, my BF journey still was only able to last about 7 weeks which I was really disappointed about and felt like a complete failure, even though my baby is now 1000x happier on his special formula than he was on breast milk. So definitely give it a solid go—it was a beautiful, exhausting experience that was worth the effort. But also be patient and give yourself the space and grace to figure it out and to change your mind if it comes to that. Xx


Sorry I've managed to write a bit of an essay 🙈

The Elvie pumps are amazing! I have the original wireless pump, just a single one, and it made breastfeeding so much easier! For the first 6 weeks or so my son struggled to stay latched, he'd keep bobbing on and off, so I pumped to make sure he was getting enough milk. I started with a Tommee Tippee pump, that was loud, kind of painful and kept me tethered to a plug socket. I hated it! So invested in an Elvie and it made such a difference!! The shields are what attach the pump to the breast and create a seal for the suction. They come in different sizes so I'd imagine they've sent you a spare pair in a different size maybe. A good tip for the Elvie pumps is to COLD STERILISE them! If you sterilise them using steam, especially the shields, then it can warp them and the suction will no longer work properly. I found that out the hard way but Elvie kindly sent me a replacement shield for my pump to replace the warped one. I used Milton tablets to sterilise it after that.

In addition to the Elvie pump, I really recommend a Haakaa silicone pump as well. If you attach it to the other breast whilst baby is feeding you can catch a good amount of let down. I'd regularly fill it once my son and I got the hang of breastfeeding. I also recommend breast milk bags for storage. I bought the Lictin ones off Amazon and you get so many so rather than trying to fill each one to the top, I'd fill each with a feeds worth so I could defrost and heat it all up in the bottle warmer rather than faffing trying to only use some and storing the remainder, or worse, just wasting whatever was left in the bag.

You may struggle at first with breastfeeding, I know I did, and everyone I know did as well, but try to push through it because once it clicks for both you and baby girl, it's fantastic and so rewarding! It makes going out and about so much easier as well as you don't have to prepare and carry milk around, you can just whip a boob out! I would echo what other's have said as well and make sure to have plenty of nipple cream to hand (Lansinoh was my favourite), and before you settle down for a feed, make sure to have something to drink and some snacks to hand as well in case it's a long one. I used to have a little basket with a bottle of water, chocolate, nipple cream and breast pads which I'd grab for a feed. And as you have a pump, if the pain gets too much at any point, give your boobs a bit of a rest and let Ash feed baby with some pumped milk. My son was a combination of breast and formula for the first week, and then breast and bottle with pumped milk after that as I started building up stock in the fridge/freezer. Oh! And another tip, in case you are lazy like me during the night but don't want to waste any let down milk, I used to take a cool bag with some ice packs to bed each night so I could store any milk using my Haakaa, then take it downstairs to the fridge/freezer in the morning 😂. And during the harder weeks, I'd have a bag of breast milk in there too that I'd defrost in the bottle warmer in the bedroom if my son was hungry but wouldn't latch.

Looking forward to seeing how your breastfeeding journey goes once baby girl arrives 😊 and also excited to say I'll be soon following you, again, (as my son is just a little younger than George) with my own baby girl in October 😁 xx


One point thats worth mentioning is your milk supply and consistency changes with your baby's needs so the actual volume drunk becomes less of a concern. If you feed on demand they will likely get what they need. Their pattern of feeding will also change with their needs - they may take short frequent feeds during summer to get hyrdation and longer feeds to get the creamy hind milk when they are going through a growth spurt but its different for everyone and every baby. You will work out the pattern together and its a journey well worth taking!


I recommend somewhere for the baby to go that George can’t reach. Been a life saver with our 2yo and newborn! We use the chico 4 in 1 as a Moses basket and for nappy changing and it’s helped loads with her not getting aggressively kissed (and hurt!!) and stops him getting covered in her poop when she explodes!


We had the Doona and absolutely loved it.

I have seen some criticism of it as a stroller online. But it isn’t a stroller. It’s a car seat with benefits and should be judged on that basis. We used it for all short trips (obvs it’s a car seat so you can’t use it for long stints) and places where a big stroller would have been awkward (cafes, restaurants, shops, doctor’s surgery, hospital, etc.). For off-roading we had a proper buggy (mountain buggy urban jungle). The Doona can’t compete with that, but it isn’t supposed to.

I got away with it indoors in lots of places that make you leave buggies outside (our Drs surgery for example) because it is so dinky. So handy not to have to carry your baby around places like that and to be able to have hands free. When you know you don’t need a proper buggy as you won’t have them in it long, it also means you save all that space for buggy frame and wheels in your car boot.

We used and abused it, taking it absolutely everywhere, and it was still in great condition when we sold it on (when our boy was about 13 months - he was average height and weight). It retained its value very well.

My husband and I still rave about that thing even after we’ve sold it (he’s now 2 and a half). It was by far and away the best piece of kit we bought for baby.


My favorite breastfeeding tool is the Hatch baby scale. It's a wipeable changing pad with a bluetooth scale inside. I got mine secondhand, and it works perfectly. You weigh your baby before and after feedings to determine how much they ate, and it is so helpful in the beginning when you're trying to figure out how much they need, what you should give in a bottle, or if your anxiety is kicking in about them not getting enough. My little one is 9 months, and I still use it every day.


I have (and still) breastfed my daughter for almost 2 years. The first few weeks are HARD as they are constantly feeding and can feel like a lot whilst they establish your supply. Pumping can cause your supply to increase which in my opinion is not a negative thing as your body can regulate supply quite quickly if not using it. I was advised by HCV to not express or not give dummies within the first few weeks and this led to my daughter completely refusing to take a bottle of breastmilk whatsoever and believe me I tried EVERYTHING and that was hard as it meant only I could feed my daughter. I’m pregnant with baby number 2 & plan on breastfeeding again but this time I’m expressing from as soon as my milk comes in. I think their concern for not introducing a bottle early is so they don’t have a preference for the bottle over boob as it’s easier to drink from a bottle so babies can sometimes prefer the ease of getting their milk. Or in case they get “nipple confusion”. I would just research on the stats surrounding this and whether you are happy to risk baby potentially preferring the bottle with expressed milk rather than from the breast. Breastfeeding is so much easier if you have a lot of support/ education around it. I think trusting your mum instincts and if baby seems full and content after a feed, having plenty of wet & full nappies then baby is generally getting enough. I felt very pushed by HCV to “feed from both sides” during a feeding however I had a LOT of milk and so my baby was very satisfied from just 1 side so I think just having the confidence in your mum instinct that you know your baby helps too. Hope this info helps in some way!


Storage wise I think breastfeeding and pumping is easier, if i remember right you don’t have to worry about the whole 2hrs once a formula bottle is made up. I’m sure you can keep in the fridge for 24 hours so I used to keep a big bottle/container in the fridge and just keep ripping it up with pumped through the day and then if you want to freeze you can when you have enough, there’s loads of different brands of freezer bags including own brands, don’t go crazy like I did and buy lots because I could never actually pump enough to save much. Different flange fits can help with that but I never went into buying different sizes flanges.
I loved my Elvie stride wish it had been available sooner!


Thank you. Great buys. Wish you all the best with your new born x


Loved our doona ! When you pop the doona up once baby is in it pop it on the floor so legs come out softer it’s much nicer for them & i found it’s easier to put the breaks on to collapse it it just makes it easier ! & the handle has to be touching where your back would go of the seat !


Hi Shan!

I am 8 months into my bf journey! I found to begin with my baby didn't know how to latch on correctly - something they have to learn.

I turned to using my hakka for first 5-10 mins to express my let down so baby didn't get soaked / overwhelmed in milk then could focus on feeding without worry that my milk will spray out and soak them.

It took a good 6 weeks before we established the whole latching on thing so I expressed for first 6wks!

I hardly ever pump milk now, I find it so easy to feed on demand - don't have to wash up or sterilise constantly! And it's amazingly easy for night feeds.

Regarding storing milk, just to note don't ever mix fresh pumped milk with chilled milk in the fridge as baby can get sick from bacteria, let it cool in a separate bottle and once cooled you can mix to make up a bottle (incase you add your let down milk together etc to make up a bottle). I would add everything expressed from the day then warm and let my husband feed on the evening.
I used medela pump bottles which come with a lid then heat milk in a tomee tippee milk warmer for 7 minutes.

Also, drink lots of water for your supply! Good luck & hope that helps xxx


I like the freezer bag for long term storage:) But if it was being used the next day or to make something then i just put the bottle in the fridge :)


You should consider making the Doona review as a separate longer video. It would get lots of views! 😉


As others have said, the more you know about breastfeeding the better. When I was pregnant I literally googled how to breastfeed and looked up the different positions so that I'd be able to try and teach myself.
In terms of breast milk storage, the lansinoh bottles are great cause you can just change the silicone bit on the top and use the same one for storing in the fridge and then feeding. Also the haaka was my absolute best friend. Good luck!❤
