Would you eat MAMMOTH?! How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel it is filled with crazy sweet creations and fascinating food science made just for you. New episode every second Friday.

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So interesting one of my fav channels:)


I'm sure you can find a 5 minute crafts video on how to cultivate your own meat using toothpaste, a hot glue gun, and a microwave


I have a degree (and work) in infection control and sterile technique. I am also a vegan, so I more than anyone would like for there to be a slaughterless meat on the market. I'm very glad that Ann mentioned the issues with sterility and scaling despite them being very rarely talked about. The fundamental, unchanging issue with lab-grown meat is that you're culturing and growing a sample that has no natural defense system like you have in other mass-produced cultures like alcohol, fermented pickles, etc. This means that in order to prevent contamination, which would become catastrophic very quickly, the bioreactors have to be kept completely sterile. "Completely sterile" and "Industrial scale" are fundamental incompatibilities - in labs and ORs we have trouble keeping a one square meter sterile field with two people at it sterile, an entire factory is unimaginable. That is the exact reason why bioreactors aren't made as big as lab-grown meat companies keep insisting they need. @GrowTalkswithBean was also spot on in the amount of plastic waste that's used in maintaining sterility, something medicine has been trying to solve for years now.

Joe Fassler's "Lab-grown meat is supposed to be inevitable. The science tells a different story." from The Counter is a wonderful article written from interviews and essays with half a dozen scientists at the top of their field about how much the idea of industrial scale lab grown meat has been propped up and is, from a scientific standpoint, virtually impossible to produce billions of pounds of a year.


Watching this video with my family from ground zero for Hurricane Milton. Eating chicken fingers and potatoes au gratin from the freezer before they go bad... Thanks for bringing a little sunshine to our crappy day.


As someone who has worked with cell and tissue culture for about 10 years, the claims that lab-produced meat is more sustainable never made sense to me. Just the amount of plastic that we use on a daily basis to maintain cultures and lab consumables are shocking. (I do not work on lab-grown meat, but i do grow cells in a lab to study diseases; the principle remains the same)


I am a myologist and mushroom forager. Depending on the species and where it grows, mushrooms can have a hearty, juicy, and meaty texture and taste. They’re looking at the wrong sustainable option

Some of my favorite options if anyone is curious: chicken of the woods, maitaki, beefsteak fungus, morels, and otster mushrooms


To be clear, our store-bought meat doesn't have any blood either, it has myoglobin which isn't quite the same thing. When the meat "bleeds" on your plate it's not actually blood, although you'd be forgiven for thinking that because it looks very similar. It's actually the protein (myoglobin) coming out of the muscle tissue.


The mammoth meatball is a bit of a scam in my opinion. It uses sheep muscle fibers edited to have "mammoth" mioglobyn, but the amminoacid sequence we have of that protein is 1:1 the same as the elephant one. So it's sheep meat with elephant aftertaste


The "perfect cell" they're looking for, which will grow at massive scale, from cheap media, with little deterioration of quality, and at a high rate, already exists. It's mushrooms.


The video hasn't even started and I'm laughing because it opened with a youtube suggested chicken nugget ad.


One note on US politics: while state level bans on lab meat are certainly partly to protect the meat industry, there's also a strong culture war element, with certain politicians trying to stoke the conspiracy theory that their political rivals want to outlaw meat and that they're trying to push lab-grown and insect-based proteins on the unsuspecting public as a prelude to a total meat ban. I certainly understand you not wanting to bring up such a fraught topic in this video, but I think it's worth mentioning that another reason the lab-grown meat industry is likely to struggle in the next few years is that the topic has been added to the ever-growing list of things that have been needlessly politicized and made the subject of conspiracy theories in the US (right next to hurricanes, apparently).


The nutritional concerns are definitely worth looking into. There are so many processed foods that haven’t turned out to be as nutritious as they would seem.


The meat industry is very heavily subsidised in most developed countries. It's hard for meat alternatives to compete on cost when meat prices are kept artificially low. I remember reading about lab-grown meat in science fiction books when I was a kid. Even though it's not commercially viable at this point, It's still crazy to think it's gone from fiction to reality in the space of a couple decades.


As much as I appreciate the thought of cruelty free, durable meat, that butcher had a good point: It's great for ground meat or lean stripes, but any more complex morsel would have to be assembled and fat be injected, and that is more work, more people, more environmental impact. We'll see what they come up with in the future, but I'm not holding my breath.


15:19 - aah, yes delicious puppy burger. Now we can finally have pomeranian, with some pommes frites, and pomegranate juice. 😂


Ann, you have saved my horrible day by giving me an idea to write for my rhetorical essay by making this video. Thank you because my college library database makes it so hard to navigate and find good topics without thinking of a topic to search beforehand. I went from zero confidence to having an interesting topic I would love to write and research about :)


This is exactly what i need in the middle of the night without power after riding out a massive hurricane... screw you milton... i have Ann to keep me company while i lay in the dark listening to the soothing sounds of generators and emergency services.

Thanks Ann... lol im from st pete Florida and you made my night suck less.


I think the biggest misconception lab-grown meat is based on is shown at the very beginning - meat is not only 1-2 types of cells. It's the muscles, fat, connective tissue, blood, nutrients, sugars etc. It isn't an accident that people select their meat based on how the animals are being fed, because even for the same species such things matter. And I don't believe lab-grown meat will be able to reproduce all that details in a long time.
And all those little taste details in my opinion make the lab-grown protein the least viable option. We already have scalable methods for producing mycoproteins and plant-proteins. I personally have eaten a carrot tasting so similar to a salmon that I had serious doubt's if my dish was vegan.
My (semi-hot) take is that lab-grown meat is another "techbro" type of idea, which is only diverging resources from actually viable ideas that can help fight the climate change.


15:30 It's wild how people are scared of genetic engineering (practiced by geneticists) but are fine with genetic engineering (practiced by farmers).
People fearmonger about GM animals and plants, but when was the last time you saw a wild sheep? We've genetically engineered entire species, but farmers have tricked the public into thinking that an animal that overheats if it doesn't get shorn regularly is somehow "natural".


2:28 "Only thing we need is electricity and energy input", that's 100% certified investor pitch right there
