Solipsism and Non-Duality

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A man asks Rupert to speak about solipsism.


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As a regular student of the Truth, watching you regularly, I am simply stunned by this presentation! Thank you for your service to all. May all know peace. 🙏❤️🙏


The idea of solipsism haunted me for the past decade. Thank you for making this video.


Rupert is so deep, I feel as if I need to stop the video every 15 seconds just to absorb these ideas! And I've been listening to his videos for a few months now! Almost daily. Still, he has so much new to offer. Really love his teachings. Thank you!


Umm this is a tricky one, and I feel Rupert struggles with this more than any other issue, he clearly doesn’t want to be marked as a lunatic so treads carefully.

But, it is true, that if we, as Rupert often says, stay true to our actual experience, then solipsism is not madness but applying occums razor is the simplest explanation.

When we dream at night, all the dream, the dreamed world, the characters we meet, they are all made of you, so that is somewhat a solipsistic experience.

My take on it is this, solipsism is the equivalent of the dream character (in a nighttime dream) believing all they are experiencing is generated by them, and that all other characters in the dream are cardboard cut outs made of them (the dream character) .. But .. the big difference here is that this is clearly not a actually true, the dreamed world and people are NOT existing in, and generated by, the dream character at all. The dream character is itself a projection of/in your mind (you in bed asleep), the dream and it’s contents are you only, this is true, but not you the dream character, you, the true you, your mind in bed asleep.

So, a solipsistic approach to the waking experience is saying that I (me, the person, and my mind) am the only one here, but first we need to ‘know thyself’. If you have seen or are coming into the understanding that you (the person) is not truly who you are, you are way more, then you could say, yes the view I have is solipsistic, but the single mind that conceives reality is not mine, not my little contracted mind, just as the dream character at night might realise that he is not all there is, aka lucid dreaming. As such, the dream character could say, yes, this is a dream and it’s mine, but it would know that it is not mine as in me the character, it is mine as in me the true mind asleep in bed (not even in the dream).

So this reality can only be viewed subjectivity through our unique filters, but there is no reason to say all this is me (the personal contracted conditioned mind), it’s far more reasonable and meets the experience we have in a nighttime dream, to say, this is all me, but me is in essence is infinite consciousness, me, when you look for him/her cannot be located nor denied, me, refers to a universal knowing independent from me the character, in fact solipsism reenforces the belief that you are a separate single entity, it’s the ego claiming the experience as it’s own, but the ego is itself is only an appearance in experience, it can’t claim anything, it’s actually pretty arrogant to believe that you, this person, is everything, no, consciousness is everything, and you are that, but you (the person), is not that, you are made of that, but until true seeing of your nature is known, you would never make such a claim, that all experience is you. If solipsism is saying everything is me, and ‘me’ is referring to the consciousness we truly are, then that is true, and also would mean other people, are me, but that doesn’t mean they are ‘me’ the person, it means they are ‘me’ the consciousness, the only consciousness there is, me and you, when stripped of all objective content, are the same in essence, but me and you as people are different.


11:22 Not only do we forget the rest of the mind’s content when consciousness becomes localised in a dream, but surely every thought always involves the forgetting of every other thought. We are only that which occupies our awareness at any given moment. All else vanishes.


Solipsism: the self is all that exists
Non-Duality: the Self is all that exists


Actually, if you describe solipsism NOT as the idea (philosophy) that only me and my mind exist but that WE CAN ONLY BE CERTAIN that our own mind and reality exist and we cannot and can never know whether or not others are dream characters, rather than madness, it actually seems pretty logical


When i was 5 years old, i suddenly realized that wherever i am, everything appears. Nothing can appear unless i am present.

So i never forgot that, but it brought up the question.. what is the nature of this i, is it individual or universal. Then in my 20s i had an experience wherein consciousness decontracted back into its natural state and expanded to include my body, mind and also the other bodies who were present. It was absolutely clear somehow that we are all essentially the same being and i am that.. only identification with the individual character seems to obscure this. So minds are many, but being is one and we share in that.

Wasn't the end of the revealation of consciousness, but it ended solopcism for good.


Rupert makes it so simple.... really beautiful and wonderful. Thank you 🙏


I agree, Rupert it makes me think of how when I’m watching a movie I forget reality so I can enjoy and get into the imaginary movie reality. If I constantly argue with the movie’s plot I can’t enjoy it. Same thing as a dream.


His cheeks got SO ROSY in the end hahahah adorable


5MEODMT REALLY FREAKED ME OUT. It put me in this state without ever having heard of solipsism.
I still am concerned about this.


Temporary whirlpools in an infinite stream.😊 But, you're not temporary, just this whirlpool. You're really the infinite stream.


It seems to me that the non-dual is always pointing to the truth that the only answer to these questions is to abandon the question and be present in this moment. Is my mind the only mind, are others simply appearances in my mind .. do they really have experiences of their own? Abandon this question, it is formed only from concepts .. concepts of self and other .. of a separation that never existed. The reality is different, the reality is only experience right now.


8:30 but who says that the memories we have actually were lived by us and don't exist just as random thoughts in our head. As Eckart Tolle always says, there's only the now, past and future are imaginary


Its not that im alone, its that WE are alone. And that is not bad, if you know thy self and care about your self physically and spiritually, you will never be alone. Physically, we are many different 3 dimensional bits. Spiritually, you know that we are one.


I like using the example of an author versus the characters in the book he writes. Each of those characters are a finite mind but all are contained in one infinite mind (whole/authors)
Solipsism, would mean a character has a awoken but is unaware and still thinks he's the finite character... From that POV, he would think he's the ONLY ONE MIND (as the character) when he's actually experiencing the ONE INFINITE MIND (as the author). The mistake he makes is thinking and identified as the character being the only one mind when that is in fact the author, yet unaware fully of the awakening leading to Solipsism... until it's seen thru and there's infinite love and beauty only :)


Solipsism to me means that there's really only one of us here. We are all one. Yes everything exist within me. I exist therefore the world is. In a sense you are the experiencer of your own reality.


Ah, finally Mr. Spira's motivation for doing what he does has come to light. He is sculpturing the most beautiful model of reality. He overcame physical material to work with, transcending it to only mind. A true and unique artist.


Rupert is almost right. Physicality is also an undeniable experience, along with thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Consciousness is energy, energy is mass.

Also, we’re not continuous minds. The mind that existed yesterday, even a moment ago, has changed. Nothing exists long enough to assume identity. There are only patterns of existing.
