DOCTORS or BUTCHERS!? 7 Organs they want to CUT OUT OF YOU!

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00:00 - Almost lost a piece
01:46 - Tonsils
03:24 - Thyroid
05:36 - Gallbladder
07:31 - Circumcision
10:02 - Appendix
11:42 - Colon/Rectum
13:38 - Hysterectomy
15:28 - Other organs
16:32 - Thank you for joining me
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You know..the older i get and the more I learn im just shocked ive made it this far relatively unscathed...i was even breast blessed was I ....and not one mum refused aggresivley...Thanks mom...never allergies and i could eat cows shit spread on a brick and feel great😅


My father had his tonsils removed as a child, that was in the 60s. Knowing now he got sick because he lived in a chain smokers household, he also told me he remembers the doctors even smoked inside the office. If you mentioned anything about that correlation back then all you got was that blank fluoride stare. What a world.


Thank you for speaking out against male genital mutilation. Much love.


Dude I went to the doc with my ex for her stomach pain, they flat out said they didnt know what it was but told her to take an antibiotic, it went away after a day but it's just like hey let's take our your gut and see what happens. The guy even said if it persists maybe you'll just have to take a low dose antibiotic everyday. Like dude wtf.


It's so insane how male circumcision continues to be normalized in our society to feed the profits of the pharmaceutical and beauty industries.


Trusting your doctor is like trusting your local drug dealer


I’m so glad you brought up circumcision. How it’s still completely accepted to genitally mutilate a newborn, the epitome of innocence and vulnerability, is beyond me.


Video or series idea:

A week of the ideal lifestyle: foods drinking water and filters, vitamins, exercises etc.


Lobotomies, thalidomide, opiate epidemic, statin disaster, psych drug disaster, lifelong hormones & genital surgery for children 🤡
I’m staying as far away from this industry as possible🤞


Wow I am now so glad I didn’t circumcise my son 😃 it was too difficult. Doctors and family bullied me constantly and I suffered from ptsd after traumatic birth. They said he would get infections and suffer it was horrible s a new mom. But I had to listen to my intuition even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment I never regret listening to my gut! Maybe my intuition is so strong because I still have my gallbladder and appendix 🤣 jk but thank you this really helped me feel so much relief for the decisions I made for my firstborn baby boy


My Dad’s an MD and owned a medical practice... he’s just as brainwashed as everyone else... don’t think he is or ever was in on it


I had gallstones years ago. It was back when I was dieting doing the IIFYM model. Low fat mainly. Eating kinda crappy but keeping lean by keeping fat low. Been doing that for several years. Then I'd randomly get pain in my abdomen at night. First time I went to the ER they said it was probably a stomach bug. Same with the 2nd time. Gave me some morphine and anti nausea IV and felt better in the morning. Got to where is was happening every 3 or 6 months I'd have a bout of pain that would keep me up all night. One night it was so bad I thought I was dying. In excruciating pain rolling around in the floor of the ER. They ran a CT scan this time and said it was gallstones. I had a particularly large stone lodged in the bile duct. Dr gave me a referral for a surgeon to have it removed and warned that this would keep happening unless I got the organ removed.
I did a bunch of research on it went to a higher fat diet. Lots of animal fat and butter and whole foods. Started eating liver regularly. Bitter plants and digestive enzymes etc. Haven't had an attack since. It's been 4-5 years now


This was right on, I worked in health and nutrition for many years and stay far away from doctors, . I can't tell you how shocked people are that I'm not on meds for something! I guess it's become the norm to be on a prescription by 60...I wish more people knew how much damage we do to ourselves that is completely avoidable...thanks Frank


Frank. I had my colon removed when I was 23, I am 47 today and there hasn’t been a day that I have not thought about suicide . I don’t sleep well because of getting up nightly for bathroom issues . I probably will take myself out very soon, I don’t want to live like this anymore .
Thank you for the video ..


When my mother passed in the hospital, she was NOT a voluntary organ donor on her license. She always made it clear she would never want to be mutilated after death. They came around three times begging for her organs!


My wife took our son to get braces. The dentist pulled his canine teeth. I asked my wife why they did that, like a typical woman she didn't even ask the dentist why. It's fucked.


So far 8 doctors down voted your video.


So there was a gynecology that once told me that i had a ovarian cyst and she had to do surgery to suck it out (their usually are harmless but once it grows bigger it can be dangerous, i just had one removed in the past and the recovery hurts as hell). I said to her that it was ok, but to let me a days to think (she expect me to say yes or no in that exact moment lol). So i just went to another professional, and she told me: yeah you have a cyst, but it is not as big as the other doctor said, so just take this anticonceptive pills and you'll fine. And guess what, i'm fine 4 years later. I know for sure the first doctor only wanted money!


Circumcision is like removing the external ear so it doesn't get dirty behind the ears.


Hi Frankie. I was 5 years old when I got my tonsils removed. We lived I'm San Francisco with the cold damp weather. But looking back, I wasn't eating healthy either. That was the real problem. My mom didn't know a thing about nutrition. She would open up a can of stewed tomatoes and serve it to me with a heaping teaspoon of sugar on it. OMG. I hated that stuff. I wanted Swanson's TV dinners, or chicken pot pie. Yum. 😝 Then we moved to the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Marin County. It was a little dryer and warmer. My Doctor told her to get me out of the City. And she did. Well she got remarried and the nutrition came in full bore. I became healthier.
