Brahmadatta and the Bunyan Deer, a story optional English class 12 {lesson 1 of unit 2} New Course

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This story Brahmadatta and the Bunyan deer is a story from Buddhist scripture retold by Rafe Martin.
According to the story, buddha was born as the Bunyan deer.
This story implies that all living creatures have equal importance.
We have to study this story also under optional English of grade 12 according to new course.
It is very helpful for learners of English.
According to the story, buddha was born as the Bunyan deer.
This story implies that all living creatures have equal importance.
We have to study this story also under optional English of grade 12 according to new course.
It is very helpful for learners of English.
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Brahmadatta and the Bunyan Deer, a story optional English class 12 {lesson 1 of unit 2} New Course
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