#95 Comparator vs Comparable in Java

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In this lecture we will learn:
- What is Comparator in Java?
- How to give your implementation for sorting?
- What is Comparable in Java?
- Difference between Comparable & Comparator
- From the Java 1.7 version, it is not compulsory to mention the generic type on the right-hand side if you have already mentioned it on the left-hand side.
- A collection class has lots of methods. The collection class belongs to the util package.
- We can sort a list or an ArrayList by using the method sort of collection class
- If we want to apply our own logic in sorting, then we have to use a comparator with sorting in collections.
- Comparator is also an interface.
- We have a method called compare() in the comparator interface.
- We can use an interface by implementing a class or through an anonymous class.
- Compare method works on an algorithm where it compares two values and then swaps them.
Comparator Integer com= new Comparator Integer()
public int compare(Integer i, Integer j)
- So, a comparator is an interface through which you can specify your own concept of sorting.
- Integer class implements a Comparable interface. So by default, sort works for Integer.
- If you want to do natural sorting on any other non-defined class, you can implement something called the Comparable.
- Comparable is present in the lang package.
- Comparable has a method known as compareTo().
- You have to define the method comapreTo() in a class, that is implementing Comparable.
class Student implements Comparable Student
public int compareTo( Student that){
Here, that is a variable.
- We can also override the logic by using Comparator even if we have implements the Comparable interface.
- Lambda expression can also be used with Comparator as it is a functional interface.
Difference between Comparable & Comparator:
- Comparable provides a single sorting sequence while the Comparator provides multiple sorting sequences.
- In Comparable, actual gets modified while in Comparator, the original class does not get affected.
- Comparable gives the compareTo() method for sorting while Comparator gives the compare() method to sort elements.
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Udemy Courses:
In this lecture we will learn:
- What is Comparator in Java?
- How to give your implementation for sorting?
- What is Comparable in Java?
- Difference between Comparable & Comparator
- From the Java 1.7 version, it is not compulsory to mention the generic type on the right-hand side if you have already mentioned it on the left-hand side.
- A collection class has lots of methods. The collection class belongs to the util package.
- We can sort a list or an ArrayList by using the method sort of collection class
- If we want to apply our own logic in sorting, then we have to use a comparator with sorting in collections.
- Comparator is also an interface.
- We have a method called compare() in the comparator interface.
- We can use an interface by implementing a class or through an anonymous class.
- Compare method works on an algorithm where it compares two values and then swaps them.
Comparator Integer com= new Comparator Integer()
public int compare(Integer i, Integer j)
- So, a comparator is an interface through which you can specify your own concept of sorting.
- Integer class implements a Comparable interface. So by default, sort works for Integer.
- If you want to do natural sorting on any other non-defined class, you can implement something called the Comparable.
- Comparable is present in the lang package.
- Comparable has a method known as compareTo().
- You have to define the method comapreTo() in a class, that is implementing Comparable.
class Student implements Comparable Student
public int compareTo( Student that){
Here, that is a variable.
- We can also override the logic by using Comparator even if we have implements the Comparable interface.
- Lambda expression can also be used with Comparator as it is a functional interface.
Difference between Comparable & Comparator:
- Comparable provides a single sorting sequence while the Comparator provides multiple sorting sequences.
- In Comparable, actual gets modified while in Comparator, the original class does not get affected.
- Comparable gives the compareTo() method for sorting while Comparator gives the compare() method to sort elements.
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PayPal Id : navinreddy20