Deep Vein Thrombosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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Deep vein thrombosis is when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. DVT is common and can be dangerous when these clots break off and lodge in the lungs. Dr. Steven Abramowitz discusses the signs, symptoms and treatment options for DVT with @fox5dc.

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My story of illness and healing.
My leg (left calf) hurt for 3 days, on the first day I woke up with pain, for no specific reason, I walked with it for 2 days, on the 3rd day my ankle swelled. Only then did I go to the doctor, who immediately sent me to the hospital, where blood tests revealed a problem with excessive clotting. High D-dimer.
I was diagnosed with thrombosis on February 2, from that day I started treatment in the hospital because I was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis. On April 22, after 11 weeks, the clots disappeared. (the doctor told me earlier that I would have to undergo treatment for at least 6 months or even longer.
I had several large clots, Doppler ultrasound showed clots in the veins of the left leg, in the popliteal veins, peroneal veins, in the upper part of the lower leg, and in sections in the posterior tibial veins. Thrombosis of the soleus venous sinuses., Front of the thrombus in the femoral vein, in 14/ lower thigh. I spent 5 days in the hospital, they gave me anticoagulant injections in my stomach (completely painless), they told me to lie down and not strain myself with my leg raised up. I had slight swelling which went down two days after the injections and the swelling was no longer visible the next day. I stayed at home for two more weeks with my leg up and received injections. In the meantime, I also started a diet, I ate from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., then a 16-hour break from eating, and I minimized my intake of sugar, salt, and fatty foods. I drank about 3 liters of water a day, with added electrolytes (3 effervescent tablets in the water). I also started fasting every Friday (24 hours only on water. Apparently, during fasting, the body eats disease cells... (I think these factors were also important, because I developed these clots due to a terrible diet, overweight and low fluid intake, plus frequent sitting at the computer for 6 hours without much movement. But above all, I prayed to Jesus and asked for healing, I cried often. This disease cannot be ignored, it is dangerous to health and life. After two weeks, the doctor told me to start moving and walking. take more exercise, but don't overdo it and don't strain your leg, he also banned strength training, no lifting weights, I also bought a compression stocking. After 6 weeks, I had a D-Dimer test and the result was 0.11, which is a very good result, but the doctor brought me back. to the ground and said that D-dimers do not mean that the clots have disappeared, although they are a signal that new ones are not forming.


Lost my cousin who was a gym rat to this in March of 24. 47 years oks left wife and two kids, one 17. Still in shock, if you have symptoms take it seriously.


I’ve had 5 DVTs since 2016. One in 2016 one in 2018 and three this year. I have Factor V Leiden which I guess is one of the mutations you meant? Doctors keep playing around with my medications. I’ve been on three different ones and had problems ranging from bleeding out and having to have transfusions, to getting DVTs even though I’m on the blood thinners. I’ve also had P.Es too


I'm having this problem . A month ago my doctor said I had abnormal red blood cells and now I have only lost eg a lump about the size of a baseball below the knee and above the knee I have a hard knot on on the upper back leg. My face feels like it's numb and swollen slightly also my right arm feels numb around my elbow. The right leg is swollen but not as
bad as the left leg . My doctor ordered me an ultrasound and I go get it in 2 days . I PRAY everything will be okay l leave it in the hands of my LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST ❗


My mum had DVT. She was put on a blood thinner. Then she got COVID and had a catastrophic brain bleed. She passed away about 2 months ago. 😢


Ive had Deep Vein Thrombosis several times.


i think i might have dvt😢 i got pain in my right calf, but i also get pain above my left chest


I got it in my arm had to get the rib bone removed


I got it in my right arm in the hospital and had to have surgery


Just been diagnosed with dvt ... had a 3 minute ultrasound then passed onto a doctor who told me to take blood thinners for 6 months to life then waved me off from the hospital im confused


I have had a trombosis during the lock downs periods. I am now fighting with my skin on my foot, the wound isn`t healing.I am using oirements, medcines, have had an ultrasound, and a support stocking.


I have chronic dvt I be in pain everyday 🤦🏽‍♂️


IAM a d.v.t on treatment cause severe pain.


They don't call it the clot shot for no reason....


if you had thrombosis it can cause you to get ill with covid or flue or make you have a injury 🤣