A Man After Gods Own Heart - 119 Ministries

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Many of us look up to King David as he was called “a man after God’s own heart”. But what does that mean and how, too, can we work to live our lives in the same way?

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My deepest I become a man after God's own heart.


Father God lead MANY young men to grow in the LORD teach them all your truth and have them become more like Christ!


Short & sweet! David was not perfect, but he was obedient and faithful in his love for YHWH. From a young age he was wise by following God. How many times did Saul try to kill David? How many times did David show King Saul deference as God's anointed (and, therefore, not his place to kill)? Most of us would be justifying our self-defense actions in that scenario. David just kept trusting in and obeying God, regardless of how much Saul hated him. And that's just one of many facets of David and how beautiful he was.


Hebrews 10:26-27 says "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." It does no good to say we believe in Jesus but yet keep sinning. Faith without works is dead. If we do not live according to His law after we accept Christ we will lose out on salvation. If that were not the case why would Jesus say "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell." (Matt 5:30) Jesus has given us salvation through his sacrifice for all of our past sins. But if being made new through Christ, we keep acting like our old selves, we will not inherit the Kingdom of God.


..thank you for this teaching. A long time have I sought to be as David. There is no higher regard shown to any other servant in the entirety of scripture.


My neighbour doesn’t have internet I wish you guys would create a book or devotional


Ben jij, net als ik, opzoek naar de waarheid, en heb jij vragen over bijbel? Dan raad ik je aan om het youtube kanaal: B’nee emet te bezoeken.


A man after God’s Own heart. Abel. Enoch. Noah. Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. Job. The prophets. The Apostles.
Jesus said follow Him!
He breathed on His Apostles The Holy Spirit!
Be continually filled with The Holy Spirit!
He will indwell, Teach, guide, comfort, counsel & sanctify you!

Love God
Love people
The indwelling Holy Spirit Will Only lead in Godliness!

Matthew 12 The Jews called Jesus demonic! The unforgivable sin!
Jesus pronounced their end!
40 years (1 generation) later in 70 AD The Jewish Heaven and earth passed away!

God’s judgement did come just as Christ said!!!
Israel became Palestine
Jerusalem renamed
The Temple dissolved
The priesthood and animal sacrifices ended.
The old Covenant obsolete! Ended! Dissolved! Gone! Why?
The Christ is Come! Long Live The King!

We are His Temple!

Who has bewitched you? Why are you going back??

Are you circumcised in the flesh??

The Glory of the latter Temple will be Greater!
Because Jesus Christ walked into it!

He magnified The Law!!!

The Golden Rule!

Love God & Love People, everyone!

Love satisfies God! Because God is Love!

God is legally satisfied ✝️ The Cross!

He died we go freely to Live!!!

The Holy Spirit Will Fill you and guide you righteously!!!! Love love 🕊

At peace with God!
Receive His Shalom!!!
His Rest!!! He is God! He is our Father He is Good!
Yeshua HaMashiach Maranatha
