The BEST Module Upgrades in Helldivers 2

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How to best spend your hard earned Samples in Helldivers 2 based on mine and my communities experience! This will be a good one to send to your friends just getting into the game to give them a good idea of how to get the most out of those hard earned alien anomalies! Hope you Enjoy.

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This one is a bit more focused towards the newer players to Helldivers 2 as I felt it might be a bit overwhelming these days with so many options for Samples and wanted to put something current out talking on how to get the most out of your hard earned alien bucks. Sorry if I sound a bit off in this one as i'm a bit sick! As always my favorite comment on this video will be featured at the end of the next!


Rare samples being the rate-limiting step for most Super Destroyers has made me realize how relaxing Difficulty 4 missions are after weeks of slogging through the top-tiers.


The new orbital 10% increase really makes the 380 decimate the field


One more thing that's worth keeping in mind with Superior Packing Methodology - This upgrade's effect is _based on the person who throws out the "Resupply" stratagem_, and not on the person who's picking up the resupply crate.
- If you have this upgrade, make sure you're the one calling resupplies. Even if you have SPM, you will not get full ammo from a Resupply pod package if it was called in by someone who does not have SPM.
- If you play with a consistent stack of friends, you can potentially forego unlocking SPM for everyone if one person already has it. Just make it a point to always have them call in the Resupply stratagem.


The only point I might quibble with is you may want to get Targeting Software Upgrade early for the 1 second reduction in Orbital call-ins for only 60 samples.

That can make a difference if you are trying to drop an OPS on something moving, and it's a cheap upgrade.

Power Steering is also handy for when your 'buddies' decide the best way to reinforce you is to drop you right in the middle of the Termanid swarm... again...


Eagles used to dominate my load out, now, the 380 and OPS with the T5 upgrade is starting to make more of an appearance. X45 might have had something to do with that, too.


one must imagine sisyphus (samplephus) happy


this is interesting info, working on the last few and automatically bought the hangar bay but really needed the command centre first


I also think the most effective way to "farm" samples is to go on ICBM bug missions on level 8 or 9. You can get up to 40 rare and common samples EACH (realistically you'll get about 24 each), and it usually takes 15-20 minutes to 100% clear with a team of 4.


I personally took the sentry and eagle upgrades first and never regretted it. I usually take two turrets with me on bot missions and almost always get the most kills. The improved turret effectiveness allows you to clean up entire bot drops, or solo objectives like gunship facilities, since the mortar/autocannon can distract enemy advances and the rocket can destroy the gunships.


I think a point people don't articulate fully with non-carried stratagems is the value of damage over time and with that stratagem duration. Orbital Gatling barrage, Orbital gas strike, Eagle Napalm, orbital Laser, Mortar etc. are all amazing for bug breaches. as they last for a long while, and can effectively spawn kill the enemies fairly well. One of them is enough to hold down a bug breach long enough for you to make enough distance to where the bug breach is no longer a threat. 2 of them is enough to hold it down for the full duration of the bug breach (short of a bile titan or charger spawning, which you'll have to deal with with something else, though the orbital laser can get a Bile Titan to a sliver of health.

What I'd like to see is an expansion of damage over time primary and secondary weapons, The incendiary breaker is very good for what it is, but it seems to be alone. I'd like to see an incendiary pump action, and some form of incendiary secondary.

Personally I feel like the incendiary breaker is very balanced for what it is. No stagger in exchange for damage over time, and I believe said tradeoff would work for the other shotgun types in game (Pump and Sawn Off).

The rocket launcher the new Commando is based off of is the M202 Flash which IRL shoots incendiary Rockets, which I think should make it into the game. Make them like a rocket propelled thermite grenade that can one shot or two shot chargers, but it does so with damage over time, which would make it less useful up close and more useful at distance. Hell, you could add the same rockets to an Eagle stratagem to the same effect, but with more damage, like enough to kill a Bile Titan (over time of course)

Also we need fire resistant armor (perhaps add that to the CE-35 Trench Engineer armor which is the same orange as the incendiary breaker), honestly the Devs could probably make a whole fire damage based Warbond.


Ironically I never warmed much up to eagles. From the start I was using ops and eagle airstrike. One of the last ones I unlocked was the 500kg. As mentioned by Eravin playstyle makes a big difference.
By now I have everything level 3 and wonder what’s next. Very likely the orbital path to make the ops stronger with the level 5 upgrade first. Then let’s see.


Faster support weapon cooldown is also especially good if you like running expendable weapons


This is much later than the 7 am drop i was hoping for.


i saw sisyphus and samples and imideatly clicked the video, im a simple man


Useful starting guide! Would be nice to get an analysis of the later strategems by effectiveness here, even if order varies by playstyle.


Highly recommend people who watch this to really look at the costs of tier 4 and 5 upgrades.

The jump from tier 3 to 4 is massive and is usually 2 upgrades worth of samples in other areas


Glazebot says: #1 best Helltuber content 10/10


I got all the modules before the news dropped. Immediately went for the Orbitals range increase. I've already started using 380s regularly before it dropped. It's insanely good now.


Streamlined Request Process is good getting more ammo sooner. Swap out your empty Spear and backpack for a new one that is loaded and a backpack full of rockets without needing a resupply/ammo box.
