Jordan Peterson: Embrace Sacrifice - Find Meaning

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“Voluntary sacrifice in the service of what’s highest: this is the highest principle.”

Jordan Peterson opened our gathering with a simple idea: Western civilisation is built on the idea of sacrifice.

In Jordan's words: "[Sacrifice] is being willing to give up something in the hopes of attaining something of greater value: something that’s deferred, mature, rich and harmonious with the lives around you... It is integrating our personal desires with those of our family, our city, our nation...  It is the higher principle that puts hedonistic self-gratification in its right place."

Stepping up into responsibility always takes sacrifice. And the life of responsible citizenship creates a virtuous cycle - an "infinite upward spiral" - that carries us higher into prosperity, truth and meaning.

Sacrifice means together we all experience something greater. This is the adventure we’re called to.

This is the better story.


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Dr Jordan B Peterson is a clinical psychologist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He authored the global bestsellers Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life and 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. His new book, We Who Wrestle With God, will be published this Autumn.


We are delighted to announce that the next ARC Conference will take place between 17-19 February 2025! Subscribe to our mailing list for updates and follow us on social media as we explore the better story:


ARC, the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, is a global community with a vision of a world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.

Join us in shaping this vision, as we draw on the best of our inheritance to build hope-filled future. Let's seek solutions to the problems we face that tap into humanity's highest virtues and remarkable capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

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Bravo Bravo Bravo.! It works, married very happily for 50 years, three children and eight grand children later. All cherished and loved. It’s been a wonderful adventure. This is exactly how God wants society to be formed. Thank you Dr. Peterson.


Jordan Peterson has become a better public speaker over the years. When watching him, it's clearer than ever that he treats the word as sacred, in doing so, he's become an ever more captivating and inspiring speaker.


God Bless Jordan Peterson!👍🏻💪🏻✝️🙏🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧


Thank you Jordan & everyone at ARC.


What a joy to watch him grow deeper in faith.


I have never heard the gospel presented in a more succinct manner, preach it brother 🤲


Peterson is the best. He should be PM of Canada, he would Make Canada Great Again in 6 months. God bless him.


Spectacular. Dr. Peterson is on a journey that will end in a very Good place. Plus, I think this sport coat is my favorite.


Our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ gave the greatest sacrifice of all. Eternal Life. With Charity in our Hearts, follow in his footsteps and Believe.👍🇦🇺🙏


An absolute joy to listen to, Dr Peterson is indeed a prophet in our times.


Some will criticize JP for the message he strives to convey to the world. One thing that can be undoubtably said is that he really means what he says and wants others to strive forward. His passion screams through the videos and conversations that he has. God bless him.


fantastic speech Jordan, much needed at this time. thank you for all you do for humanity, you are a blessing on earth.


That's what is special about Peterson - it is not just about faith but about reality. Peterson is touching upon the core truths of the Universe. He recognizes them and can formulate them because he himself strives to practice them. I hope this message spreads like wildfire. It is the cure for our ills.


This was beautiful, brought a tear to my eye. No one else is capable to describe the spirit of things as dr. Peterson. I sensed around me what he is describing in this speech but he puts order and articulates what was just intuited before, and he does this repeatedly.


My heart needed this tonight. I can’t express how much.


I feel like Peterson accidentally does a Biblical-texts-style refinement of his most deep, dense, astute stories and analyses as he gives similar-themed speeches, which started as lectures, thousands of times, ending up in highly distilled, packed with meaning and clarity segments.

Some of his phrases will definitely be historically relevant during the next few hundred years, if not longer. Civilization progresses so fast that I'm not sure if we'll be using written and spoken language in a few hundred-thousand years anyway.


I appreciated his message. Not just with Abraham, but with Adam and Eve they left the Garden of Eden. And then throughout the Old Testament Adam and his people did what to qualify for heavenly help? Made sacrifices.

A very smart, inspired man once said that a religion that does not (eventually) require the sacrifice of all things will never produce the faith necessary for exaltation.

Likewise, a life that does not require a great deal of sacrifice produces obituaries that are boring and people who are just plain uninspiring.

Dr. Peterson, thanks for reminding me that God not only sees my sacrifices, He is overseeing them. ❤


I agree.

I've also seen that with her intuition, a woman can gently take the lead towards a deeper connection in the relationship. This requires some sacrifice from her part.


As I listen to this- I hear a human call to greatness yet the central part is not me- not others I sacrifice for- it begins with God.
To me, the true amazing thing of Abraham is his acknowledgement and belief in God’s heart of faithfulness- love- mercy.
He sets out in an adventure- but believing God. His blessings come from trusting Gods goodness and Gods faithfulness to his own promises.
Abraham’s journey is one of transformation in his knowing God and himself.
It is not just me…not just others. It begins with God😊


In light of the events here in the States this weekend Dr. Peterson’s words are unbearably poignant. I don’t think he knew what happened until after he spoke but I do believe he was guided by the Holy Spirit.
