Emiya vs Muramasa

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This comment is filled with muramasa fanboys thry dont know ccc emiya has the mystic code which is the oringin of humanity


Actually EMIYA can change his stat allocation, so judging him under traditional means will be bad, plus since murumasa is using his body he could probably use time synchronization to copy most of murumasa's swords to a near perfect degree if he is able to see them


Bruh emiya wins np? Muramasa’s np can literally cut a reality marble as shown in the game and who else can do that? Gilgamesh of course when he destroyed iskandar’s reality marble it was even said that muramasa has the possibility to cut through enuma elish which is literally the strongest noble phantasm that is said to have the power to destroy the world not only that but if you play fgo he actually uses a reality marble then breaks all the swords in his reality marble and then turn that into his np so he basically has a reality marble that’s similar to Emiya that’s also filled with swords muramasa wins mid diff




Musashi who has B rank in speed fought against Inshun who was boosted during shimousa and only sliced his head off. Inshun faced of against a non-buffed Muramasa and got his upper body blown. Musashi =/> buffed inshun and Muramasa > Inshun. Miyamoto < Emiya. Hence speed goes to Muramasa

Battle IQ

•Muramasa fought against the master s
Spearmen Inshun and obliterated him
•Went toe to toe with melusine in the air
•One shotted both Grailed Buff Amakusa Shirou and his Reality marble
•Decimated multiple skilled servants (albeit with together rasputin)

In simpler terms he can fight against many opponents at once and fight against skilled weapons users. He can even go against Fae Lancelot one of the strongest servants out there while in the air.


Also Muramasa's Endurance is far greated than Emiya with Muramasa's ranked B and Emiya's ranked C.


You can argue Emiya has fought Cu but Cu wasnt even doing his best. Cu fought against gilgamesh for 12 hours with the ability to spam Gae Bolg. Emiya tanked 1 Gae Bolg and was on his knees. Plus Cu had the ability Protection from arrows rendering projectiles useless. In the case of Muramasa he has Karnic vision meaning he does more guaranted fatal blows to those with evade type skills like protection from arrows or eye of the mind.


And for the fact that Emiya who has B ranked Mana required a suicide attack to project a COPY of excalibur compared to Muramasa with D tier Mana with the buff from the god susano + his life, he was able to make the ACTUAL sword of selection.

You can argue archer can spam his MP, but Muramasa has Blaze EX, Territory Creation and Tame-Shimono that allows him to NP spam as well

Also Muramasa's NP can destroy reality marbles and it's chant has the same number of lines as archers chant.

Soko ni itaru wa.... tsumukari muramasa da!


I am the bone of my sword... unlimited blade works!


for iq battles, they are equally smart, even if you think why muramasa can fight 4 servants at once


Dunno if comments are going on still, but if we're talking about CCC Emiya vs Alter Muramasa then they're both equipped to handle different threats. CCC Emiya wins based off he's not a Divine being, and Alter Muramasa is created specifically against Divine beings. If we're talking about normal Emiya vs normal Muramsa, it all comes down to Noble Phantasm, which Muramasa wins due to what his true NP is, which may I remind can sever Karma, Fate and Destiny. Low-key man could probably fix all of Emiya's issues just by severing his Destiny to bad endings and they'd be buds lmao


Np should go to Muramasa his np is a photocopy of EA but with add-ons


For people who think muramasa wins Allow me to remind you that hes just a blacksmith with pretty basic stats With the only thing he has over emiya being strength


As a muramasa fan I agree 😅Muramasa is not a fighter, not a sword man, not a real servant and so on.😅 he just a fcking BLACKSMITH that happen to have a fricking strong ass swing 😂that’s all.😅don’t get mad, he himself state he’s not a fighter and so on😅


Bro muramasa np is a win here.

The sword literally cut through everything not just physical but reality, karma and the concept of fate itself, which mean muramasa can't lose once he use his "tsumukari muramasa", the sword was said to be impossible to exist and muramasa just pull it off using shirou projection mage craft, it was so overpower that it state in his file saying this np was not supposed to be used by servant or any mortal at all, it belongs to GOD 💀, emiya is simply a human counter guardian with his np is just a wasteland of sword, it strong but it impossible to compare to muramasa.

I simp for both but the truth is the truth.


Np - Archer. Muramasa can't use his np cuz it would be him betraying fgo physics where a normal human can't use divine weapons that could cut reality, karma etc. When he used it in Amakusa Shirou Rm, He "died" or turned to sparkling dust

Iq/Biq - Debatable. Archer = Shirou = Psuedo servant Muramasa(?) Demi-servants are humans that got possessed by heroic spirits while keeping their normal characteristics while psuedo servants are a mixture of both like Ishtar. Idk Muramasa that much but I could assume he posseses some shirou knowledge so he could counter archer but archer has mastery to his technic so very debatable.

Speed - Muramasa. Archer gets carried by his class passives unless ccc stuff

strength - debatable.
Archer - Broken phantasm spam. A bullet hell stuff that explodes
Muramasa - Tsumukari Muramasa. A one use that is Enuma Elish without the heaven and earth splitting thing

Armory - Archer. Could summon more versatile weapons unlike Muramasa that could only do katanas


Muramasa takes this.

He's able to create demonic and holy swords casually and even call them failures (Myoujingiri Muramasa)

Emiya can't project divine constructs and his weapons are a bit of a downgrade of the original+muramasa can easily cut through karma/causality and spirit cores in one swing, even divine cores like atlas's.

Heck Muramasa's NP is literally the weakness of Emiya's as UBW is a Reality marble whereas Tsumugari Muramasa destroys Reality marbles.


Bruh, even tho i like Emiya, but Muramasa NP clearly antithesis for EMIYA's Reality Marble, The sword that cut through karma, destiny, fate whatever bullshit that is...


I’m not fully sure in which direction should battle IQ goes. I will 100% say that EMIYA is definitely the more experienced and varied of the 2 with him literally being known for being able to strategise his way out of tough scenarios, that’s how his “Mind’s Eye (False)” is explained to us. “As long as there’s a 1% chance he will see it through”. However, Muramasa has the equivalent of Instinct + battle clairvoyance that allows him to see all of an opponent’s future actions in a fight, this being a combination of his vessel’s ability to read swords, their history and their abilities and Muramasa’s values and ability to see through the karma of all things allowing him to see the future of the battle.


If you put extra or counter guardian emiya of course he will win emiya is busted if he support by infinite ammount of mana he can project muramasa creation even though it's wasn't will be as powerful as muramasa it make him more versatile. But take a notes that only if we count counter guardian or extra /ccc or whatever that extraverse is.


Servant wise Muramasa would clap and Alter Ego Muramasa would be overkill


Muramasa is ""Blacksmirh"", EMIYA is ""Warrior""


I'm curious how strong counter guardian emiya is now


Muramasa is so much stronger its not even fair


Well what if emiya trace muramasa sword
