The Weirdest Man on TikTok

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The weirdest man on TikTok is known as Bentellect and he has gotten into a lot of heat recently as a creator named Jordan released DMs of him saying creepy things to herself and others.

You can check out Jordan's twitter thread here:

This is Jordan's video that was also in the thread:

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Girl: "You seem like you need anger management."
Bentellect: *Proceeds to rant and curse at her while saying he doesn't need it.*


It’s hilarious how his sister tries to play the sympathy card by saying he “suffers from loneliness”. *I WONDER WHY.*


He's 100% one of those guys that says "Why would you respond to me if you don't want to sleep with me???" When women engage with conversation after they send "hey." But if they don't say anything they go off about what an awful person she is.


the sister's response to her brother's disgusting actions annoys me so much. does she NOT see anything wrong with her brother's behavior as well as how he treats women?? shame on how the sister responded. smh.


You can't convince me that "Ben's sister" is not just Ben on another account. Possibly while wearing a wig, Norman Bates style.


I’m a sexual violence victim myself, and the sister pissed me off. The women speaking out about these actions does not lessen victims like me getting justice. This is potentially preventing more victims of sexual violence, by showing that people don’t tolerate being spoken to this way. I stand with those women and I hope they get justice


Here's a joke: Only someone Bentally unsound would think they are owed anything from others just because the person wants it.


stealing content and false copyrighting people while simultaneously making multiple women uncomfortable and asking to do of with them is actually wild


The man literally pulled "as the brother of a sister and son of a mother" stop I can't.


Considering how the sister responded to her brother’s egregious behavior just tells me this is a situation in which their parents greatly failed at raising them. These people were raised by Neanderthals to be Neanderthals. So many of us have had to deal with at least one person that acts like this baby incel so this is a super DUPER important video to make. Thank you for that 🤘🏼♥️


my ex showed me this guy, and i never thought he was funny and got a weird vibe from him. after watching this, i realize i was right and it’s so disgusting that he reacts this way and even his sister with the excuses? it’s just disgusting


Sorry but his texts are so funny. You can practically feel the tears of rage. Can't blame the girl for baiting more, free entertainment


I’m dying at the text exchange where the woman is saying bye and Mr. Bonehead keeps going on. She’s probably cracking up.


Everything about this guy gives off dangerous levels of Nice Guy™ energy.


"You're fake" appears at least 13 times on the alpha male bingo card


A therapist once told me the best thing to do in response to narcissistic verbal abuse is to just agree with them “you suck” “yeah your right” don’t give them any ammo and walk away. Stand up for yourself by not feeding the monster. Let it starve. What they want is anger and a reaction from you so don’t give it to them.


This guy is so uncomfortable to interact with, , he keeps begging for sex under the guise of “OF collaborations” and when he has to get STD screened he gets so offended about the “rejection” (literally just an industry standard) he lashes out like a kid in middle school.

*Also the not being able to take no for an answer is so indescribably creepy and dangerous


Honestly, the sisters response sealed this for me. If that's the mentality he grew up around, no wonder he acts the way he does. Its such a shame that not only is he a pest, but that his sister doesnt seem to have the self-respect to see that men being shitheads doesnt mean anyone deserves it.


Ngl that Notes app line with "...including women" made me laugh so hard. Like no one's assuming women are excluded from the "humans" umbrella and that's a strange way to word things. It comes off like he's really trying to convince himself he treats women equally when he's clearly demonstrated that isn't the case. Also, tryna weasel his way into their bedrooms under the guise of OF content is weird and gross. Doubly so if he doesn't have his own OF page already (I'd never heard of this dude before this video so idk if he does or not).


the way he got super offended at “anger management” as though “thirtysomething loser who can’t regulate his emotions” is a literal disability 😭😭😭
