Joe - a gambling addiction story

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Joe (not his real name) from Leeds got into gambling at university so badly he couldn’t pay his rent and left without graduating. He then found a job and used all his spare money on gambling. He moved back in with his mum but continued to gamble, taking out loans and credit cards.

He continued to live his life whilst gambling secretly but eventually came clean to his wife and got help from Gamblers Anonymous.

Exercise has been a big help in Joe’s recovery, but he also recognises that he should avoid gambling altogether for his sake as well as his loved ones. He wants to see better awareness of the warning signs of a gambling problem, more open discussion about these so that more people can reach out for support sooner.

In this video Joe is played by an actor but voices the words himself.
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Im praying for everyone struggling with this evil addiction, please pray for me. 🙏


I'm struggling right now. Lost 100k in 3 years. Been a bad gambler for the past 18 years.. help me lord. Change my heart change my mind. I love you lord. Help me.


The stakes are higher than anybody realises.. chasing a loss can very quickly destroy someone’s life to the point that you actually think suicide is now the best option… when 2 days earlier you would never have imagined such a thing.


I can’t believe a government would allow something like this to be legal


I managed to save over 100k in less than 2 years the most I ever saved in my life started gambling last winter and one year later I only have 7k in my bank acct please do not start is not easy to stop. I never gambled before last year at all like ever. Idk wtf is wrong with me


Yup. Lost around 70k in the last year. Burned through all my savings. Took out a loan to gamble. This shit is the devil. Wish I never started.


Am 25 years old gambling have make me lost my all my business money . Now am back to zero and struggling ro quit it.


After watching the paul merson story . It was a eye opener that there are so many people out there like us that can go weeks months yesrs without a bet and then get sucked in again . I relapsed a few weeks ago not bad . I told my mrs and she understood . Its horrible knowing what a good life we can have without gambling but for some reason we go back .... i couldnt do G.A. i lasted 2 weeks untill they told me i couldnt even win a teddy for my neice on a teddy machine . I was like na im out of here . I was addicted to roulettes in bookies and that was my big downfall . Not a teddy machine . I liked your video pal . Keep on the right road 👍👍👍👍👊👊


25, November 2022
I was very brilliant student in my school then I got habit of gambling in starting of 2020( corona time) & I lost all my saving., family, friends money which I borrowed till now & also I sold my mobile phone which I bought by my own savings before 6 month ago in July 2022 I decided to quit gambling & I told my parents every thing. afterthat i stay away from from gambling but after one month I again got habit of gambling & agati lost my money which I borrowed online .
Today I'm watching this video approximate 10th time & I decided to quit gambling from my life forever
1.if you're playing you never get success
2.stay away from those people who talk about this
3.never spend money if you spend 10rs then one day you also spend 10000rs
4.If you lose money so quit it & never thing about recovery

I'm sharing my worst experience may be help anyone to stay away from this trapes.


I searched for this kind of stories, then I realise there's still hope and gambling addiction can happen to anyone.Had thoughts of suicide but I now realise it's not a So help me God


My Name is Ahmed I lost 85 lakhs in gambling i am playing from I was 15 I am 44 ....but still I am playing ....every day I promise myself I will not play but every day I play ....guys only death' is the last option to leave gambling or on earth there should b no gambling .I lost friends I lost family I lost job I lost Everything bcoz of gambling


I was a hard drug addict for most of my life until 4 years ago, but gambling addiction seems to be so much worse and definitely more expensive. At least I always got my fix for my money. At least there was usually a point where I was satisfied for a while.
Gambling seems like a non stop spiral. It's the crack cocaine of non substance addictions. Quick high followed by chasing the next. But even crack isn't as destructive as a pure and sincere gambling addiction.
I hope anyone reading this that is struggling manages to find a way out.


I fucking started gambling because of my girlfriend. She did it for “fun” and stopped. I kept and literally ruined my past few months. I will give my best not to try and “win” back so I am even. I will accept that I did stupid shit and move on. I just hope i find strength in myself.


you think you are in control at the beginning, when you are winning, everything is great... but when the bad streak comes, it completely ruins you... forget about compulsive gambling high stakes, it's the worst


Make dua for me I 31 year old gambler who keeps on loosing money. It’s the worst form of addiction (please stay away from it) It’s a bad evil circle. I try to win the lost back but it’s like I’m digging deeper and deeper. Make dua for me so my debts are paid and that allah guides me😥 otherwise I pray my salat and try to become a better being. But unfortunately I have some debts for many unpaid bills and that’s why I was keeping going back to gambling but it only makes it worst.


I loss $25, 000 within 3 months. Now I'm struggling in life. I've earned that money for more than 1 year. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I'm at the peak of my depression. 😔


I lost $9, 000 today... I’m 19. Never wanted to off myself more than I do now.


Stopping gambling doesn't make the debts disappear surely


You have to turn to God. That’s what I did. I literally cried to God in the middle of the night and then suddenly, I got an urge to read the Quran on daily basis.
After one week reading the Quran, I found an immense hate in my heart for the casino and everything inside it. Im shocked that God has answered my prayer because I gambled for 2 years and realized I was losing too much money to the point I was waiting for my paycheck. So yeah I’m thankful I have control of my life back and all gratitude belongs to God.


Surely we have to get to the root of this problem which is the grooming of our young people by the betting companies. They spend millions on advertising at sports events to get you to sign up and then once you are in, bombard you with offers of special bets. The misery and the number of ruined lives caused by gambling addiction is massive. The football clubs say they need to revenue from gambling advertising to pay the high wages demanded by players. So ultimately it is the players that are responsible for the misery and death of those people who get sucked into gambling.
