Thematic Track: Improving Air Quality in Cities- Global issues, local solutions and best practices

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The thematic track ‘Improving Air Quality in Cities— global issues, local solutions and best practices’ discussed future air quality scenarios for developing countries like India, and exchange experience and best practices. The thematic track was composed of two sessions. The first session evidenced national and international experiences on air quality management in cities and discussed the progress made, constraints faced, and the way forward for faster and more effective pollution control. The second session focused on discussing air quality and human health linkages, achievements and challenges, and tools needed to bring behavioural changes in the community on air quality and related issues. The session also focused on clean air action, representatives from the medical community, academia, policy and decision making, media, and NGOs. The session focused on the Clean Air Project in India (CAP India), initiated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), intending to support India’s initiative to improve the air quality of four selected cities (Lucknow, Kanpur, Nashik, and Pune); and the Clean Air Project in China.

WSDS 2022 | Group D | Kaziranga
Thematic Track: Improving Air Quality in Cities- Global issues, local solutions and best practices
Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute
Dr Jonathan Demenge, Head of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Dr Gupta, Central Pollution Control Board
Dr Anju Goel, Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute
Shri Ashish Tiwari, Secretary, Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Ms Ying Zhang, Project Officer, International Cooperation division, Swiss embassy Beijing
Dr Valentin Foltescu, Senior Programme and Science Officer, Climate & Clean Air Coalition
Ms Neha, Senior Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute
Prof Archna Kumar, Behavioural Change Expert, Associate Professor, Lady Irwin College
Prof R. Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Shri Ashish Tiwari, Secretary, Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change at Government of Uttar Pradesh
Ms Prarthana Borah, Director of India, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

#WSDS2022 #Act4Earth #SustainableDevelopment
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