Pure White Rose Geranium Cupcakes

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Continuing with our Pastel Theme of White, here are my gorgeous simple Rose Geranium Cupcake Soaps, with the most gorgeous Rose Buds I've ever bought.

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love your soap and I love your voice. .


Karen, you crack me up. I was chuckling at your dreams! I have flying dreams, also. And I am so frustrated I can't seem to stay up long either. I dream that I can play the piano as good as Mozart, then suddenly not better than school songs. Pooh! I also can breath underwater, like you. Where do we get the lessons from. Lol. 😯
Love the cupcakes. Will have to look for those roses. Bet they smell wonderful! 😊


They came out so elegantly. Beautiful rosebuds against all the pure white.

Yes, I have crazy dreams. One that I have is...I'm walking on top of a lake and this huge fish comes up out of the water and says...there is no shopping at the city of Atlantis, and I tell the fish...I'm not shopping I'm walking on this water isn't that weird, and the fish says no, I can come out of this water and walk on it with you but we can't go to Atlantis, and he comes out of the water and we are walking and talking.

Dreams are so strange sometimes.


Totally agree with you about FO's that discolour your soap — I don't order them anymore if they discolour. You're right: people don't like them, don't want them, and they sit on the shelf. So tired of brown soaps. This one you've just made looks lovely. ❤️


Those are beautiful! Yes you have some interesting dreams...maybe you should be writing books along with making your soap! :) I'm boring...haven't had any dreams I remember in ages.


I have those moments when i'd be half asleep and half awake and I've heard me mam call my name and my sister shouting even though they wasn't here, my mams passed now about 8 years ago and so wish I could still here her shouting my name x


Rose Geranium EO is my favorite. Use it in all of my baby products. All EO's have gotten so expensive that I've gone to FO's, except for the rose geranium. Nature's Garden makes a fantastic Blood Orange FO along with others. I agree with you on the dark brown soaps. Unless it makes complete sense for the brown, like a coffee soap or brown sugar, they don't seem appealing to my customers either. Lately I look specifically for 0% vanilla so I can avoid discoloration.


These look amazing and I would still try the soap because to me I don't mind what colour they are as long as they smell nice. 😊💜


All of your products are Beautiful if its brown, black or red also soap is soap no matter the color


These turned out really lovely. So you can breathe under water in your dreams? I don't have dreams like that. It would be interesting to see what your dreams actually mean.


If I have a bad dream it usually means trouble. Dream about my brother in law dying, I had to call my sis and tell her to make him be careful. He didn’t mind her advise and he fell of the roof the very next day! My bad dreams are not to be ignored! Bad dream about a friend that died two days later. Bedtime mantra, no bad dreams, no bad dreams, no bad dreams..


I watch you while I am working in the studio and I just had to stop because I was laughing so hard at the bubble gum can't even. LOL.


Hello Karen, there is something about a white soap I just love💛


Dream analysis is not about the visuals of the dream its about the emotion you felt having the dream so when you wake up and log what you've drempt about you should not write down what you saw but rather what you felt. Flying dreams, as an example, where you can only get 1 foot off the ground sounds like you are experiencing frustration in your life?


Thanks for the info. Just found and ordered the rose buds on Amazon £10.99 - MQFORU Detox Tea Red Dried Roses Rose Petal Flower Edible Buds for Anti-Stress Assist in Sleeping Bulk Health Care 250g.
Lovely cup cakes - well done x


i have trouble sleeping because of chronic insomnia and my mind never shuts up so one of my doctors said to keep a pad and pen by the bed and write down whatever was keeping me awake so that it would stop worrying me, well i did that and now i check my lovely little pad 50 times a night to make sure i wrote it down and then further expand upon my idea so by morning i some times write as many as 10 pages with drawings included...i just get up now and go do whatever it is that is bugging me then i am able to sleep for a few hours...if i slept well enough to have crazy dreams i would probably have a novel wrote by morning...oh how i envy people who can just go to SOAP MY LOVELY LADY


I hate fragrances that discolor, seems like a lot that I would like to use I can't because of that. What a crazy dream! I have had the same dream over and over since I was a little girl. More of a nightmare really, drowning in the ocean. I guess that is why I don't like going to the beach even though I am surrounded by it. The cupcakes are BEAUTIFUL!


Your are my favorite soap maker, you make the most beautiful


Hello! Can you show how you make the soap? Step by step. I really don’t get it. I am from holland by the way :)


I'm only half way through watching and the soap just reminds me of the Mr Whippy icecream Mmmmm yum yum lol x
