Refuting Scott Johnson on the Mandela Effect: KJV Bible Changes

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More resources refuting the Mandela Effect deception:

Mandela Effect Origins by EJ Love


Brian Moonan - "MANDELA EFFECT"

Truthdealer Radio, Episode 25: God's Word is Incorruptible/ Mandela Effect by Brian Moonan

The TRUTH about The Mandela Effect & It's OCCULT Origins! By Nephtali1981

Sam Adams - The Mandela Effect vs. The King James Bible Part 1: Dr. Scott Johnson's Apostasy

Sam Adams - The Mandela Effect vs. The King James Bible Part 2: STRONG DELUSION to the Damned

Sam Adams - The Mandela Effect vs. The King James Bible Part 3: An Inspired Translation?

Refuting Scott Johnson on the Mandela Effect: KJV Bible Changes

KJV Defended as God's Preserved Word Playlist

#mandelaeffect #kjv #scottjohnson
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I'm glad you released the video and Lord willing I will be doing the same thing. 8 months ago I shared with him the video I did completely debunking without a shadow of a doubt the lion and lamb heresy. I prove the origins of it and obviously he must not have watched it because if he watched it there's no way he could deny that that is a lie. Also this means he believes that every commentary every sermon any encyclopedia dictionary Or Concordance from the King James Bible itself where it uses wolf and lamb must have been changed. There's just no way and in context Lion and the lamb doesn't make sense were wolf and Lamb would make sense. here is the link to my video and I truly believe YouTube has been censoring it because it fully debunks this nonsense and it only has 342 views in 8 months.


Can't believe he fell for this after all the years he studied all the false teachings out there and knowing the KJV is God's word preserved for us. I will def pray for him


Psalms 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.


To add more debunking, here’s what the word corn meant in 1828:

CORN, n. [G., L. See Grain.]

1. A single seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, barley and maiz; a grain. In this sense, it has a plural; as, three barley corns make an inch. It is generally applied to edible seeds, which, when ripe, are hard.

2. The seeds of certain plants in general, in bulk or quantity; as, corn is dear or scarce. In this sense, the word comprehends all the kinds of grain which constitute the food of men and horses. In Great Britain, corn is generally applied to wheat, rye, oats and barley. In the United States, it has the same general sense, but by custom, it is appropriated to maiz. We are accustomed to say, the crop of wheat is good, but the corn is bad; it is a good year for wheat and rye, but bad for corn. In this sense, corn has no plural.


Oh no....Scott Johnson fell for this nonsense...Unbelievable. How sad. We ought to pray for the man.


Wow, Scott believes that? He's a good man. So let's pray. Lord, we ask that you open Scott's eyes that this Mandella Effect is a farce and that you will give him wisdom and understanding of your Word and if there be any doubts that You would re-enforce by your Holy Spirit that truthfulness and trustworthiness of Your Word to him and all of us. We thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Touch EJ, Adam, Lonnie, brother Jimmy, and all the open air preachers out on the front lines and also those of us who are on the frontlines online that you would give us Holy Spirit anointed Biblical words to speak to those who are lost and those who are in error. Help us keep our hearts right and our motives pure in preaching the gospel. Lord, we need your wisdom, your power and strength so I ask that you fill us to the top with your Holy Spirit as we give it away. Thank you in Jesus' Name!


Upon seeing the title of his new so-called teaching, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. And while I haven't listened to him in over two years, bcs of things such as this, I realize he is completely delusional now and needs our prayers. I don't even know why I looked at his website today. I have been wanting to contact him for a long time and ask that he focus on the Holy word of Almighty God, rather than all the occult and other things of/in this wicked world, but never took the time to do so. If he is truly born again, God will chastise him severely for his excessive recklessness in handling the word of God in such a manner as this.
Thank you for sharing brother.


I've always thought this "mandela effect" was a total joke. As if God would allow men to changes his words in *HIS* book i.e tthe King James Bible?!!
Yeah right! In a pig's eye


I am SO glad you posted this!! I myself saw the "teaching" that he did and as soon as I saw where he was going with it, I turned it off! God bless you, brother and indeed we need to pray for him!


couch (n.1)

mid-14c., "a bed, " from Old French couche "a bed, lair" (12c.), from coucher "to lie down, " from From mid-15c. as "a long seat upon which one rests at full length." Traditionally, a couchhas the head end only raised, and only half a back; a sofa has both ends raised and a full back; a settee is like a sofa but may be without arms; an ottoman has neither back nor arms, nor has a divan, the distinctive feature of which is that it goes against a wall.


Matthew 12 parallel passage:

Zechariah 9
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

John 12
14 ¶ And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,
15 Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt.

So did they change Zechariah and John too?
Or is it possible that some people don’t start their studying with the belief that God’s word is true and man are liars?


Amen. If they believe in this heresy then they also believe satan can build a device that can over power God Almighty, that's quite dangerous to put it mildly.


And another thing that really got me was how he admitted this whole thing started with some witch and he didn't care.. This is scary


Thanks for being obedient this is so sad he needs some serious prayer. I sent him a strong rebuke we can only hope he repents & believes the Word of God & Obey's The Gospel. This go's back to the Garden when the enemy said "yea hath God said?" More recently a war on the KJV spoken of by Manley P Hall 32 Free Mason " Will will have to get ppl the deny the KJV Bible to have our NWO" he was a witch/wizard & the spirit of disobedience works thru these ppl like Fiona Broom who started the the Mandela Effect at a Dragon Con in Atl Ga shes a full on witch. Of all ppl I didn't think he would fall for this pathetic lie of the enemy.


The email correspondence to M. Rojas, I personally know that brother and he has repented of this teaching a while ago. I wish Scott would have mentioned that.


I'm just curious what KJV Bible did God preserve that you have and read? Is it the 1611 one, or are you reading one from Cambridge University Press from the 1800s?


I had a feeling he would go out like this when he posted that women “pastor” in his newsletter from three hearts “church.” Who also posted a 3 part “Mandela effect sermon.” What happened to God’s promises about preserving his word? Oh that’s all bologna because man can make a time machine. Unbelievable!


It’s funny you know that the lion and the lamb thing is so baseless that even the Hebrew Masoretic (Codex Leningradensa) text says Wolf?


Does he also believe the in flat earth? I know I listened to a Baptist preacher on YouTube who thinks the earth is flat crazy times we live in. I don't think you can snap them out of their delusion.
