How Bob’s Burgers Gets Childhood

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Bob's Burgers certainly has something unique when it comes to kid characters. Louise, Gene and Tina Belcher exemplify something special that goes into to great kid characters. What exactly makes the Belcher kids special? Watch and find out. #bobsburgers #foxanimation #animationdomination

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The biggest reason why this how works is because they aren't overtly or purposely mean to each other like Family Guy. Nobody is a punching bag.


Real talk: Jimmy Jr. is straight-up trash, and Tina would be way better off with Zeke. He's a sweet little weirdo, openly likes her, and has already won Bob over with his cooking skills ... impressing the in-laws THIS early is the ultimate boss move.


I just love how the entire family is clearly and unapologetically neurdivergent and that in many different ways


The kids are actual kids too, theres no bart or lisa being unrealisticsly terrible/brilliant.

Jean makes music but its thebmusic of a kid.
Tina writes but its the writing of a kid
And louise is a glorious monster
But a kid monster.

They feel far more real then any other animated kids we have seen to date


My brother, who is unfortunately no longer with us, was a big fan of Bob's Burgers. Louise was his favorite character. I started binging the show during the first year of COVID and it's grown on me. I wish he was still here to enjoy this and the movie.


Tina is definitely the ‘good’ child between the 3 kids. She’s the one who always tries to do the right thing and hates lying. But her awkwardness and desperation for romance is a little concerning at times. Like the time she started ‘dating’ a goose to the point she was writing erotic fiction about having kids with it, the time she fell for a voice on an old tape and purposely failed a test to keep hearing it, the time she started dating a ‘ghost’ in a box, and of course her erotic friend fiction, her obsession with jimmy jr to the point of collecting his socks, and when she snuck into that boys only audition to find this boy she insisted she ‘loved’ when she only met him that day.


The best thing about the Belcher kids is that you can tell how much they genuinely love and care for each other. Louise is definitely relatable when it comes to the way she treats Gene and Tina, she makes fun of them sometimes, but if anyone messes with them she will literally KILL them.


I think those Burger Babies are gonna be alright


Bob's Burgers is the only "adult" animated show I can watch without feeling kind of gross afterwards. It's the only show my parents have watched with my siblings an I. My mom owns a restaurant where we all worked so it's very relatable. The episode that got us all to watch was "The Terminalator 2". It got us all uproariously laughing, because the Belchers were us and our grandparents.
We actually want to relate to the Belchers in some ways. The kids genuinely care about not only eachother, but their friends, their teachers and other random people in the neighborhood like Mickey or Teddy. Even when they've been wronged by those people, they all go out of their way to help them. I think Bob's Burgers is a rarity, because it still emphasizes compassion and personal growth while keeping the characters' more ridiculous faults. It goes out of its way to empower the kids for being so weird. Bob's Burgers is just a fantastic show.


They're meant to be subversions of archetypes. The youngest being the most sweet, middle being the most forgettable, and the oldest being the popular kid (also the glasses kid being the smartest). They are the complete opposite.


This family, is a family. They look out for each other, try to do right each other and actually like each other. I can't think of any show where the oldest sister likes her siblings this much. Tina may not always give off big sister energy but when she puts her foot down it's clear.
Gene embodies middle childom, he goes with the flow and is just doing his own thing.
You can tell immediately that Louise is the youngest, she's impulsive, sassy and childish. She's got a good heart but doesn't want people to know. I love this show!


Bob's burgers is one of my favorite comfort shows! I can put in on anytime I'm feeling down and just relax


On the topic of first impressions on designs, before I watched the show I expected Louise to be one of those manic, hyper cutesy characters, like Bubbles or Mabel (ironic because i didn't know she was also voiced by Kristen Shaal) because of the pink bunny ears and dress. I feel like alot of cartoons where I see tomboy characters they always VEHEMENTLY hate pink and dresses. As a kid who was labeled the tomboy of the group I felt like I had to hate that stuff, too, even though pink was my favorite color at the time. I appreciate a character like Louise who can like cutesy things without it impacting the legitimacy of her other interests.


the episode the Hauntening is a great example of the Belcher's siblings relationship which also really highlights Lou being the youngest aside from the filling episode


I fully agree on the shipping part: look shipping is meant to be fun, but consider shipping Louise with Rudy, instead of Logan. We all know you are doing it because of that one phrase Gene said in season 3.
And the creators better drop TinaxJimmy Jr, that boy sucks


Honestly, I am a 31-year-old man, but Tina is my role model. Sure she has her anxieties and worries, but she is always true to herself, even if that truth is her awkward interests (I, too, am a purveyor of butts). I also love how sassy they made her in later seasons. She stands up for herself and her loved ones. Overall the show is my absolute favorite


We're about to die, Louise! Do you REALLY want your last words to be sarcasm?!



I'm so glad that someone said something about the Louise x Logan ship, because for real I hate it! He's 16 arguing with a 9 year old


I think the best thing about the BKs is that their group dynamic is rather similar to one of my favorite trios, the Eds from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Think about it,

-You’ve got the lovable dimwit who’s usually in his own world and very well versed in one-liners. (Ed and Gene)
- The intelligent voice of reason who’s usually the first one to hesitate about a plan and the first one to try to talk their partners into doing the right thing or out of doing something stupid. (Double D and Tina)
-And finally, the tiny diabolical mastermind who loves money and is usually the one behind whatever crazy scheme lands the trio in trouble. (Eddy and Louise)

And when it comes to differences, Gene is smarter than Ed and better at music. Tina is less of a brainiac than Double D is but WAY more perverted than he’ll ever WANT to be, and despite Louise usually having worse intentions than Eddy does, she ironically learns a lot more than him.


I knew the Belcher kids were perfectly written when I thought about how I love them all for completely different reasons, and yet I still can’t even pick which one is my favorite . They literally all tie for first for me, they’re that amazing .
