Why I'm A Philosophy Major

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In college I used to get a lot of puzzled faces when I said I majored in philosophy. I created this video to explain the real reason why I'm so passionate about this subject.

If you told me before junior year of high school that I would be anything other than a math or science major in college, I would have said you simply didn't know me. I loved logic and problem solving, and appreciated their appearance in those subjects. Computer science was a likely pick for me, until I discovered that philosophy spoke to the foundation of logic and reason.
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money is a construct but my student loan payments are pretty real


I majored in History with a Philosophy minor just to make sure I was completely unemployable.


I have had a similar experience when trying to explain to people why I majored in Philosophy, and I have gotten every reaction from genuine interest to straight up being laughed at haha. I asked my advisor when I was an undergrad why he choose to pursue philosophy and he kicked it to me simply as wanting to be involved in the conversation at the most abstract level. For example, Van Gogh can paint a picture and state that the picture is happiness. While we can ask him what he means the argument is in a way already over. The picture is simply his representation of happiness and that is all. But for the philosopher that will not suffice, the philosopher must qualify his or her statements, which ultimately will take us to that apex of abstraction. I believe philosophy is a beautiful mending of logic and poetry, it is art for art's sake on the surface, but below that there are an infinite number of moving parts.


I’m studying nursing. After taking my philosophy requirement it made me realize how amazing critical thinking is. Super stimulating, mentally and physically!


People nowadays are trained to follow some sort of rulebook. Only a few consider to think about issues for themselves. I believe philosophy is a worthwhile endeavor, it's up to the person with the degree to determine his path in life. The degree shouldn't define you. You should define it for yourself. Nice video. Thank you for sharing.


Science asks “how”
Philosophy asks “why” 💡


I'm in high school and I discovered last year that philosophy is my true passion in life. Hopefully can make it in to a career some day... fingers crossed.


I started out in college as a philosophy major but switcher to physics and astronomy. Here's why someone (me) who was a philosophy major would criticize someone's decision to major in philosophy at college. And yes, money is a factor.

I grew up feeling comfortable having long intellectual conversations with adults. I really enjoyed having talks that were philosophical in nature all throughout my life. Time came for college and I decided to go for what I enjoy: philosophy. But since day one a question lingered "what can I do with this?" "what job is going to take me with a philosophy degree?". Science always interested me, and as time went on it struck me that many philosophers were prominent scientists, mathematicians, psychologists, etc. I felt compelled to learn about reality, but not focus so much on philosophy to do it. So I switched my majors. And that's where I am now. I hope to work for NASA or Space X one day.

Now this is my critique of the decision to major in philosophy. Let me first connect to your video. The video starts out with the suggestion that, generally, people do not believe philosophy alone is a worthy major in college. The rest of the video is you explaining why you like philosophy, but I suspect part of the goal of this video is to defend the worth of philosophy as a choice of major. I will start out by asking what's the point of college? That question would probably have varying answers. Some would say 'to expand your mind; to learn' others would say 'to find a job'. I would say that the of all the reasons people would say why they went to college, the one ubiquitous goal of college was to be able to get a high paying job or a specialized job. With the reason to go to college in mind, it doesn't really make sense to just major in philosophy. One could say that the point of philosophy is not to make money, but to find out fundamental truths, the good, ultimate reality, but I would say why do you need to spend so much money to learn about a subject that is very easily learned and studied without college? I, personally, can't teach myself vector calculus and theoretical astrophysics to the extent college can with the same structure, direction, and level of mastery required to get a firm understanding of the subjects, but I can read Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and understand their ideas and form my own. I am simply arguing that the tools for learning philosophy and developing our own ideas are few and well defined. College is not necessary to be a philosopher. You don't need a degree to be one.


Great video. I'm currently majoring in Psychology and based on this video have now decided to minor in Philosophy


I never thought my personal school of thought could resonate so much ! :) You really opened my eyes to something that I could truly potentially pursue, Thanks !


I have considered going to university to study philosophy. If I had an unlimited amount of money I would do it in a heartbeat. But that's the thing, money is the barrier and if I went to university it would be my master. My simple life allows for plenty of free time to pursue my passions in life without any debt or work commitments. I feel sad for people who work long days and then bring their work home if that is not slavery I don't know what is.

Good luck with your career in law and I hope you still have enough time in the day for your love of philosophy!


This is an amazing video. Very enlightening to people who have not taken any philosophy courses and don't know what it's about. Thanks for making this :)


I’m in my Junior year old high school and at the moment I’m questioning everything of why. Why these things are important. I love learning about deeper meanings whether it be literature or sciences of the universe. It all comes to philosophy. I question my existence and question others existence. I question if I have a purpose or if people have a purpose for me. I want to learn so that I can understand everything that help me know what everything in my life means. I hope that I achieve in getting a major in philosophy.


Great Video, I have a passion for philosophy since six years ago reading nietzsche. And now I´m autodidact philosophy student.

Greetings from germany


Applying to PhD programs in philosophy programs this year 😭😭 thank you for this video 💜💜💜 I love Philosophy but, nobody outside of academic life understands what it is or why I would dedicate my college years and then the foreseeable future to doing it.


I've been mocked for my dreams and my philosophical and intellectual life style by those consumed by materialism, achieving greatness is what will show everyone their place.


Thanks for the thoughtful video! I resonated...
When I was in college, there were two things I wanted to understand deeply. The first was reality. The second was myself. I couldn't imagine anything more important. Without a thought as to how to make money after school, I double majored: Philosophy and psychology. Many of my classmates may today have more lucrative careers, but I have never regretted my choices.
BTW, it is true that we cannot, with absolute certainty, know that we are not living in a matrix. But it would be perverse, and unhelpful, to think so. ;)


I will start studying philosophy this semester, and I am super excited for it! Thanks for the great video!


yea man! i really love philosophy as you do, and i definitely will show this video to someone when they ask me why i want to go into philosophy. (If they can understand it).
Heres my thoughts on going into philosophy]
I thought of going into philosophy because i said f-it…because i thought and asked myself…what if..i actually go to University for something i love…not something i need to do..because you need to take these courses because you need that job…No…what if i actually go and study something i love…. I, like you probably..love to learn..i love knowledge…I love wisdom… In University, you can take all these amazing courses and learn so much..but..you go as far as your wallet takes you…and that i find is the saddest part..because people like you…like me….philosophical people….who have the love for knowledge…people who think outside the box..they are left to fend for themselves….**What is valued is the mindless worker, smart enough to do your job..but nothing else**…I think to myself…i don't want to look back at my life and regret, so i go forth…but i really can see that..ultimately there is so much more to life..than what is in front of me.
Can i afford to go study in a field that i love? slightly no..Nor can my wallet take me as much as i desire.
You said a line about your Generation in the video. I don't know about you, but I'm fairly young, and as i look around me, and as i look to the world and the future…I only see the great need for people who can think.
So if not for myself then for others...


Philosophy is the most beautiful subject I have ever seen in life, it helps the person to see the whole of existence with full of wonder and beauty even amidst unending chaos and suffering. I pity so many people, who cannot see what philosophy offers no other discipline can, it offers redemption from miserable life of passivity where formal education, culture and religion fails.
