A Quick Look At Linux Mint 22 'Wilma'

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Today, I'm taking a look at the recently released Linux Mint 22 "Wilma". Mint comes in three desktop editions: Cinnamon, Xfce and MATE. I'm going to be checking out the Cinnamon edition in a virtual machine.





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Mint is, basically just a good solid install of Debian.


Thanks for the video .. I have Mint on one of my computers and thinking more and more serious of using it on all my computers. I am not a Linux guru so Mint works for me, especially with the latest added features


Most of the crashes and bugs that you run into are VM issues... You wouldn't have these problems installed on bare metal.


There are a couple of new things. You can customize the right click menu, which sounds convenient. Software manager is way faster than before. They made themselves a new account login for various services, google, ms etc which are available even for MATE and xfce. I think the mint team is doing a solid job.


When my universal package manager is ready enough, which I'm daily driving, you will be able to easily enable snaps on linux mint, with a few commands. IF you desire, like I had to. I already can do this with the version I'm daily driving. I haven't worked out disabling them though yet. That's a bit tricker.


Apart from the unverified flatpak ridiculousness (I mean, come the f on), I think this is another solid release of Linux Mint. I just hope they don't spread themselves too thin with maintaining all of these Mozilla packages, GTK 3 forks, and Cinnamon, especially given the ongoing Wayland transition!


I’ve just switched from Windows 11 to Linux Mint on my Beelink SER4 Mini PC, which runs on an AMD Ryzen 7 4800U chip. The main reason for my switch to Linux was that my fresh reinstallation of Windows 11 won’t recognize the built-in Wi-Fi anymore, but Linux Mint recognizes the Wi-Fi flawlessly. I don’t have a lot of programs that strictly require Windows, anyway.


First thing I wanna mention is how clear your narration is. You have treble turned up which makes things a LOT easier for us with tone deftness to understand (because we lose the highs). One thing I hate though is that 19x7 screen! Mine are two 5x4's set side by side that take up exactly 30" of width on my desk. Try THAT with yours! AND you can still purchase 5x4's. Yeah they may be a bit pricey but well worth the extra cost! One thing I liked atta 1.x was kde's spectacle. but it no longer works on 22. so I uninstalled it after the upgrade and installed shutter as its replacement. Yeah shutter works but its just not as elegant as what spectacle was. Nemo is my default file manager but I use List view not icon view like you're using. I also have two panes permanently displayed because that way its easy to move or copy stuff from one pane to another. If you're messing with anything under / though then you gotta become GOD to do anything in there. I strongly recommend that novices stay the hell away from playing GOD anywhere inside /!

BUT... Does a fresh install like you did auto display the boot menu? If no then you gotta take some extra steps such as changing the TIMEOUT inside grub from 0 to say 10. Now in order to do that you DO need to become GOD for just ONE edit on THIS file: /etc/default/grub. now how in the hell do you do that? Well the easiest way is to launch a text editor and by default I believe one is installed... I think. so launch a terminal and enter THIS command:
sudo xed %U. That will launch the editor in GOD mode. now you can click file/open/other and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 and save the change. Now close out the editor and run this command:
update-grub. Now close out the terminal and the next boot will show the boot menu (for 10 seconds). To stop the boot hit the up/down arrows so you can read it at leisure. By default the top selection is always booted by default.

Hmnn.. now do you see WHY newbies are hesitant regarding linux? Because its just about impossible to change ANYTHING from the defaults without using the terminal! I use it constantly BUT I've been running linux since ubuntu release 4.04. You know a lotta vendors write bash scripts that need to be run to install their stuff, you know? so how are you gonna launch bash without the CLI? I also write backup scripts which makes my backups target ONLY the data that I need to have backed up.. here's a perfect example... I have a zillion notes under Gnotes. And I want those things backed because one thing I have in there is my PW file! with THOUSANDS of PW's built up over the years. I do NOT use browser PW files but I DO have THOUSANDS of bookmarks and I need those backed as well. How are you gonna do that without a script? Fortunately Windows users migrating to linux don't care about backing anything... but savvy users do care.


Hey DT, could you make a video taking a look at hyprland? It's working pretty well these days even on nvidia.


Put Linux Mint 22 Wilma onto a 2013 Dell Inspiron 15R (5537) with i5-4200U (1.6 Ghz), 500tb 2.5-in. hdd, and only 6gb of ddr3 1600 this week. It runs like a champ 👍 Updated firmware, too. Was total trash but now a fun play thing for family.


I've given up distro hopping, I just install Linux Mint, liq. kernel, and extra ppa for mesa and graphics drivers and I'm set to game.


I highly recommend Linux Mint to any new user of Linux coming from Windows. It was perfect for those of us coming from Windows 7 because... other than the Wallpaper... it was pretty much identical to Windows 7. It still is in a way but I still recommend it to people even if they're coming from Windows 10 or 11. It may look like a step backwards but it's still really easy to use.


I started off with 21.1 last year. Shortly there after, I had a chance to go to 21.2, so I did. That went well. About the time 22 was released, I went ahead and moved to 21.3, as that was required to update to 22. So, I am now at 22. A few little things needed to be tweaked to keep my happy. Nothing is really new to me with the update. The stuff I have been using, still works fine. The one big plus was my built in audio on my Beelink Ser5 works now. I have since noticed that when I play .WAV files in VLC, and pause, back up, restart, it seems to disconnect and connect to the sound driver. That results in some dropouts in audio. Just have to change how I use VLC.


I just hope that Mint 22 FIXES my audio issue where I have no sound coming out of the front panel, and only the back panel if I boot Mint with the headphone jack already plugged in. On Windows 10 I had zero issues with sound in either the front or back panel.

Oh, and it would be nice to be able to run Waylan out of the box. It crashed on my Mint machine.


Linux Mint is a solid distro and just gets out of the way. It "just works."


Did you install your virtual mashine with the tweeks mentioned in the release notes of the mint blog? Maybe that is the cause of your problems.


Interesting note, When I installed this yesterday on my drum room PC, and it asked me if I wanted to use pipewire or pulseaudio. I've been having issues with pipewire and my mixer so I used pulseaudio. So, you can choose which one you want during the installation.


I have a question. Does Mint support a indexbased desktop search in the new version? It is about the only reason for me to not use it.


@14:51 - Ah! You're using apt without a stable CLI Interface! You can use dpkg-query --list instead .. but when I tried it just now, it gave me a different result. Hmmm. I still use apt-get and apt-cache when I can, but I don't normally list out all my packages.


Linux-Mint with the Cinnamon desktop has been my go to replacement for many older laptops and PC's that really don't have the resources to run Win 10 or 11. It's fast, and not resource intensive, and just an overall solid distro that 'just works'!😉👍👍
