Bone Healing Process Explained in Details

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Bone Healing Process is a fascinating and complex process that is critical for the recovery of broken bones. In this video, we will explore the requirements for fracture healing and the different types of bone healing, including secondary bone healing, primary bone healing, and gap healing. We will also discuss the various factors that can affect fracture healing and the average healing times of different types of fractures.

Video Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:58 Requirements for fracture healing
1:30 Bone healing types
2:44 Secondary bone healing (healing by callus)
4:32 Hematoma formation
5:12 Inflammation
6:03 Soft callus formation
8:40 Hard callus formation
9:34 Remodeling
10:24 Primary bone healing (contact healing)
12:06 Gap healing
13:25 Factors affecting fracture healing
15:28 Average healing times for some fractures
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Best video ever details information of bone healing process, thanks for the information


Very informative. Good presentation. Thank you


Hi, i broke my lower limps in 6 places 2yrs ago, both my thighs bone have not heal/ join completely.. Are there chances still for healing after so long? Thanks


here not because i am an aspiring ortho doctor, but i want to understand how my Tibia and Fibula break is healing after surgery with an IMN


how about just a crack on the bone? How long does it heal or at least strong enough?


comminuted > transverse in terms of healing and incarnation of soft tissue b/n fractures will enhance healing for your video


Very informative, thank you so much Dr Mustafa . Would you mind helping me understand the results of a MRI as my doctor just want his appointments to last no more than 5 minutes?

I fractured the t7 vertebra 9 weeks ago. I've been using a knight taylor brace ever since (which actually makes my back hurts as it's not good fitted)
My RMI took days ago says: "
Wedging of the body of T7 at the expense of a consolidated fracture with sinking of its upper platform,
with signal changes in the underlying spongy part, predominantly sclerosis, without involvement of the
rear wall. (Sorry I used google translator here).

So it basically says that there is bone sclerosis at the 'underlying spongy part' of the t7. It also says that the fracture is consolidated, so I don't understand why the doctor told me to keep wearing the brace for one more month.

Is bone sclerosis a sign that the bone healed?

What is you opinion on back braces?
thank you so much


Doc I have something to ask I have ankle fracture medial malleolus two months already it's healing or not because it's have little swilling my ankle, thanks doc


I had left hand wrist radius fracture on August 20 2023. How much time it will take to recovery my hand.


Thank you for this useful video.
I broke my mid shaft humerus during armwrestling and the xray specialist said i need surgery but 2 orthopedic doctors said its better to do conservative treatment first by applying 1 week plater cast, then putting humerus brace for 1.5 months afterwards.
its hard for me to find peace at the moment because im constantly worried if i will waste 1.5 months in pain for nothing if the conservative treatment fails.

do you think such treatment are worth the time? and will i be able to regain my strength and go back to the gym after lets say 6 months?
im 31 y/o and i eat healthy and drink goat milk + raw egg each morning. do you think this will help make healing faster?


Sir please answer me.rib cartilage also heal they fractures please reply❤


I fractured my humerus at lower mid shaft.
My surgeon took my x-ray after 2 and half months but there was still gap in my humerus.
Was it supposed to fill in that time ?
