Why you should use PHP
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Let's take a quick run through modern PHP.
00:00 Intro
00:24 Typed properties
00:25 Readonly properties and readonly classes
00:27 Promoted properties
00:28 Null coalescing
00:29 Nullsafe operator
00:30 Short arrow functions
00:32 Match operator
00:34 Named arguments
00:35 First-class callables
00:36 Variadic functions
00:38 Array spreading
00:39 Array unpacking
00:40 Performance
00:48 Fibers
00:49 FFI
00:53 Generators
00:57 Type system
01:00 Type variance
01:01 Return types
01:02 Scalar and nullable types
01:03 Built-in types
01:08 Union types
01:09 Intersection types
01:10 Disjunctive normal form types
01:12 Typed properties
01:14 Static analysers
01:22 Generics
01:23 New in initializers
01:25 Anonymous classes
01:27 Spaceship operator
01:29 Trailing commas
01:30 Better exception handling
01:35 Hashing and randomizer libraries
01:38 Redacted parameters
01:39 WeakMap
01:40 Traits
01:41 Attributes
01:43 Enums
01:53 Frameworks
02:20 CMS
02:23 Templating engines
02:25 QA tools
02:36 Packagist
02:40 PHP Foundation
Links shown in this video:
00:00 Intro
00:19 Syntax
01:46 The Community
00:00 Intro
00:24 Typed properties
00:25 Readonly properties and readonly classes
00:27 Promoted properties
00:28 Null coalescing
00:29 Nullsafe operator
00:30 Short arrow functions
00:32 Match operator
00:34 Named arguments
00:35 First-class callables
00:36 Variadic functions
00:38 Array spreading
00:39 Array unpacking
00:40 Performance
00:48 Fibers
00:49 FFI
00:53 Generators
00:57 Type system
01:00 Type variance
01:01 Return types
01:02 Scalar and nullable types
01:03 Built-in types
01:08 Union types
01:09 Intersection types
01:10 Disjunctive normal form types
01:12 Typed properties
01:14 Static analysers
01:22 Generics
01:23 New in initializers
01:25 Anonymous classes
01:27 Spaceship operator
01:29 Trailing commas
01:30 Better exception handling
01:35 Hashing and randomizer libraries
01:38 Redacted parameters
01:39 WeakMap
01:40 Traits
01:41 Attributes
01:43 Enums
01:53 Frameworks
02:20 CMS
02:23 Templating engines
02:25 QA tools
02:36 Packagist
02:40 PHP Foundation
Links shown in this video:
00:00 Intro
00:19 Syntax
01:46 The Community