AMAZING GoPro Footage of the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber in Flight

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Aerial GoPro footage of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber and T-38 Talon conducting a flyover during the 2024 Wings Over Whiteman Air Show at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., July 14, 2024. (Courtesy video)

#usa #airforce #b2b
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READ BEFORE COMMENTING: I rarely use the word 'Amazing' in my descriptions, but in this case, I thought it was fitting. Apparently so amazing that many people think it is fake or ai generated video, which it is NOT! I suggest that users read the full description of this video before posting ignorant comments about how fake the video is, or how the military would never allow this. We do this type of thing all the time for airshow flyovers. There is absolutely nothing fake about this video. And for those who don't know what a GoPro looks like and are saying there is not one, try looking in left hand at 0:34. Cell phone was brought out to use in right hand in addition. This footage is all from the GoPro!


Like a Manta Ray with a fish hanging around 😂


Thanks for not ruining it with music .. stunning footage and raw sounds!


Thats a clearest footage of UFO I've ever seen!


Hard to believe that the first flight was 17 July 1989; 35 years ago!
This thing still looks so futuristic.
A masterpiece.👌


Even after being in service all these years the B-2 still looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie. And that T-38 is just plain sexy - one of the most beautiful jets ever made!


This has got to be the most incredible footage of anything flying that I’ve ever seen in my life! Thanks for sharing


This is the first time I've seen video of the B-2 in actual flight. It amazes me how this thing can even fly. It looks like it came from the future, and it still doesn't look like it belongs in this timeline nearly 30 years later.


This title is not misleading, really appreciate that as I wasn't actually expecting it to be this jaw dropping. This was goosebump and smiles inducing for me at least.


I always felt the B2 looked like an alian spacecraft. Wow. It really does in this video.


It amazes me that in less than a century we’ve gone from The Wright Flyer to THIS!


This view gives you a sense of just how difficult these birds are to fly. Beautiful, Majestic, and Deadly all at once.


Even the Shadows on the ground look sick


Former Navy here....Air Traffic Control. Great steady shots and just the sounds of the wind and engines. Thanks. That was GREAT.


What a beautiful bomber!! This is the first time I have ever seen it in flight this close!! 100%


10/10 footage. Absolutely delivered in all regards. What an intimidating profile. The B2 really is a thing of beauty.


This is Spectacular, I just lost my Uncle Randy Barker one of the few apart of constructing this amazing bird. I had the opportunity to visit Lockheed and seen inside these buildings still activly supporting and maintaining these fleets. Bravo work he wuld be very proud. I just know it!


Batman called, he wants his aircraft back. 🦇


Super cool. I’m not a big plane guy, but happened to be driving through Chicago on a cross country trip on the day of the Chicago Air Show at Navy Pier and decided to swing a bit out of the way and check it out. Well, they showed off all kinds of cool planes, but then there was a lull in the action and people were just talking to one another going “what’s going on, why are there no planes? Is the show over?”. Suddenly you heard this big jet whoosh overhead and looked up to see the enormous silhouette of a B-2 flying directly over you at an incredibly low altitude just above the tallest building on the pier, all while flying incredibly, incredibly slowly. What was amazing to me was that you could not hear it AT ALL when it was coming and not 5 seconds after it passed the pier, it was barely audible. Anyway, the announcer spent a bunch of time talking about “acoustic stealth” tech on the B-2 and it totally blew my mind that I hadn’t even considered the concept of stealth tech being in the realm of acoustics.

Man…. All I can say is that if you were the enemy, you wouldn’t have much time to figure out that a B-2 was directly overhead, much less that it had already released its payload…. Amazing stuff.


Wow! Incredible footage you have taken. In 2021 I was given the opportunity to go to Whiteman Air Force Base and be given a tour of their base. This was when I was in ROTC at my collage. At the base we go to meet the Base commander and they showed us some videos and pictures of what they do and then before we left the main building they confiscated all of our electronics. No phones, cameras, key fobs, anything with a battery we had to put in the plastic bin.

After that they took us on a bus and drove us out to the hangers and went into the Spirit of Washington hanger ( all B-2's are named the "spirit of ____" ). We had 2 pilots with us and they showed us around the plane and they even allowed us to sit inside the cockpit. Now with this video of showing the B-2 fly up close it is still one of my most favorite bombers in the US Air Force.
