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Can we see the RAQIA, and is every light seen in the night skies contained within it? #earth #dome #space
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This video gets 5 STARS for thoroughly roasting the greater part of what has been taught about vowel-points, and how the Aramaic script of Babel came to be called "modern Hebrew."
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Shalom Lew from under the Throne which is on the Dome, 😊


Ezek 1:22 And a likeness was over the heads of the living creatures, an expanse like the appearance of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads.
Ezek 1:23 And under the expanse their wings were straight, one toward another. Each one had two which covered one side, and each one had two which covered the other side of the body.


Gen 1:6 And Alahiym said, “Let an expanse come to be in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.”


Praying Yah bless these words and send them to the hearts of those that need them.


Why wouldn’t we go with what the ancients believed instead of NASA and other Freemasons?


THANK YOU brother Lew Phyllis for more insight into our Father's Life WITHIN ❤ BARUK HABA OSHEM YAHUSHA COMING SOON 🔜 SHALOMSHALOM 🕊️🔥🤠


Hey Lew
We love your work, and were really surprised to see that you are a follower of the heliocentric theory.
I noticed your explanation of the word RQAh (H7549) didn't include the root word H7554 (RQAh). It explains that RQAh is (in summary) something that has been pounded to be spread out, to make an overlay.
This is also supported by the AHL (Ancient Hebrew Lexicon), number 2797, which explains "RQAh) ac: Hammer co: Sheet ab: ?: The pounding of a metal such as gold with a hammer to flatten it out for a metal sheet." Interesting, huh?
May I suggest you watch 'Heliosorcery' by Earthen Vessels(YouTube) - it all goes back to Babylon. Also, the late, great Rob Skiba's explanations, which often include scientific experiments to prove a 'geocentric' "universe" are excellent.
Be well, brother. May YHWH bless and guard you, and yours. Shalom.


Warp speed Captain White from the Raqia station...playing Hey Joe backwards...lol


Brother Lew, your straight up mistaken on this. Let me show you...

When people only look at texts (academia / including Bible students) they miss It's such a simple concept that it repels the mind.
As you know, we have a greek / western mindset.
Example: if I were to read a book about how to play the guitar (and I don't have a clue how to). And I went no further than reading the book... could I be a teacher of the guitar? You are an expert with the guitar and I trust you can understand the reality of playing it is ....just as important... as the instruction. Brother Lew when it comes to cosmology that is EXACTLY what your doing!
You do not understand because you've not put your hand to the subject. You have done what we westerners all grew up thinking... we've substituted reality with what the teacher and TV told us. We NEVER actually went and looked for ourselves.
All of us were indoctrinated as such so it's ok. We must do more than read.
Once you see reality, the whole of the Bible makes MUCH MORE sense. For example a wobbling space ball flooding makes zero sense and violates many laws of physics. But a snow globe type of shape makes perfect sense from the Biblical description, from laws of science, and it matches (in part) what we can observe.

I've been a mechanical engineer for over 30yrs, I've taken a high zoom lens to all of these: Bonneville salts flat, lake Michigan, Lake Erie (2 places), Gulf of Mexico (10 places), Tampa bay (2 places), and recently lake apopka. At all those places no curve is observable. ZERO curve as we were all taught and as the TV told us. Additionally, have you ever done an experiment to see if things disappear bottom up on a flat plane? I have and yes it does.

I've literally studied and lived (as a function of my job) delta P (pressure differential). There are absolutely ZERO evidences you can have a pressure gradient w/o a fully enclosed container. In school many of us made density towers a container. Air pressure REQUIRES a container. This is also a BASIC truth that we have known all our whole lives.

The ground under us is NOT moving and we 100% have known that our whole life. Our vestibular system is very sensitive and we all know... the ground does NOT move. There are zero mechanical gyroscopes that show rotation. Neither does my high quality accelerometer.
Heliocentrism DEMANDS three things. 1. A Yah-less big bang 13.8B yrs ago 2. An infinite sky vacuum. 3. The ground under us speeds up 2000mph in 12hrs and slows down 2000 mph in the next 12 hrs. The phenomena is called "Rigid body rotation with translation". If one accepts the Yah-less big bang and necessary result of heliocentrism.. they have Z-E-R-O Biblical texts and Z-E-R-O real world evidences to show it. All they have is make believe.

Here are some verses to consider:

Earth (dry ground) Created Before the Sun, Moon, and stars:
• Genesis 1:1-19

Heavens and Earth are Completed (NOT ever expanding):
• Genesis 2:1 and Vs 4

Ten Bible Verses say the earth DOES NOT move, instead, the earth is fixed, stable, and established:
• 1 Chronicles 16:30
• Job 38:6
• Psalm 33:9, 93:1, 96:10, 104:5, 119:89-90
• Isaiah 14:7, 45:18
• Zechariah 1:11

Earth has not changed but mockers will try to say differently (Big Bang fairy tale?):
• 2 Peter 3:3-7

Firmament / Dome / Expanse / Tent / molten looking glass (Raquia):
• Genesis 1:6-8
• Genesis 1:14-18 (“in” stated three times)
• Genesis 1:20 (“open” part of the expanse)
• Genesis 7:11 & 8:2 (rain from above the Raquia?)
• Job 9:8
• Job 26:7 (earth is on pillars and foundation. It’s not hanging on anything)
• Job 37:3
• Job 37:18 (strong like glass)
• Psalm 19:1 (God spent a whole day making the firmament)
• Psalm 150:1
• Isaiah 40:22 (see notes below)
• Isaiah 44:24
• Isaiah 45:12
• Isaiah 48:13
• Ezekiel 1:22-26 (a second description of what a firmament is like)
• Ezekiel 10:1 (a third description of what a firmament is like)
• Daniel 12:3 (a fourth description of what a firmament is like)
• Amos 9:6 (vaulted dome)
• Revelation 4:6 (maybe the top side of the firmament?)
• Revelation 6:14 (6th seal can be understood literally and consistent w/all other scriptures)

Earth has a Circle inscribed on it. It’s not a ball:
• Isaiah 22:18 = Ball (strongs 01754)
• Isaiah 40:22 = circle (strongs 2329)  sphere defenders go-to verse
• Job 26:10 – He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters, At the boundary of light
• Job 38:13-14

Everyone Sees Jesus:
• Revelation 1:7

Earth Measurements Unknown:
• Job 38:4-5
• Job 38:18
• Jeremiah 31:37
• Proverbs 25:2-3

Earth Measured with a Line, not a curve:
• Job 38:4-5

Waters are Straight, not curved:
• Job 37:10

Paths are Straight, not curved:
• 1 Samuel 6:12
• Psalm 5:8
• Psalm 27:11
• Isaiah 40:3
• Jeremiah 31:9
• Matthew 3:3
• Mark 1:3
• Luke 3:4
• John 1:23
• Acts 16:11
• Acts 21:1
• Hebrews 12:13

Earthquakes shake Earth, and does not move:
• 2 Samuel 22:8 (earth & firmament are both shaken at his anger)
• Isaiah 13:13 (earth is moved & heavens are shaken at his anger)
• Revelation 6:12-14 (6th seal can be understood literally and consistent w/all other scriptures)

Earth has Pillars, and hangs on nothing:
• 1 Samuel 2:8
• Job 9:6
• Job 26:7
• Psalm 75:3

Earth has 4 Corners & 4 Quarters:
• Isaiah 11:12
• Ezekiel 7:2
• Ecclesiastes 1:6
• Revelation 7:1
• Revelation 20:8

Vertical direction (only):
• Genesis 1, 2, 14-17
• Deuteronomy 4:39
• John 3:13
• Acts 1:9-11
• 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (He is God in heaven above and on the earth below)

Sun and moon stop moving:
• Job 9:7
• Joshua 10:12-14 (Sun & Moon stopped)
• Habakkuk 3:11 (Sun & Moon stopped)

Sun moves BACKWARDS:
• 2 Kings 20:8-11

Earth has a Face (a geometrical flat surface):
• Genesis 1:29
• Genesis 4:14
• Genesis 6:1
• Genesis 6:7
• Genesis 7:3
• Genesis 7:4
• Genesis 8:9,
• Genesis 11:8
• Genesis 11:9
• Genesis 41:56
• Exodus 32:12
• Exodus 33:16
• Numbers 12:3
• Deuteronomy 6:15
• Deuteronomy 7:6
• 1 Samuel 20:15
• 1 Kings 13:34
• Job 28:24
• Job 37:12
• Psalm 104:30
• Jeremiah 25:26
• Jeremiah 28:16
• Ezekiel 34:6
• Ezekiel 38:20,
• Ezekiel 39:14
• Amos 9:6
• Amos 9:8
• Zechariah 5:3
• Luke 12:56

Waters have a Face (a geometrical flat surface):
Genesis 1:2
Genesis 7:18
Job 38:30

Sky has a Face (a geometrical flat surface):
Matthew 16:3
Luke 12:56

Earth has Ends:
Deuteronomy 28:49
Deuteronomy 28:64
Deuteronomy 33:17
1 Samuel 2:10
Job 37:3
Job 38:13
Psalm 46:9
Psalm 48:10
Psalm 59:13
Psalm 61:2
Psalm 65:5
Psalm 67:7
Psalm 72:8
Psalm 98:3
Psalm 135:7
Proverbs 8:29
Proverbs 17:24
Proverbs 30:4
Isaiah 5:26
Isaiah 26:15
Isaiah 40:28
Isaiah 41:5
Isaiah 41:9
Isaiah 42:10
Isaiah 43:6
Isaiah 45:22
Isaiah 48:20
Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah 52:10
Jeremiah 10:13
Jeremiah 16:19
Jeremiah 25:31
Jeremiah 25:33
Jeremiah 51:16
Daniel 4:22
Micah 5:4
Zechariah 9:10
Matthew 12:42
Luke 11:31
Acts 13:47

Sun Moves, not the Earth:
• Genesis 15:12
• Genesis 15:17
• Genesis 19:23
• Genesis 32:31
• Exodus 17:12
• Exodus 22:3
• Exodus 22:26
• Leviticus 22:7
• Numbers 2:3
• Numbers 21:11
• Numbers 34:15
• Deuteronomy 4:41
• Deuteronomy 4:47
• Deuteronomy 11:30
• Deuteronomy 16:6,
• Deuteronomy 23:11
• Deuteronomy 24:13
• Deuteronomy 24:15
• Joshua 1:15
• Joshua 8:29
• Joshua 10:27
• Joshua 12:1
• Joshua 13:5
• Joshua 19:12
• Joshua 19:27
• Joshua 19:34
• Judges 8:13
• Judges 9:33
• Judges 14:18
• Judges 19:14
• Judges 20:43,
• 2 Samuel 2:24
• 2 Samuel 3:35
• 2 Samuel 23:4
• 1 Kings 22:36
• 2 Chronicles 18:34
• Psalm 50:1
• Psalm 113:3
• Ecclesiastes 1:5
• Isaiah 41:25
• Isaiah 45:6
• Isaiah 59:19
• Jeremiah 15:9
• Daniel 6:14
• Amos 8:9
• Jonah 4:8
• Micah 3:6
• Nahum 3:17
• Malachi 1:11
• Matthew 5:45
• Mark 16:2
• Ephesians 4:26 and James 1:11

Moon has its own Light:
Genesis 1:16
Isaiah 13:10
Isaiah 30:26
Isaiah 60:19-20
Jeremiah 31:35
Matthew 24:29
Mark 13:24
Ezekiel 32:7
Revelation 21:23

High Altitude Perspectives:
Daniel 4:11
Daniel 4:20
Matthew 4:8

New Jerusalem, the HUGE cube:
Revelation 21:15-17

“Breadth”, spread out FLAT, of the Earth:
Genesis 13:17
Job 38:18
Isaiah 8:8
Revelation 20:9

Voice of Creation goes out in a "line" through all the earth:
Psalm 19:4

Matthews Bible from 1537 says “Flat Earth”:
• 2 Samuel 11:11

Creation Worshippers:
Deuteronomy 4:19
Deuteronomy 17:3
2 Kings 23:5
Jeremiah 8:2

God’s Word is ALWAYS Faithful and True:
Jeremiah 42:5
Revelation 3:14
Revelation 19:11
Revelation 21:5
Revelation 22:6


In the beginning Yah made a place, a space, some room, a house, a home for us . There many homeless people and there's plenty of space, room around them so what's the problem ? . An open field has plenty of room ! . A house, home, a room is DEFINED and ONLY EXISTS because of the physical limits designed and constructed for for you to be IN .

Oh yeah, it would be a good idea to have some light in here too ! Oh look they they move in a circuit, over head, round the North where Yah dwells . They're for signs and seasons ( moedim, Feasts ) . We live in His Tabernacle !
" Have you not known ? Have you not heard ? hath it not be told you from the beginning ? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth ?
It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers" Isa. 40 : 21, 22 .


I just want to extend my gratitude to you for all this content. I have just discovered your channel as a former truth seeking "conspiracy theorist" recently converted into a follower of Yahusha. I was pleasantly surprised when I sorted your videos by "oldest" and saw that I have 9 years of content to sift through. I didn't actually watch this one yet, just wanted to send my thanks on your latest upload.


I think you’re mistaking gravity for magnetic attraction. Also, we live in a Waterworld so there’s not really gravity it’s more buoyancy and density of each object. I mean we literally have water in our air which is called humidity and then we have rain clouds that form, which is micro units of water, droplets that gather, and then condense and drop from the sky because the larger water droplet is less buoyant than the micro water droplet. When we go to Ocean, we are mostly water yet we are not all water, so therefore, we somewhat sink unless we hold our breath, which allows us to become more buoyant than we look to the top. I think gravity is kind of a lie or a misdirection should I say. If you really sit down and think of terms of Boi and see and density instead of gravity, I think things will start to make a lot more senseto the world around us





I have heard so many people mix Darwinism with The Word of Yahuah and we have to be careful of this. The Ruach Ha'Qodesh has taught me when reading scriptures, you have to read the scriptures in a "literal" sense 1st, and then figurative. I say this because the word "Raqia" means hard. I know this to be true because of what Chizayon says in 1 scripture. This 1 scripture totally says Darwin is a liar and the philosophies are liars with him. I encourage you to read Chizayon (Revelation 6:13). This one verse says the world is not what humanity says it is or looks like. Rev. 6 gives an account of what creation is and how it will change once The Ha'Mashiach returns.
"Be Blessed"


I’m not here to convince you, you have this one wrong … lots of good comments already No need to preach


Forgive me Br. Lew but in my real time world as a carpenter that uses a plumb bob, a level, a water level, a square and a lazer and a compass and learning to keep my eye on Polaris, I rather trust my Abba Yah given common senses rather than a number word written by a mason. Still love you my akhi. 😂☝️🔥


Thank you Lew. May Yahuah bless you and Phyllis. Shabbat Shalom🙏🙏❤


It's a dome which of coz has water above , within this dome are portals were you have angels descent and ascend thru. ie jacobs ladder.its my own understanding which can be 💯 wrong .


Absolutely, let loving one another be of more importance, and this topic is very much om my heart since seeing what I came to understand led me to start reading the scriptures in 1995.

You show us Genesis 1:6 and seem to totally neglect the mentioning of waters in the context of RAQYA.

I’m sorry to point it out to you that you are contradicting yourself in what you are saying.
The Ruach was above the waters and darkness was on the deep. That states that there was water, still you insist that there is space.

Can it be both at the same time? Like love and fear, one rules out the other. So who is lying?

I operate a construction crane and often use suction cup to lift heavy loads. Maybe you can clear this out for yourself with a old school plunger 🪠.
What makes it work is the vacuum. NASA explains that there’s a vacuum of space, but in order to make a vacuum, you’ll need to stick it on a solid.
Try make a vacuum and not suck up all the air, it’s again the same thing, love or fear, but they can’t be together just like light and darkness.

I love your work, and your approach, and you yourself also, that’s why I pray that you experiment some for yourself and draw conclusions that come from the scientific approach and not from scientific theory.


Excuse me, sir why do you not have playlists on your videos It would really help everyone to actually find something they want to study on
