Why Valorant Isn't Dead… Yet

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i think valorant is now at the same stage as r6s was a couple years ago when ubisoft didnt care about the game (still dont). Valorant is not dying but if riot just doesnt care about the community it is setup to fail in the future.


I doubt it will truly be dead.
New players joining every day and old players returning. Sure some might leave but nah not gonna die


while yeah you can the arguement that valorant isnt statistically dying, i think overall valorant itself has become unenjoyable and unlikable. neglecting fans, rarely adding any content, and the only time riot cares about the game is when they can actually profit off of it. i think if riot fixes all of these key points then valorant (and adds a replay system) then everyone will actually enjoy valorant. nice video funny fish man :D


we need more players. i haven't played for two weeks and it is because every comp game I play feels like a chance between who can get the better smurf


Competitive games never die. Their community might but the game won't


bro i honestly miss replication and snowball fight also i wish they gave us an option where we can mix up different agent abilities in a custom game, would be fun imo but yeah


I just got back on the game recently(stopped soon after Gekko, started again with Clove) and it can be fun if you let it. Imo it won't die any time soon, especially with there being some good content creators like the fish man

EDIT: I know Valorant getting custom maps is extremely unlikely but it would be my favourite update if it did, I love mapping for fun, creating weird maps in CSGO/2.


It's always funny to me when content creators over-dramatize things and say stuff like " - something - IS DEAD'', or '' - something popular - IS GARBAGE'', I just don't watch these types of videos anymore because those people don't really give an analysis, just their own opinion. Thank you, Mr. Lowlander, for being such a wholesome channel with no drama


Reason 1 - because cs2 is dying faster


Dunno I think Valorant has the best fundamentals out of any online shooter atm.

- Apex has an cheating and aim assist issue (and isn't even safe to run sometimes).
- CS2 still has a cheating issue and flopped hard with a lack of community features (LOOKING AT YOU COMMUNITY BROWSER).
- Halo Infinite was great at first but receives barely any updates. Campaign was magnificent but they left any momentum they had after not pushing out content for over a year straight (plus movement just feels clunky compared to Halo 3)
- Battlefield 2042 uhhh... yeah...
- The Finals is full of too much random bs and the single weapon limitation is very anti-competitive in a multi team semi-br
- COD has yet to innovate on literally anything and releases a new game way too often. Plus the price tag is atrocious each time
- Siege is starting to see Operator creep and Ubisoft is horrible at balancing them. New player experience is very exhausting since the grind for all the ops are exponentially larger and there's no way to try them out first unlike Valorant.
- Overwatch 2 still sees major balance issues because of how dominant abilities are compared to gunplay. Likewise, character releases are almost always broken at launch (Mauga, Kiriko suzu, Sojourn meta for multiple seasons straight, hell even a little bit of illari too). Don't even get me started on all the higher management decision making they've made on monetizing and expressing the game.

Not even like Valorant is that good. It's just that bar is SO LOW right now for shooters


Replay systom is obvious however its pretty hard to do so I would also say more changes to custom for content creators or just friendlly gamemodes




One thing that I will always give Riot credit for is that the game ACTUALLY WORKS. Unlike other games that try to fix 1 thing and break 20 others in the process *Cough* *cough* Apex Legends, when Riot drops an update you can be confident that the game will still work normally with minimal bugs and glitches. Also Vanguard is a very solid anti-cheat.


due to the new clove update, valorant is "Not Dead Yet!"


That's the main problem with people. They think that if a game is not copying an old popular game then it is not a good game. They just need to understand that every game is good enough on their own, they don't need to add some other game's features to be popular. For example - Counter Strike doesn't need to bring Fortnite-like graphics and fundamentals in their game. Why? Because Counter Strike is best on its own type of category. Just think how weird it will look like if we added Fortnite fundamentals of building and crafting while in a match in Counter Strike. The same is with Valorant. Just think about it, if Valorant copied most of its things from other games, wouldn't it be called a copied game? Then why the hell is everybody shouting that Valorant should be like Counter-Strike, Valorant should be like Fortnite, Valorant should be like this like that. Valorant is good the way it is. If you don't like it, just go and play whatever game you want. Why tell others out loud that you don't like Valo? Just quietly quit it and play some other game.


I recently came back to the game due to a friend who kept playing and the esports events (I never stopped watching esport). I’m now having a much more relaxed attitude to comp and really enjoying it!
P.S. love your videos!


Valorant isn’t dying. It’s dead 😵‍💫😵‍💫💀


imagine if there was a map building system for custom.


Honestly, valorant is one of the few games where I actually check the patches and updates regularly (like reading a newspaper).
The patches tend to actually change power levels of characters noticeably enough and it keeps the game more interesting.


CS players: boikots their game in hopes of Valve finally fixing it.
Valorant players: man I'm bored. **leaves**
