SAFE Buzz | Stephen, MaidSafe Testing and Release Manager

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Next in our MaidSafe staff series is Testing and Release Manager Stephen who has been speaking to Ceilidh about all things QA on the SAFE Network. Learn all about how the QA team function, what their role is on the SAFE Network and some of the projects they are currently working on.
Remember to like and subscribe so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos.
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Remember to like and subscribe so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos.
Learn more:
SAFE Buzz | Stephen, MaidSafe Testing and Release Manager
SAFE Buzz - Lionel, MaidSafe Developer
SAFE Buzz - Bart, MaidSafe Developer
SAFE Buzz | Jim, MaidSafe Designer
SAFE Buzz | Nikita, MaidSafe Client Libs Team Lead
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