My Top Tip For Pre-Meds 🩻 #shorts

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Doctor Ricky Brown joins Andy Nguyen on the Beyond the Scope podcast to give his top tip for pre-med students and tell them how to become the best applicant for a medical program or residency at a hospital.

If you want to be a doctor you might want to listen to this advice before applying and deciding to follow the path of a medical profession.

#shorts #medschool #premed #medicalschool #doctor
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The Doctor I go to being a doctor is his 3rd career, 1st career was being a corman In the US navy, 2nd was a paramedic, 3rd was being Doctor. He was 35 years old going med school. As told me it was harder just starting med school when most his of classmates were 15years younger then he was. Also his first two Careers make him a better doctor


I’ve a lovely character (so I’m told) aware it was the grades and hard work, however, in the professing, most are not arrogant… love your job and the people you serve ..


Bedside manners are absolutely #priceless 💯


That's some good advice!!
Just go for it!!!!💪💪


Being doctor is expensive in my country 😑 so I decided to be engineer


Bro someone is fotoshopping u in some videos to make them seen as if it was yours, they're all Indian videos that are 🔞


Go now get your foot in the door work with staff, clean beds, take out trash, be a CNA, school won't mean shit Robot's are taking over so if you want your way in get it now. Training in duty being paid for a job. Yes my daughter didn't go to school and she makes $35. Being there for when people get out of surgery. Thank God my daughter is a smart girl and didn't piss her money away. She owns two homes two cars what do you have?
