Dirge for the Planet but you're surrounded by Monolith

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Inspired by similar edits.

I love Stalker and just wanted a cool project to work on.
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Holy shit, I haven't uploaded in 6 months by now and this video is almost at 100k views and I'm approaching 700 subs, kinda feeling the pressure to make more videos but I have no ideas so suggestions are welcome


There's a Stalker who seek a fortune by exploring the zone and search an artefact and mutant skins.Someday he's very curious about the center of the zone and want cross the barrier, but the gatekeeper forbid him to cross the barrier because it's to dangerous and keep the center of the zone stories keeps secret

The Stalker is not give up and trying to get any other Route to cross the barrier, and he found a secret route to Radar and he going back to his hideout and wait until the night arrive.The night is arrives and the Stalker already prepared his AK's and his other equipment and immediately going through the secret route to Radar, and he managed to cross without Gatekeeper insight.

After arrives in Radar, he see some "Stalkers" camping on the road and he decide to greet and asking them a question, but those "Stalkers" are not respond his questions but instead they start raising their weapon on his face and start shooting, unfortunately they shot his arm and immediately he searching for a cover, the gunfight is can not be avoid and is going to be fierce.

Miraculously, the stalker is managed to killed them although he was outnumbered.And he continues his journey towards the center of the zone and finally arrives in the city of Pripyat, he also find the Laundromat which is the stalker hideout in outskirt of Pripyat.He meets with Veteran stalkers and ask them who is the strange "Stalkers" he met before in Radar.They says that the strange "Stalkers" are actually a Monolith, a fanatical cult who guarding the center of the zone and shoot everyone on sight.

The Stalker is very curious about the center of the zone, but they says he shouldn't go to the center of the zone remembering the dangers in center of the zone such as anomalies and mutants.But the Stalkers refuse and decide to going to center of the zone by himself.

And after these effort he finally made it to the center of the zone at midnight.He decide to make a camp on top of an old building and take a rest ( *He don't know what will happen to him the next day* )

It's 9:30am and the Stalker is wake up from his sleep, he make a breakfast and set a music in his while he looking at the CNPP with his binocular.But surprisingly he see a battalion of Monolith coming towards him.He immediately pack up his equipment and trying to run knowing of his current health condition.

But unfortunately, the entire batallion of Monolith have finally surround the Building and he has no choice than fight the Monolith army.At the first, he can survive the first and second wave, after hours of fighting until afternoon, his supply begin to running out considering of hours of fighting, his AK's is finally jamming and no longer be used again.

And unfortunately the Monolith sniper shot his Legs and his Arm that wounded before, but he is still not give up and switching to his pistol and keep shooting at the Monolith Army until his last bullet.The Stalker is heavily wounded and tired, he leaning to the wall, he don't even had time to eat his breakfast that he made that morning.At that time an Emission is suddenly occurs.The Stalker accepting his fate while he looking at his family photo knowing that his life will end at that building.

The Stalker closing his eyes and he hears a Monolith army footstep below the building and the Emission lightning sounds.But he hears a strange gunfight sound from a distance and getting closer until the top of the building, he see a Stalker with an Exoskeleton and move towards him, he give up his live if the Stalker kill him.But surprisingly the Stalker picked him out and looking for a near cover from an Emission in the building basements.

The Mysterious Stalker treat him and help him to cure his wounds and give him some of his supplies including Ammo and high tech weapons.And the Mysterious Stalker is finally leave him alone after he patched him up and walking towards the CNPP.The Stalker barely open his eyes and see him walking to the CNPP and finally he disappears on the distance and.Somehow he manage to see the mysterious Stalker Embroidered name patches.And on that patches, it's written on that patches a creature that everyone on the Zone couldn't not understand, a mysterious person and a strange human being called as

*P L A Y E R*



Yeah if I ever die in a gun fight this is going to be my song.


The most depressing part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is that listening to the radio while travelling through the zone is suicide.
You won't be able to hear opponents approach you until it's too late.


unfortunately you did not make it, you took down many monolith warriors, but a sniper got a lucky shot off on you.
Your already damaged armor was not able to stop the round, but trough pure adrenaline you were able to fend the monolith off, only to succumb to your wounds before able to get yourself patched up, your body now slumped against a wall in Pripyat, clutching a medkit coated in your blood. Another stalker lost to the zone.


The emission siren at the end nearly gave me a heart attack. My heart always drops when I hear it. Playing too much anomaly.


If I hear everything correctly, as Monolith are getting closer protagonist (and his squad) first fires in short bursts, saving ammo, then, as monolith get too close, start dumping mags until they run out and in the end we can only hear single pistol shots and very wisely spent grenades thrown, answered by brutal fire and, perhaps, even LMG bursts.

Man fought to the last bullet in his AK, then retaliated with a miserable PM against a huge crowd of monolith. All that character development through sound. I love it.


Brothers, im so tired of fighting. ive run out of ammo hours ago and im just defending myself with scavanged guns and old ammunition from the monolith bodies. Im out of meds, out of food, out of water. Im so tired... I just ... wanted to smoke one last one with my bros in army warehouse...It's ok now, the blowout will take me. Mabye my zombified body will find its way back
Good hunting stalkers, stay free


Recent Anomaly playthrough had me and my buddy Lenka go to take down the Brain Scorcher. We figured going in at night would give us an advantage, even if we got ambushed by a Chimera as soon as we entered Radar. We made it to the first checkpoint and we were correct, the night time gave us an advantage as I had NVGs and the Monolith didn't. I was nearly out of ammo for my AKs-74UN, but I still had my shotgun and Lenka would be by my side. I entered the Bunker, but Lenka wasn't with me, he wasn't anywhere, just vanished. I could see his PDA, but no life signs. I thought we just got seperated and I had to finish the mission as time was already counting down. I made it past the bloodsuckers and and through the furious Monolith that came in after me. Bleeding, doped up on enough Morphine to kill someone who wasn't carrying a few useful artefacts with him, I made it out, expecting to see Lenka surrounded by dead Monolith, but he wasn't there.

For a while, I'd still see his PDA. Sometimes I would get closer to him, sometimes farther. But he was already there. The Zone takes what it wants, Stalkers, but sometimes it gives them back. We ran into each other in Rostok, by the 100 Rads after a while, as if he'd just stepped back from a time warp anomaly. I wasn't mad, I was just glad to see him alive.


I have accidentally raid a military base in Agroprom on my first playthrough and I killed everyone with no quicksave. Seeing their bodies laying on the ground while my character is overloaded with broken guns makes me thinking "What the fuck just happened?" and then I take a long break from Stalker. Truly the best game I've ever play.


Weaklings are surrounded by Monolith. Monolith is surrounded by Me.


Man, this reminds me one time of an Anomaly. I was going to Pripyat with my 5 man squad. we're was going back from a mission to get a reward. While heading back I heard something in the building but I thought it was nothing. All of a sudden one of our squadmate start shooting then I looked back and saw 3 Monoliths. I killed 2 of them but who would be known that there was more, more than 8. 2 of us died, 1 injured. I tried everything, shooting at them throwing every grenade I had that time but they outnumbered us. There was only one thing I can do at that moment was....run.while running I see their PDA disappearing one by one. I got out of there alive but Alone...


0:07 It doesn't matter if you are playing vanilla or a game modded to oblivion. Those voice lines will ALWAYS make any man feel the deepest of fears.


You made it.

Andrei was hit by a sniper the moment you entered Pripyat. It was so sudden none of you realized what had happened until he was already on the ground, that dumb grin locked forever onto his cold face.

Borslav fell into an anomaly running past the Cultural Center while you all retreated from Monolith. His screams seemed to bounce off the dead grey buildings, your hand coming up short. He was just out of reach.

As the power plant loomed ahead of you Ivan was shot in the leg. He told you to go on and, with a smile, grabbed his bag of grenades as they closed in. The explosion threw you toward the building, and the squad pursuing you ceased to exist. But there were so many more...

But you made it. To a place nobody has seen in decades. They said it couldn't be done. That a group of rookies would never even make it past the Garbage. But here you are, AK in hand, and a platoon of dead Monolith before you. You clutch at your bleeding chest. The bullet was fatal but in slow motion. It steals your breath a little more each second, but you're still here. The CNPP. A grenade goes off as you slam another magazine into your assault rifle, your last, and return fire. Two more of them fall, silent as the grave. You can hear them advancing up the stairs, the heaving breathing and thudding of boots as they close in. You showed them all. Freedom, Duty, none of them ever got this far. Your rifle clicks, empty at last. Nobody will ever know what happened to you, how far you came, but they don't need to. This... this is your final moment, but it is also your finest. They're just outside the door, and all you can do is cough some blood, load your Makarov, and smile...


I had the same situation half an hour ago in anomaly, my charachter is an ecologist who went in the army warehouses for a contract killer, a document ecxtraction and a Search for a package. After completing all the tasks i just walked to the dead city’s exit and a small squad of zombies and monolith ambushed i opened fire but every 2 enemies i’ve killed, 2 teams of monolith spawned, and i knew that my vsk’s magazines would empty before the next waves approached, so i retreat to the farmstead and without my comprehension they were already here, and the fight became even more desperate beacause i had to fight them not in 1 but in two directions, so i threw everything that i had, meanwhile the pda went nuts, they were not only attacking me but the Whole map, in the middle of the fight a small team of freedoms joined the firefight but the cultists managed to wreck them with saiga and AKs. So the situation was critical my armor was at 59% and i fired the last dart shell on the shotgunner, and by a surival instinct i picked the M16a2 from the freedomer’s corpse and ran to the house and with a jam every 3 shots i managed to win. The rest was taken care by the mercs, and in the end i was tired and broken, so i slowly patched my charachter up and finally went to dead city leaving one of the many nightmares of the zone behind and waiting to face another live every day in the zone.


This is what it feels when you try to pass through Pripyat City.. a Monolith platoon suddenly fired on you by the flank. You hide in the corner and fire back, yet in every angle until you're cornered by them. You've got no ammo left. Other than two mags of pistol, 3 bread and a canned food, along with a radio and a guitar. At first you are just hoping to pass through here to find some traders to sell your goods, either from a successful raid or mutant body parts.
You're bit tired, spent magazines and time to do the job already and you faced this. You entered one of the buildings quick and just holed up at the corner nearby the windows and play the Radio, you know they're flanking you.
You heard steps, voices. Killing anyone even bandits or Mercenaries on their sights.
But before you realized. You lost in the Zone.
Left the corner, then walk out of the abandoned establishment with just a pistol on hand.
Emission warning alerted everyone.
You didn't move away.
Just stand there while the Everyone hides back to their chambers where it is safe.
You don't have a memory after that.
Everything just went black out when the Emission discharge hits you down, after looking up from the almost 'beautiful' sky above you, firing radiation on your way. Such a life in the Zone.
Your body seems remain 'alive' but you. The former consciousness of this body, now belongs to the Monolith as their slave to stop the STALKERS.


How about All Along the Watchtower but you're a Clear Sky sniper defending your encampment from Renegades


The voice of an angel in this desolate world.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the best game franchise.


In my current merc playthrough of anomaly I found some friendly mercs called Lyonka And Ilya at the mobile lab in Jupiter. I took them with me on the journey to disable the miracle machine and through the agroprom underground, as well as gathering better gear to prepare for the brain scorcher. Once the time eventually came to go say hi to the scorcher, I figured I'd go there alone so i don't get us all killed. I then said possibly my final goodbyes to my friends at Sakharov's lab in Yantar. Fighting through the bloodsuckers and monolith in x19 i constantly thought of Lyonka and Ilya. Fortunately i came back in on piece, although with a few new scars to the collection. When i ventured back to the dead city to sell some goodies i got from monolith soldiers, i saw Lyonka and Ilya relaxing by the campfire on the top floor, boy was it good seeing them again.
