KidzAct Teens: Les Miserables

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Our KidzAct teens tackle this epic powerhouse show which is one of the world's longest running musicals. Set in the 19th century, theatre-goers discover a nation in the grip of revolution where convict JeanValjean is on the run. Tirelessly hunted by the policeman Javert for breaking his parole,Valjean must leave his past behind and keep his vow to raise the young orphaned Cosette. But with revolution in the air and Javert closing in,Valjean has no choice but to fight for his life and sacrifice everything to protect the people he loves. Les Misérables is an inspiring and moving story of survival and a true testament to
the strength of the human spirit. Be sure to secure your tickets early!
Performances August 2-4 @ 7:30pm & August 4 @ 2:00pm
$20 for Adults and $10 for children to 18.
Call the box office for tickets 239-263-7990 to reserve your seat!
the strength of the human spirit. Be sure to secure your tickets early!
Performances August 2-4 @ 7:30pm & August 4 @ 2:00pm
$20 for Adults and $10 for children to 18.
Call the box office for tickets 239-263-7990 to reserve your seat!