REVELATION - Ch. 22 | Cling Bible Study | Come Study With Me

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The book of Revelation was given so that believers in Christ would know "the things which must soon take place," including the coming of the Lord Jesus. It's important for us to read this book, and it's on my heart especially now. If you feel the same, come study with me.

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Praise the Lord—we made it to the end! You all know I never intended to do a Cling study of Revelation. But I couldn’t ignore the prompting of the Spirit as 2020 became the year that none of us anticipated. I know this was a simplified study—observation only—but I pray the Lord used it in your life. I pray His glory, sovereignty, righteousness, justice, majesty, holiness, faithfulness, and lovingkindness have been magnified in your sight and that you will cling to Him all the more. He is worthy to be praised! And we say collectively as believers in Christ—come quickly, Lord Jesus! #keepclinging


I began this study the end of 2023 and finished the end of February 2024. For me it has been the best teaching on Revelation. Giving me insight and helping me understand and follow without the distraction of interpretation. Thank you Kim once again for another insightful study of God's word.


I am here June 2023 having only discovered your channel recently. A while back I asked God for something. I wish I had the words to explain how God answered my prayer. The Lord answered step by step. Then all the steps came together gradually. Then one day I realised that all that was happening was God working in His way to bring what I had been praying for. Our God is Alive family. I say, Come quickly Lord Jesus. I am now praying for Christian friends to come and study The Bible with mum and I in our home. We are both house bound. If anyone sees this can you please pray with me. I only need six people because my table seats eight.


I saved this for 3 years. I finally gathered enough courage to study with you. Thank you for following Jesus'plan and encouraging us. Jesus bless Kim today...Sister Encourager!!!!


As a Christian who is turning away from worldly things (this is the first book that I choose the read ) I really enjoyed ALL of your Bible studies on the book of Revelation. Thank you.


Words are insufficient to express my gratitude to God for your faithfulness in taking us through this Book Kim. I waited quite a while before I started just to ensure I wouldn't stop, but I still caught up with you. I went over Chapter 21 a few times just trying to savor the experience, but finally we have come to the end. I'm so excited, I was discussing with a coworker yesterday about her need to do this study. She mentioned that she and her little boys were studying the Psalms, after completing Daniel. I told her, "forget the Psalms for a while and start Revelation, because we need to know what's happening now and what's ahead". Would you believe she came all excited this morning to say she got a notification from her church last night that they would be having an extra day of Bible study to go through Revelation, starting tonight!😄😄 She couldn't believe it! That's all the confirmation she needed. So I bless you with all spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, psychological, financial and every other blessing God can run you down with, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Keep clinging and obeying God as He leads you to guide us in the study of His Word. Love you "nuff nuff an whole heap" (in Jamaican parlance 😄).


Lost alot of people found myself always driving to funeral homes or hospitals thank you for putting my faith back in in my heart


I just completed the Book of Revelation with your Bible study. I thank you for being God's servant and reaching the masses. I think back when my children would cling to my leg for love and protection. That's how I envision myself clinging to God for His love and protection. Again thank you for your encouragement and inspiration.


🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾Glory to our King forever!!!! Come Lord Jesus!!! 💕💕💕💕


It was a spiritual blessing to study Revelation with you sister Kim, yes I was one of those who was scared of Revelation only because I was taught it was something scary, instead of something Holy and a blessing as long as we continue being righteous in the word of God. As I've mentioned many times, in my late 50's I had an understanding of the Holy Scripture. Thank you for teaching us who God, Son and Holy Spirit and all the other people were ⚘❤ Heaven sounds like a fairytale place, but I know in my heart is real and wouldn't miss it, God be with me through it all 🙌


Yay, hallelujah I'm praising even before I watch!


Kim, thank you so much for your amazing Bible Studies. They have helped me so much in my walk with the Lord. I have a deeper understanding of who the Lord is and some of the thing I have been thinking probably were sinful unintentional but still sinful. I pray ever day for the lord to help to cling to Him. Even though I have read the Bible several time, I never paid any attention to the word cling. I am so glad you did!!!! I hope new Bible studies are in the works, I am currently playing catch up on the previous ones. Thank you💖💖💖💖✝️✝️✝️✝️


Yes, "Come, Lord Jesus come". Thank You Sister Kim for this very timely study. May you continue to be Blessed and Highly Favoured of our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ.


I truly enjoyed studying the book of Revelation with you. I am so excited about what is to come. God is FAITHFUL AND TRUE! As mention in Chapter 19, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!! Amen! Thank you Kim!


Thank you Kim for being steadfast. This was a great study that makes me cling even the more . Yes, I say Come Lord!!


I love to read and hear I am the Alpha and the Omega. I’m so sad this is the last chapter but what an awesome study of Revelation. May we continue to cling to our Father. Come Lord Jesus


Wow! Thank you Kim for this study. Thank you God for allowing Kim to spread the gospel virtually for all of us around the world. 🙏🏾
So much uncertainty and grief in my heart but when I’m in his word I forget it all. Come Lord!!!!


Than you! Thank you sister! I have felt many times like that and I have felt guilty and confused sometimes for no being able not to meet certain deadlines or things not going my way (no because of lazinees but because unexpected circumstances) but the plans and timing of God are waaay better than ours and moore exciting! Thank you for this beautiful study and for providing us with the biblical context and explaning "The Faith Walking" so beautifully. Not many people can understand what we're talking about.Much love from Australian sister.💜


Thank you Kim I finished this with your help through God's grace. I'm not scared of this book anymore in fact you made it so pleasant to understand. LORD plz bless Kim even more.


When we studied Revelation in BSF we had a saying that all of scripture is always true, even when it is not always clear. There are many things in Revelation that are unclear to us, but I am amazed as we go day by day how much more clear it becomes. As we see things happening in the world, our country, and with Israel I just marvel and say, "ok Lord, so that is how You are doing that". One thing that is clear Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only light, the only life. Jesus IS GOING TO RETURN and His return is closer now than it has EVER been before. It makes me very sad to see people deny Christ and harden their hearts as Pharaoh did. Vs 11 says LET those who do wrong continue to do so. Just like Jesus said in Matthew 13:13-14 people hear, but don't understand, see, but don't perceive what is seen. We live in a sad state of affairs today. Ladies and gentleman please wake up to God's truth before it is everlastingly to late. Kim, thank you for a great study.
