Best Video Ever Proving Child Support Corruption!

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This is a shocking video from a victim of Child Support corruption! This brave individual went before a California Judicial Council and called them out for the liars, cheaters, and scammers that they really are. He explains in detail how his young infant son was taken away just so the people sitting there could make money as independent contractors.

This is the proper procedure to take so that victims like him can be heard right in the face of the criminals that call themselves government representatives, but are nothing more than independent contractors taking advantage of their position to make tons of money off of the backs of innocent victims.

These independent contractors disguise themselves as Child Support Enforcement Agencies, but they are no more than evil people working in a job capacity that they know is hurting other people. These are the same people that have never lost their children to the system or probably don't even care if it has even harmed people that they love.

This corrupt system has claimed the lives of innocent fathers who have committed suicide because they felt they had no other choice when a legal system is forced against them to make them fail financially and take their children away in order to make an enormous profit.

As long as people do these types of jobs for money, this system is going to be around, however, there are steps that victims can take to overcome these situations if they do so before it's too late.

There is also a new mobile app out called "Child Support Made Simple (CSMSx) available through the Google Play Store:

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this man should receive a standing ovation but his audience is too shocked by their bullshit being exposed


I was in the Marine Corps and got a girl pregnant. She got tell whatever narrative she wanted to my daughter (that I’ve never met) and of course she hates me but has never met me. She was raised in Arkansas a state I’m not from. I was in the Corps for 8yrs so as this little girl was being raised she was told only god knows what. I missed two CS payments and I swear they wanted to hang me! They can put you in jail, take your passport, your drivers license and garnish your wages. With all that said the discussion of my relationship with my daughter was never a concern. Kids NEED a father. I could go on and on. Young men, do NOT get a girl pregnant. The government will jump on your back and chock your out.


We men hold the power, time for us to stand together and make changes.


Real talk. Now time for war. I'm booting up


Finally someone who can express what I've been feeling for years. This is hard for me to admit but I only have a high school education and believe me. I know they take advantage of this with their legal mumble jumble. I'm not the greatest dad in the world but I'm also not the worst. These people are a mob like government agencie.


Damn. Mic drop. I dont have kids but I can only imagine the horror of "family" court. Just wow.


Statistically, children that are raised with an abusive father perform better in EVERY aspect of life than those raised fatherless.


That was spot on. Let's do more .where can I sign up. Nuff is a nuff. It's our God given right. Why are we letting strangers take our kids while we do nothing. They've pushed us against a wall no more backing down .Time to fight.


That shot went straight over their head. Why this only has 14k view there should be millions


I agree the amounts they determine are confounding. I divorced my abusive, controlling husband and begged him to do his part so we could avoid court. A year and a single $50 payment later, we were in front of a judge. During that year, the very few times he decided to be a parent and actually spend time with our 3 yr old (he hurt our precious angel, to spite me—I can still rem, after another no show, I had taken her out to eat and to the playground and when we got home, there was a message on machine — another excuse, another lie. I turned to find my baby sitting at her little table with her head on her arms. I gently placed my hand on her bacj and when she looked up at me, her expression nearly killed me on the spot—it shattered my soul. As she looked at me w the saddest blue eyes, streaming w tears, she asked “why doesn’t my daddy love me anymore”. Had he walked in the door at that moment, I’d probably be in prison.
Fast forward a couple mos and we were in front of the “judge” or whatever and after all the rigmarole, I was told I was to be paid $575/month… 😳 FOR A 3 YR OLD!
Right on the spot, I balked. (I was only 24 and this was my first and only experience with how any of this worked) I told the judge that I wanted my child to have a father, not a piggy bank. Before we left that conference room, I had them cut the support to 200/month.

HE STILL NEVER PAID A DIME and rarely saw or spoke to her. I never once put him down or kept her from him. I can’t fathom a mother who would do that, though I know many who do. It breaks my heart that they hold on to anger and pain and use their child to hurt each other. But it is an endless cycle…more than likely, the fathers didn’t have a father figure either.
There are too many broken people, and society makes it seem like a sin to not be A-OK…if that shit would stop, if we would accept out loud that mental health issues plague us all, maybe we would stop being so hard on ourselves and one another. We say we don’t expect perfection but some of us are liars.


What needs to happen is that the children victims of these courts need to form an army to sue the crap out of these judges who have been abusing fathers and siding with cheap, whorish women who provide the leverage to enable these “judges” to extort money under the phony name of “child” support.


Well said my dude. I too was a victim of having my children kept from me out of spite of their mother. I had the misfortune of being dragged through the corrupt unjust legal system. Its time for those in power to stop treating the judicial system like an assembly line and start looking at this travesty in a case by case manner. The majority of child custody cases are awarded to the mother for no other reason than she birthed the child. There are many great fathers out there and its time to realize that.


If I had a wife that left and took the kids... and puts me on child support... I'm never talking to her or the kid again. Take the check and get tf out my face. They're not my child anymore


You are 100% right. I am also a victim of the crime families destructive bullshit. No matter what I try to do I can not get any help. I've sent multiple letters to the crime family with no response. I don't even think that filing in court will do anything to rectify my situation and get back my son and money that has been taken from me without any course of due process. Your speech was spot on.


State sponsored bandits.
I experienced exactly the same treatment as this man.
It's a disgrace.
I hate these ruthless animals.


Ive been watching videos similar to this since i had my one and only child 17 years ago. Nothing HAS NOR WILL EVER CHANGE when it comes to this system


My newborn son ( first child) was released from the hospital oct. 23rd, that was the last time i saw him. During the time he was in NICU i discovered that his mother who was staying with me was scamming the IRS and gave her an option to return the money or she had to leave. She chose the money and fled to CA then filed false abuse charges. I'm currently spending my entire saving account to get my son back. Women are evil and the courts are slow.


Is anyone in that council even listening? I feel like they're not.


I strongly agree, the system(Bias Judge) took my son's relationship from me. This happened in Southern California and I definitely was a victim with Proof. I'm just a man! a man of the working Class.😤😤


The problem is how do we end it? How do we dismantle what has already become publicly accepted as practice and standard?
