Above Majestic (Full Movie) The Secret Space Program and more...

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A provocative look at what it takes to hide a multi-trillion dollar Secret Space Program from the public and the implications this has for humanity.

Featuring: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, Niara Isley, Jordan Sather, and more.

On September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the 9/11 attack. The mystery remains: Where are the missing trillions Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic. Featuring some the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure. This includes David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather.
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I like how everyone in the comments say “do your research”, as if they have access to some secret depository of hidden knowledge.


I believe some people commenting on here are very young. We older people (69) lived through much of this history which makes it easier to believe and understand.
Great documentary. Thank you.


I am 27 years old and since I was young I have had many doubts that little by little have made me understand things. I think it is no coincidence that I found this documentary.


just turned 60 in Feb 2024 and amazingly i knew most of this stuff yrs ago. long before the arrival of the internet. I lived in the maryland DC area for 15 yrs nd i was always running in to someone who would out of the blue start telling me wild stuff.i just soaked in all in bi
ut never conneected the dots untill the internet came around then all of it came together like a puzzle. at 16 i saw a mothership that blocked out the whole sky above my head. there was no way to not believe after that.I just didn't realize how dirty our govenment and the ssystem is as a whole.its disgusting.


My 84 yr old neighbor asked me how I knew so much about things....I don't feel like a smart person and I'm 73...it just I always had trouble in school because of the fears in our life and no one cared so I watched people and learned not being afraid to attempt anything. I was a hair dresser in the late 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and when I went to school I watched and learned...when I got out of cosmetology school we didn't have hairdryer or curling irons and a person I later went to work for told me when asked if u can do a certain thing just say yes...u have to try to learn so I learned from that never let anyone tell you that you can't do anything....just do it. I drove a 18 wheeler for 2 1/2 yrs because of a dare and loved it....don't think it would be as enjoyable now ...too much traffic. I can lay tile, pour cement, lay brick, frame a house, do insulation, landscape...what ever you want to do....DO IT! Always told my kids what ever you want go for it! My problem was having a significant other that told me I couldn't...don't let others get in your way...!!!


I watch Above Majestic when it premiered in 2018. It’s surreal to watch this again in 2023 and more things have happened since. Insane.


“The truth is science gathers knowledge faster than mankind gathers wisdom”.
So very true….


Just started watching the movie. Was reading y'all's comments. I'm 60 now. I have some stories that i experienced from early age to present..first i watch the movie then comment. Thanks for your time here.


I don't know the language, but I will write this comment. This documentary has increased the likelihood of all my experiences for 27 years, which has taken away depression like a hand and many more. I recommend everyone to watch this movie carefully and thoroughly. Maybe it will change some human existence, because I am part of the human species and I am very proud of it. Let love and awareness spread.


Extraordinary ! It Synthesizes everything that I have been thinking, reading, learning for all my life. I am 70 years of age, Thank you.


Thank you David, Jordan, and Corey, please try to keep us updated 🙏...Be safe, you guys are legends. Keep up the outstanding work!


Because of what I saw yesterday sitting in my backyard here in Montgomery Alabama! I sat there, and watched as they just suddenly appeared, went a short distance then gone. They knew I was watching! How you may ask? When they glistened their craft. The sun was not on the side that glistened it's winter here and getting later in the day around 3:pm- 4:30 pm and the entry point where they appeared at, then they were gone or cloaked either or. That second craft that appeared was a jet coming from the same side that glistened from the other craft that was either cloaked or gone. I watched as the jet went straight across the sky and out of view. I got up and went back to work not afraid or confused but confirmed it made me smile. Be it skin Walker ranch or other parts of the world I just want to say to them thank you for the support 👍 of shutting down those silos lol. Powerful yet humble and helpful 😆.


I do believe it too. That one day the whole world will wake up and fight against darkness not against each other. With the power of love that we are made from we will rise again and take back our power as human race.


Holy crap...what he is saying at 13:00 min mark about the sylos and warheads melting in 1990. I lived in Wyoming at the time, was young, my step dad was working at WAFB, he would be gone for 2-3 weeks at a time. He never went into detail, but i remember him telling me they were going out to misile sylos all over the state, that they were fixing damage, doing maintenance, re-wiring, rebuilding them. This went on for the 3 years we lived there satrting in 90-91.


What amazes me is that all this tea is being spilled in our faces, yet we continue to be like: Oh, wow, ok.


30:57 He only says one word - He’s here” 😂


That Dutch guy struck a chord with me, u could feel his pain see it, what a hidden world we live in, but even with everything going on, I still have faith in humanity, my brother's and sisters out there, it only takes ONE OF US to change this world and we have the numbers, got to know your neighbours the people around u, and like a raindrop will turn into a mighty unstoppable force, TOGETHER we can regain our birth right, start NOW with a simple smile a kind word, TOGETHER we r unstoppable, never STOP loving my beautiful brothers and sisters, out time will come, be a part of that, ITS SIMPLE, open urban heart,


Finally, what a pleasure it was to
finally listen to a program about what's truly going on and understand it!
I can't believe how naive we've been.
It's time for a change!!
Thank you to everyone on this documentary. Absolutely awesome✌️💙


I'm glad I lived long enough to see full disclosure happening right now in 2023, dreamed about it since 2009. Peace and love to the souls of the brave people in this video.💚💚💚


Im so proud of the 12 year old girl that did that research Theres hope for humanity after all
