Trying Kubernetes 📦 for the First Time

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We get a local Kubernetes deployment set up using Minikube. Why not docker-compose? We explain it. What is a pod? We explain it. Kubectl? Replica? Replica set? YAML??? WE EXPLAIN IT!

⏯ 17:13 Learning YAML syntax
⏯ 31:47 Running the deployment

Step-by-step instruction to do the initial setup. WARNING: It will take a while.

The files we used

This was shot on a live stream on Twitch. Go there to follow us when we do future live streams:

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#kubernetes #docker #yaml
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one tip for future videos in the first minutes to explain what is kubernetes even if you have already explained in another video... 4 minutes and i still dont know what kubernete is (newbie here) give an overview of what are you going to accomplish before starting of to code is good for complete beginners to understand and also on every step of the process


Excellent. I thought that kubernetes was something super complicated until I watched this video.


Just a little tip to download docker images and layers for your builds quicker: always try to find an image based on alpine (which is a smaller linux, with just 5MB). Most oficial repositories have images from alpine, but usually they are not the default.
And a tip to make your images immutable: always specify the version of the image. The default is "latest" which might move to a major version, like your machine has node 8 and your CI gets 11.
Summarising: your FROM should be e.g. node:10-alpine, which has just 70mb (you download a 400mb image, compacted, which becomes 900mb extracted)
I also always prefer LTS versions of node.


Honestly if you are unsure some simple basics of k8 then it's more complicated then you need currently need. K8 is a complex and bleeding edge technology that is not for beginners with no ideal use cases. Sure the tools are getting better and making it easier but not every app needs a HA cluster with control planes, etcd, workers, logging, metrics, etc... The most surprising thing about k8 is the overhead required, which makes production deployment expensive, and dev deployment locally requiring large resources.


Node is just a name of a physical machine in a cluster with kubelet (it's like a worker, which is doing real work, like spawning containers etc.)


Hi guys, love your content on both channels so far! I would like to give you some feedback if that's ok! This video feels like a fun fun function video and not a dev tips one. Remember your audience's level and where they came from. These are not developers and may not know what node is, they may not know what production or development environment is, might not know that you can create files using touch, might not know vim and therefore not understand how files got edited. I am currently working as a new developer, so should be your fun fun function target audience and there were a lot of things I didn't understand in this video. Understandably, live streaming is different but you guys should still stick to the same format as your previous videos.

It may be good to have a similar structure for dev tips to be clear with an introduction always. What is Kubernates, how does it relate to Docker? Give a live example of why it would be used. And maybe explicitly state your intentions of your session. You guys actually did this in the Docker video which made that one quite good. Your Fika breaks are great to remind yourself different points to stop, reflect and clarify what is going on. You didn't seem to have many at all this time? :(

Another bit of feedback I'd suggest is not to use vim. I assume you can just edit the files using a text editor. Vim can be quite confusing to new learners to use if they want to follow along. I can certainly remember how long it took for me to work out how to get out of vim when I first used it.


Continue with Kuberenetes! You don't need to remove the deployment to update it =)


guys, did you explain of to start the server or of to setup the minukube dashboard?


I don't exactly know what's happening here. Had to move and see videos from another channels to try to understand what's going on.


What happened to the online business? Has the series stopped?


Logo animation is not good, let me tweak it where is it?


Oh man all the serverless thing makes me feel old. I don't see a real benefit to use docker or kubernetes most of the time, specially when using a node app that doesn't even require a database. I mean node and npm already makes it easy for devs, npm install and be happy. You only need to take care of the node version...
