Will this FINALLY make things BETTER??

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We need to start a drinking game every time a company releases a "new" saturator... LOL


I love it when something polishes a mix... I can see my face in it when it plays


I've been testing this for over an hour on a mastering session and it's a winner for me. It can change the tone & feel of a track without sounding like an effect, its the best tube emulation I've heard, its very musical and it's not harsh due to use of ADAA technology. I have other high end tube saturation, Kelvin, MH Character, Aroma & others all which sound great, but this is different, it just add that final bit of mojo.


I was slightly disappointed that even after switching on the Flux Capacitor - You didn't end up in 1955. :D


I got to play with this for a few months before it came out, and wrote two upcoming articles about it for iz’s learn blog, where I showed it off on an acoustic mix against the coloration of a hardware Manley varimu.

The TDLR on this plugin for me is, it’s very effective for arriving at the soundstage/depth subtleties real tube gear can impart on a mix in the box—rather than the out and out slamming that many other plugin tube saturators do.

While I am paid to write for iZotope, my opinions on this are my own: if I didn’t believe the plugin was good at what it does, I’d just keep my mouth shut.


6:59 I don't mind longer videos as long as the plugin / topic is compelling enough.
For this saturator, I think the timing was just right.


I have it and I love it on the mixbus. It sounds a bit like an exciter but it has more than other exciters.


i can't tell you how much i've appreciated your reviews over the years. Thanks for what you do. That's all.


Cool plugin! I dialed in a setting I liked on my master and it sounded great. It made the chorus section larger than life without becoming too harsh and all the elements pop out in a very pleasant way. The issue I had was when the energy levels dropped in the intro or verse sections. I found the effect too pronounced, especially in sections with no bass. It would try too hard to excite the low mids, which made the vocals sound boxy. I think I will try automating the number and the cutoff frequencies for different sections of the track to have a more transparent effect.


“Polished and professional” makes me want to go the other direction


It sounds better at certain moments than others. What it will need for wider commitment is the ability to do micro adjustments at certain time intervals where it doesn't exactly behave like you would want. Where it needs like 5-10 percent adjustment to get all the way there.


Just do what's best for you! I personally like longer videos. But the most important thing is that it's 'chilled' and not rapid, cutting, influencer-style mimics.. so since you do none of these, it's still very pleasing to watch and listen. Keep up the good work! <3


for $50 i'd say it's worth it to have in your toolbox. I'm finished on my big purchases with plugins for a good long while..finally. I'll pick these things up with NI vouchers though.


I think it's pretty cool. What I would like is a 4 or 5 band control or 4-5 points on a curve (like Baby Operator) where I can shape the saturation more in different areas; automation for those as well. A selector for adaptive or static saturation. And of course an output control that is critically missing.


GREAT cover of Sandstorm, by Darude. Little known fact, which brings this video full circle, the founder and ex CEO of Izotope, is actually Darude's mixing engineer. Hes the one behind the sound of Sandstorm.


i like the idea of saturating the louder frequency areas and "smearing" them out, or saturating the sustain more than the transient and vice versa! cool plugin, thanks whiteC


wow! chromaglow and bloom had a baby? noice


This is easily the best sounding Izotope plugin I've heard so far. I think it sounds great! 👍👍


Interesting idea, seems like you could just run a container in parallel in reaper, with a gate only letting the peaks through and then a saturator. Might get similar results.


I’ve been testing this plug for a while. Like a year now I think. It does do a thing that can be nice on certain material. It started out really subtle. It was basically a mastering tool but we asked for more and more control! And now it’s pretty cool on busses now. lol.
