Super RARE Channeling - Adamus St. Germain Speaks LIVE! Reveals ANSWERS to Humanity | Geoff Hoppe

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WATCH Next Level Soul's Wisdom from Beyond Virtual Channeling Summit - Nov 11-16, 2024

Adamus St. Germain Channeled Course ($50 OFF - NLS Discount)

WATCH: Geoff Hoppe's 1st Interview on Next Level Soul:

All links to today's guest's books and official site - click below:

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Geoffrey Hoppe is the founder of the Crimson Circle and channeler for Tobias, Adamus® Saint-Germain, and Kuthumi lal Singh. Geoffrey first channeled Tobias, an angelic being, in 1997 on an airplane flight returning home from a business trip. Tobias declared,

"I am here to work with you,"

...and guided Geoffrey through a very intense one-year spiritual boot camp.

The Crimson Circle started in August 1999 when Geoffrey began sharing his conversations with Tobias during monthly channeled sessions. The Crimson Circle has grown into a global affiliation of New Energy teachers. The Crimson Circle also trains and certifies teachers in a variety of spiritual subjects such as Death, Birth, Ascension, Aspectology, Passion, and Sexual Energies.

Prior to founding the Crimson Circle, Geoffrey was involved in business for 25 years. He started and managed a marketing consulting company in Dallas, Texas, for 15 years and was a co-founder of AirCell, Inc., a large aviation telecommunications company located in Colorado. He holds three technical U.S. patents for Multi-Dimensional Communications. Geoffrey and his wife Linda live in Colorado (USA) Rocky Mountains. They travel over 100,000 miles per year and have presented workshops and schools in over 25 countries.

Please enjoy my conversation with Geoff Hoppe channeling Adamus St. Germain.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
3:24 - The process connecting to Adamus St. Germain
5:36 - Channeling Adamus Saint Germain
7:32 - Incarnation as Saint Germain?
13:30 - How can we find inner peace and happiness in this lifetime?
19:54 - Where is AI going, and how will it affect us?
24:07 - What is the nature of the universe and our place in it?
31:25 - What is the path to self-realization?
35:19 - What is it like for a soul when they are not incarnated?
39:45 - What is the role of meditation and prayer in the spirit in the spiritual journey?
42:18 - What is the role of faith and belief in the spiritual journey?
43:35 - How do you tap into your own inner wisdom or inner guidance?
46:22 - How can we cultivate compassion for those who have different beliefs or values than we do?
50:09 - What is the connection between spirituality and material abundance?
52:43 - How do you handle feelings of spiritual doubt or uncertainty?
54:51 - Most important lesson Adamus learned from his spiritual journey to realization
58:50 - Adamus Saint Germain's Final Message
1:08:34 - The 12 signs of awakening
1:11:51 - Geoff's Final Message

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Adamus St. Germain Channeled Course ($50 OFF - NLS Discount)


When Adamus said how no other civilization has "the heart that humans have, " my own heart cracked open...


I have been embodied for 83 years Its so clear to me that with some realization obtained through a life time of curiosity and focus and healing My continued life here is very important..As an elder with some wisdom I have many fruits to share with my children and grandchildren and all who come my way..Long live the wise long lived


All I have to say is, “you know in your heart what is right”. If something is unsettling to you, it is for good reason. This podcast was a good opportunity to practice discernment and trust in yourself. Know thyself.


This was an amazing interview/channeling. I was doing the dishes towards the end of Adam’s speech and when he came to his last message I just bursted into tears. I was sobbing uncontrollably and kept repeating “I am that I am, I am ready for the realization”. I was shaking and so emotional. My heart opened with so much love and compassion. I can’t describe the feeling, but it was so powerful and full compassion and love towards myself and my body.
I hope everyone listening will feel it too and realize that it’s ok to let it all go and forgive yourself. I am still in tears and awe ❤
Much love!
Thank you Alex, may you be blessed.
And I am so grateful to you Adamus/St Germain.


I've been feeling so "done" lately. Like I've finished what I came to do, done the human roles, experienced and learned and evolved. Now what? My spiritual journey for the past 20 years has inspired so much growth in me that people who knew me way back when don't recognize me now. I have been told "you are not the same person!" (Thankfully!) The last few years I have lived with no goals, no expectations, and no passions--the old ones having fallen away-- and simply live moment to moment. And I find myself wondering "why am I still here?" Do I have a purpose anymore? There must be something keeping me here. Answer: To shine my light. I am needed here at this time. Thank you, Adamus, for the reminder.


I loved what he said "allow your soul to join your body for this life" sounds like where I'm at right now. Not worried about the money, happiness, what we own. Happiness will come with the peace of mind. Little things make me happy. My dog, the sunshine and like that. I seem to appreciate life more.


So much to say about this incredible message, but I'll just say this. This is by far the clearest channel I've ever heard. No double speak, no yelling, no strange accent, no vaguery, and no attitude. He says what he says with clarity, directness, and love.


❤️ 24 years of Crimson Cirlce (Tobias and Adamus) distilled into 60 minutes of wisdom. It is lovely that this wisdom has found another avenue for distribution. Thank you, Alex, Geoff and Linda, and, of course, Adamus, for reminding us (again) of what we already know! ❤️


As a therapist who works with unhappy, anxious people, I'd say gratitude and care for others us the key to joy. Exhaultation of the self is the empty answer of the narcissistic. Please listen to these channeled words with an open and discerning mind. And ask yourself if you truly believe you are the highest consciousness. ❤ 😊


You’re not only honor the homeless person on the street you honor their journey you honor what they chose to come here and learn and you honor the fact that they have to get themselves out of what they brought themselves into that they wanted to experience this on earth, which is why they are experiencing it, and when people come along and take away their journey and change it, it’s not always for the bestbecause they are here to learn certain things that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be compassionate, helpful and loving, but don’t take away their journey, even if it has suffering involved in it


This was one of the most validating, confirming, freeing interviews I've ever experienced. I knew almost all of this already, but it was such a blessing to hear it from Adamus/St. Germain. Thank you Alex, Geoffrey and Linda for this frank and hugely uplifting channeling/teaching.


It feels as if I am reborn after hearing this next level soul podcast. Thank you All❣


I choose to stay on Mother Gaia and privilege to call her home❣ Let us shine ever brighter our Lovelight, let us be the hope, faith for our brothers and sisters for we are all ONE❣♥️🌞😍🦅👽🐢😇


Clear, validating, beautiful--I listened to it more than once. I felt it was perfection. Thank you all!


I am speechless! Confirmation of what my heart knows but the world does not is such a gift! This interview filled me to the brim. It will make my life so much easier. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I honestly felt conflicted by some of what he was saying. He said when he was a healer he received great rewards and then he is saying not to concern yourself with healing others. And also not praying for others...That doesn't seem right to me. I like to pray that God will touch peoples hearts, and for healing. I believe positive thoughts through pray are very important, to think of others in a positive thought/ prayer is what we need. Being a light so others can see and a prayer that it will ignite the light within them. To me that just seems so important, especially now when we are surrounded by so much darkness. Thank you Alex for all you do!! I love your bright light you are sharing with all of us!


I’ve always felt really guilty about not meditating, but never felt guilty about never wanting to go to church or any other religion. Now I know why thank you❤


I LOVE listening to Adamus and sat here with my eyes closed and my heart expanded. If you haven't had the opportunity to watch the Heaven's Cross by Adamus from 3/22/23 - take time to listen and sit in peace. Not leaving this planet any time soon - loving my physical life and want to keep learning and growing as the beautiful soul that I AM. Always a beautiful message from Adamus to carry our light into this world and be present. Every day my soul is growing when I hear these messages. Keep shining your light dear souls - we are, I AM THAT I AM. I have found myself sitting more often outside in the sun when it's nice out and "just being present" for hours on end or just sitting on my bed wrapped in a blanket - just being present. Thank you Alex and Adamus for bringing these great messages to help us humans on this human journey and honoring myself.


This is the 'next time' that I feel just right after listening to Adamus.. I was able to sit back and think how hard I've been struggling and failing to meditate, struggling to remember everybody in my prayers that need some help, struggling to be a better person, to forgive, to stop feeling hurt. Struggling for more compassion, money to give/help, time, when it runs out. What I heard was: it's okay to leave all of that and just BE. Sit and listen, really take in what is around you, allow yourself to simply love without the consequence of BUT in there.... it is so simple after all. On your last show with NLS I found truth and this time I found I AM. I will quit working so hard for something that already is - that is just waiting for me to notice! Thanks much.
