The main problem of singleton design pattern #designpatterns

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Demystifying Singleton Design Pattern: Its Limitations in Modern Development 🖥️

The Singleton design pattern is well-established in the software development world. It ensures a class has just one instance and provides a point of access to it. But as technology advances, is it still relevant, especially in distributed systems?

in this video, I delve into the heart of the Singleton pattern and uncover its significant limitation—its inability to scale efficiently. In a world where services span multiple machines, Singleton's machine-confined scope can present challenges.

I'll explore:
- A classic `SessionManager` Singleton example in Java.
- How the Singleton pattern might inadvertently cause "Unauthorised" errors in a distributed setup.
- Why solutions like databases or distributed caches can sidestep the need for Singleton entirely.

Ultimately, while the Singleton pattern has its merits, it may not always be the best choice in our modern, distributed landscape. Instead, consider leaning towards immutable objects, which offer more scalability and reliability.

If you learned something new or enjoyed the discussion, don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more insights into the world of coding and design patterns!

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