All Harry Potter Films Ranked, Properly

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A bold social experiment in which I upset nearly every Harry Potter fan.
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This guy is just absolutely wack. No substance to his choices. He needs to not watch them again. Doesn’t deserve to. Hell take the books from him too


Describing The Sorcerer’s Stone as Harry Potter comfort food is the most accurate description ever.


I still maintain that Deathly Hallows pt 1 should’ve actually been called Harry Potter and the Angsty Camping Trip


You were right to feel guilty for putting Chamber of Secrets so low on the list


Goblet of Fire being called shallow is honestly the best word to describe that movie.

That being said Amos diggory’s grief is one of the most heartbreaking things in the entire series and the graveyard scene is actually perfect.


Idk. Feel like he should have put revenge of the sith higher.


7 part 1 is so under appreciated because there’s a lot of down time in that movie without much action or excitement but that was the whole point I thought it did a really good job adapting the first half of the book and still had fun action at the end


Prisoner of Azkaban has always been my number one. And like you, I feel it’s too soon for a reboot, even as a series.


The skipping of the Tom Riddle scenes in the HBP film actually makes DH1 even bleaker because Harry barely knows what a horcrux is let alone what Voldy used to make his. I've always thought of it as a "road trip" movie until you said it's an "apocalypse" movie too. It makes sense, in the book they struggle to eat for much of the story in addition to having to be constantly moving.


Omg people actually think Azkaban is the worst movie? That is genuinely insane LMFAO


8) Half-Blood Prince: Didn't like the black and white colour scheme, hated the comedy/romace and scenes that weren't trying to be funny had me very bored until the ending with finding a Horcrux. Voldemort's backstory was interesting though

7) Goblet of Fire: Similar problems to previous entry, hated the comedy/romance scenes, Yule ball goes on for too long and is painful to sit through and cut scenes after building them up (Quidditch cup for example). Some of it was good though, like the dragon scene and Voldemort's return. Nice to see actual colours too

6) Deathly Hallows part 1: Camping scenes were boring to me, I know they were wandering aimlessly and were lost, but it went on too long for me. Mostly build up. Half the scenes were good, like the ministry and Godric's Hollow

5) Deathly Hallows part 2: Middle of the road to me, some scenes good like Snapes backstory and breaking in to Gringott's. Some scenes silly like Voldemort's fight with Harry "Let's finish this together!" (falls off ledge). Too dark to see anything in final battle too. Would have preferred a better finale with Voldemort, just couldn't take it seriously because parts were so silly.

4) Philosopher's Stone (yes, I'm British): Great world building, excellent introduction to the Wizarding world, charming music and an overall wonderful film. Big gap in how much I like this film between this one and previous entry. Obviously not as "epic" as later films, but still feel warm and fuzzy after watching it.

3) Order of the Phoenix: Excellent political commentry, love-to-hate villain (Umbridge) somehow end up hating her more than Voldemort and epic showdown with Dumbledore at the end. Love Harry becoming an underground teacher too. Very few problems with this one.

2) Chamber of Secrets: I don't get why so many don't like this one. It has an excellent sense of suspense (almost like a murder mystery except no one actually gets killed) as well as a monster mystery. Finale with Basilisk (especially using a lifesized puppet head for close ups like T-Rex from original Jurassic Park) was both epic and scary for me as a child. Five star film for me easily

1) Prisoner of Azkaban: Perfect film (ignoring the ommissions from books). Best music, best story, best emotional moments etc. Love how Harry's fight with Dementors isn't just physical but mental too. No complaints at all with this one.


The first four films are infinitely more re-watchable than the last four.


I respect your opinion, but man having DH1 as #1 is an insane take 😂😂


CoS will always be my favorite just for the feeling it gives me. It makes me feel like a kid again. The flying car, dobby and the overall mystery/darker tone is nice


Starting off with Goblet of fire at 8 tells me something: you read the books first. I think Goblet as a movie is geniunly top 3 but you have to be able to understand that the movie is very different than the book.


Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite, had a dark feel to it and the direction style was unique.


Chamber of secrets is my favorite. I like the dark and mysterious theme it went with.


For pure entertainment factor for me Goblet of Fire is at the top, I get people are mad because it misses a lot of the book, but as a standalone film it brilliantly depicts how it feels to be a teenager in a more adult world, romance, fallouts, action and introduces Voldemort in such a dark and disturbing way
Personally it’s my HP confort film


8. Half blood prince
7. Deathly hallows part 1
6. Goblet of fire
5. Deathly hallows part 2
4. Philosophers stone
3. Chamber of secrets
2. Order of the phoenix
1. Prisoner of Azkaban


You are the only person I have ever heard say that DH part 1 is their favorite film. For most people, it's in their bottom 3.
