Understanding The 3 Types of Empaths

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In this video I introduce a system for understanding the empath on a continuum of functioning from healthy, average to pathological functioning. This video clarifies the confusion between the term 'empath' and 'co-dependent' that has arisen in the comments section on my previous videos. It also provides a powerful framework for understanding the empath's downward spiral.

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Abdul Saad
Clinical Psychologist

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Who else spent most of their life not knowing there was actually a name for this?


I hate being an empath, for years I could see everybody else’s emotional needs except my own. I gave so much of my energy away I became seriously ill.


so true it used to physically hurt me to say no to people my heart would ache I felt a slave to it but after much reflection and soul searching and realizing that I could choose to help or not and either is ok it was not my job to save the world as much as it was my job to save myself and my sanity


It took me 3 years to drift from the proud helper to the co-dependent. The awakening after narcissist abuse can bring empaths back to the “authentic altruist”. This is all very interesting. Thank you 🙏🏽


A psychologist who has a understanding of a higher intelligence working in the universe through divine grace for the betterment of all creation, a rare thing. well done.


“Not attached to the outcome of giving.” I wish I could get there, great video


being an empath is a gift...never stop loving...we are the salt of the earth....there is nothing wrong with us....its just that we are at the opposite end of the spectrum from a narcissist... our mortal narc wants to steal our love and concern for fellow beings by exploiting and destroying the empathy we possess


I am definitely the authentic altruist but I am also 11 years into a spiritual awakening and it has taken me a lot of accountability, self work and healing to get hear because I began at the codependent level and spent much of my life in that loop, until thankfully, I woke up and could see my part in my unhappiness.


I belive that if you are fully capable of understanding youre own darkness you reach a point were you are also able to see the darkness in others. If you can be aware of the shadow in others and in youreself only then can you start to have communication on a truthfull level with assertiveness, only feeding the ”good wolf” in others and in youreself. I also belive that in order to succeed towards this goal one must first get comfortable with being with himself, only then can you start to see what you are dependent upon. This can be a fearfull experience witch feels very scary at first. Feel the pain and move past this fear by being awere of it, study it and pay attention to it from a place of awereness, just observe and take note!


My mother recognized my empathic nature when I was very young. While it may not be "gold star" child rearing; she would tell me to "shut those a$$holes off" if she noticed I was having a hard time in a situation. She was also kind enough to teach me that I was not required to help each person that came into my life or space. She was a true blessing to me during the awkward stages and when I became more mature.


This guy gets the height of my respect, the most direct and knowledgeable man i have encountered. Continued success my friend and god be with you.


I don't think I understand.... I don't have any pride in being an empath. I find it to be a burden most times. And I don't get along with narcissists....


Great video. I went through all stages from codependency to altruistic. It was by identifying myself as codependent (and the lack of self love that caused me to be that way) and then I grew to love myself enough to set healthy boundaries. I’m love life with myself now and love being alone. I know I’m not healthy enough to attract a healthy relationship yet, but I’m getting there with the help of great information like this video. Thank you.


I have been all three. Love your videos


Wow, typically when I watch psychology videos, I don't expect or even want any intermix with spirituality. But truly, I feel that is what is missing in the mainstream understanding and treatment. Psychology approaches tend to be very one dimensional, and focusing on symptoms, diagnosis and then talk therapy/ medication administration to control symptoms. But as I was watching the first part, you included the aspects about the high functioning empath's understanding of giving without expectation, awareness of the shadow side, moving beyond five senses, etc, and it really struck me that these aspects of the journey was so crucial to becoming authentically empowered/ gaining mental strength and clarity as an empath. Detaching from the ego side of giving is what empaths should strive for, as these things can have very painful outcomes.
It's taken me years to develop these understandings. Going from being atheistic to developing a stronger spiritual connection to universal intelligence. Letting go of outcome and the ego aspects of desire to help has been critical.
Thank you for this video sir.


Grandiose, exactly. I cannot thank you enough for your videos. They are educational, clear, succinct, and given altruistically ( and yes, I see the pun/irony). Thank you for being authentic and not a person seeking likes or fame. All my best to you.


The only way to help others is to put on your oxygen mask first so they can see how it's done and be prompted to act for themselves. Sometimes a (figurative) slap in the face is the kindest thing you can do for another person. Recognizing when doing nothing outwardly while holding loving thoughts for another is the best thing for everyone is a huge step to recovery. Thanks for taking on this vital issue!


It's like many Empaths are a living walking talking battery for people, situations and things to all use to charge off of.
Then the empath is left drained which leads to illness and dysfunction.
Each empath needs to learn to recharge themselves in a way that is not sucking the life/energy out of anyone.


Thank you Abdul you're the man. This is EXACTLY what I need. I'm sure I understand everything you said and I can't wait for you to expand on this topic some more because I've lived most of my life going between the blue and the red trying to get to the green, and I've been there before, but never known how to stay there. There's probably something to do with trauma bonding going on there.
If I'm not mistaken, the "Authentic Altruist" can be considered a mentally healthy individual (providing they have boundaries and don't let people break them), with no need to seek any kind of help to change their behavior. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The way you put it on a scale like that makes it all so clear how things relate to each other and how you're susceptible to slip and slide up and down it depending on your current circumstances if you're not aware of how this all works. I feel like the more knowledge you possess, the more you can control where you sit on this spectrum, without it you're kind of a sitting duck.
Abdul your videos have been some of the most practical for my healing journey, you're so generously giving us something that so many of us desperately need. I truly appreciate your generosity to give so much of your time and incredibly valuable insight for free.


This is the best explanation I've heard on this topic. Thank you!
