OM Mantra Chanting | 8 Hours | 432Hz

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OM Mantra Chanting Meditation at 432Hz for 8 Hours

OM or AUM is the sound of the Universe - the sound of divine - its a powerful vibration - 432Hz is the vibrational frequency of nature around us.
And when you combine the both, magic happens.
The entire experience becomes divine, and it can help in our connection with the ONE . Its also the seed mantra of Crown Chakra - the Sahasrara.

Meditate with it, chant with it, you can also use it for yoga or just listen to it and let it play in the background. and let the positive vibrations from the universe spread all around you.


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If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I listen it almost every night before sleep since 2 years or may be 3. And sometimes, during the day, I have the sound in my head who comes from nowhere. Then smile, i take a breath and enjoy it. 🙏


Om chanting has been parodied so much in the meida over the years that I'm surprised how much I enjoy listening to this.


So peaceful I wish whose ever reading this may achieve his or her goals or dream wish you a happy and peaceful day


Spent the past few hours searching for something I would enjoy listening to while I sleep. Finally, found this! Good night and thank you. OM <3


Om Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om 🙏


When you sleep to this at night it's as if you get Double the sleep!


I remember this room to! As I was meditating 🧘‍♀️ and the spirit of the living YHWH came up on me💯✍🙏👁


Thank you for putting down the adds. Now I can peacefully enjoy this beautiful mantra for long periods of time. Excellent mantra to put all the family in a peaceful and calm state of mind at night.


Usually I repeat a mantra silently to myself, as I meditate. However, I just sat to meditate this morning, listening to this OM chant. Very powerful. A gateway to altered consciousness.


Tranquil rest of Peace filled Eyes
Goodnight dear ones
Walk in Love
Walk in Zen
Nothing expected
Yet all is healed
Many blessings
Of RichLoveBlessings


No matter how hard you try and hide or how far you run, you still wake up with yourself BUT remember YOU are right where your Higher Power wants you to be. May God bless you and keep you all of your days


Almost in a literal sense, I stumbled upon Meditative Mind as I searched, somewhat desperate, to find a prolonged tonal production that might help me cope with "racing thoughts" when I try to sleep. I have been a severe insomniac for many years as a result of experiences in Vietnam more than half a century ago. Pills, therapists, groups ... all that failed, except very heavy medication which left me mentally flat and tired. I decided to stop them and seek ... unusual methods. When I discovered Meditative Mind, I tried the Choir Singing OM SO HUM and was completely amazed. I slept that night. I still battle my demons, but OM SO HUM and this simple and potent chanting of OM very often hold the demons at bay, and rock me to sleep, almost as a mother does to a child. I'm ignorant of the philosophy, but I testify to the results of these almost magical manifestations of sound and beauty. And I thank you for them.


Heard about this thru much research. First got into yoga, then meditation, then read an article from a science magazine that spoke about monks that had their brains scanned to find absolutely no stress in their brains. Amazed, decided to do more research into how monks live, their beliefs and practices. Chanting is very relaxing and calming to the body, mind and spirit similar to yoga. So I listen to monks chanting and would love to be able to visit or stay at a monastery somewhere with them so I could fully experience a different form of living. I practice breathing with yoga but am interested to learn more. At first I was a skeptic because I couldn't believe breathing exercises could change the body as much as it does. This way of life has been around a very long time and to appreciate all it offers one has to choose to be open-minded without judgments to experience life on a whole other level of living.


May Parbrahma Bless all living and non-living, visible and invisible, existing and non-existent with dharma and spiritual bliss #OM #NamahShivay #SpiritualSoul


I remember the guy across seas I think he was from the Philippines Army? ECT.. He worshiped the God Allah he took a liking to me when I said hallelujah and my family! He Smiled and laughed and forgave me while I was filled with the living spirit of YHWH 💯✍🙏👁 and has been watching over me and my family sense! I know he remembers me standing with my hands raised praying 🙏 and the light shining down on the people!


48 minutes in and I never felt this good


Om Namah Shivay Om Jai Shree Ram Om ❤❤❤❤❤❤


This has been playing in my bedroom at night the last few years. I've gotten to where I can't sleep without it.


When I listen to this I feel like I'm in heaven.
