Ranking Every SWTOR Class Story from WORST to BEST (2023 Edition)

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Star Wars: The Old Republic is a game featuring multiple class storylines to play through. From the scheming politics of being a Sith Inquisitor to the humility to be found as a Jedi Knight, regardless of who you are there's a story to be enjoyed. But which of these storylines are the best? And which are the worst? And even if one of the class storylines falls a bit short, what are some things to look forward to during the playthrough?

In this video, Nixxiom and ExiledRanger go hyperdrive in SWTOR to lay down which classes in The Old Republic are the Best and Which are the Worst. The Jedi Knight, the Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter - we cover them all!

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Star Wars the Old Republic
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A BIG thanks to ExiledRanger for not only being on the recent Two Nerds Podcast episode, but also for being a part of this video. Did he do a good job, fellas?


I loved the Sith Inquistor storyline and Khem Val was such a great companion. Who wouldn't want to have a giant dark side monster as your companion that threatenes to eat people and says he will defeat you one day.


The amount of branching choices that was around dealing with Darth Jaddus made the Imperial Agent my number 1 story


Sith inquisitor is the best storyline IMO. It was the first time that I felt that I was a sith but not overpowered.
SPOILER : you start as nothing, you progress, you get a master, you fight for him, he betrays you (who could have seen that coming?), you get a new rival, you find a way to oppose him through ghosts of the force and even with that it's hard ! Such good memories !


Imperial Agent was so good. I think the James Bond tropes really were a blessing rather than a hinderance for that story. I also really liked that there was an option to play the story as if you were just another cog in the Imperial wheel. You could really just lean into the idea that you were raised in the Empire and you're loyal to a fault. But you arent necessarily good OR evil, you're just doing your job and protecting your people.


Im sorry WHAT- you put the Trooper above the imperial agent?? Just....no!


Sith Inquisitor should definitely be higher up imo. You feel the most powerful out of any class in the game by the end of Chapter 3. Plus it also helps that the female Inqui has one the most wicked, sadistic, and hottest voices I have ever heard.


I found Light Side Sith Warrior to be interesting. DS choices were just pure kill kill kill, LS choices were manipulation, schemes etc. much more interesting.


There is NO WAY you ranked the Trooper that high. Trooper was the very first class I tried and it was the last class I finished 6 years later, their class story was THAT boring.


I find myself disagreeing very strongly with that ranking.

Imperial Agent is so good I replayed it fully over twenty times. This is the ONLY story for which choices truly do matter. Your ending is affected by choices you make as early as Act 1.
For an RPG, that seems mandatory.

Every. Single. Other class just fails on that, delivering only cosmetic differences between light and dark for the most part - often decided in the final stretch of the game.

Trooper at rank 3 is just criminal. It should be at or below Consular - Consular was boring as fuck but at least the very late story got a little more interesting. Trooper is boredom from start to finish, only saved by Femshep.

To me the proper ranking is this.

S-Tier: Agent
A-Tier: Warrior, Inquisitor, Knight
B Tier: Bounty Hunter, Smuggler
F Tier: Consular, Trooper

Note that while I enjoy rerolling, I never manage to get far with either Consular or Trooper.


There is no way the trooper story even comes close to the agent one.


I feel like Bounty Hunter's story is written so well. Dialogue is great, story missions are interesting and characters all feel genuinely alive and the world feels lived in. Plus, the dynamics between each crew member are amazing to watch. It feels like they actually exist and make their own choices. Mako and Torian's interactions with each other and you and also how they develop overtime make them some of my favourite companions out of any storyline.

The whole crew just feels like one big found family that actually coexist in the same space and I love it.


A big problem with the Trooper story imo, is that you get way too many opportunities to disobey direct orders without any real consequences.

"How dare you disobey my order! Anyway, " ect ect. I know that is just the way the game is structured, but it always took me out of the experience. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the Trooper story is the only one that feels well and truly immersion breaking.


I would say Sith Warrior first, Imp Agent second for me. I just can't get over Jadus. For me Jadus>Baras and it is a crime Jadus was not utilized more.


The Sith Inquisitor Storyline is the absolute best in my opinion! I actually prefer playing as a Jedi Knight, but the Inquisitor's story is so replayable and engaging. You start as a slave, facing all odds, and eventually become a Dark Councilor, overseeing a whole Sphere of Influence in the Sith Empire. It's the only story I've played multiple times and even watched all the cutscenes. I don't get why people hype up the Agent Story so much. I've only played it once, and I've been playing this game for a long time. The Sith Warrior comes close as a great story too. So, my top three stories are Inquisitor, Warrior, and Knight. Bioware really missed the mark with the Consular story; it's just too dull.


Haven't played in years. But I do remember beating all of them. Sith Warrior was my personal favorite. I think Counselor story was most boring. But like I said, it's been a while.


I may not be the biggest SWTOR fan, but hell, I'll never forget, nor lose appreciation for the ballsy ambition and incredible touches of world-building details SWTOR went for and had. It was truly something else and I'll always remember the goosebumps I had all the way back in 2011 right before launch.


From personal experience playing them all. The level of fun I had with each story were as follows:

1: Smuggler (Going darkside smuggler just is so fun and makes you a pirate king by the end)
2: Sith Warrior (A true classic)
3: Jedi Consular (Oddly enough enjoyed it despite its rather boring premise on paper)
4: Sith Inquisitor (Awesome set up and rise to power)
5: Imperial Agent (Enjoyed it and can see why it gets the hype it does but not my personal favorite)
6: Jedi Knight (By the book paint by numbers. Still had fun for the all the core lore elements)
7: Trooper (Can't remember anything from this besides the opening)
8: Bounty Hunter (Was the last class I played all the way through the story of, it hits all the elements you would want from it but just feels so cliche at the same time that it bored me to death)


I always said that the Jedi Knight story feels the most like KOTOR 3. Saying that it’s my second favourite, first was the Inquisitor!


Didn't even mention the light side option for Sith Warrior. THAT is the best class story in the game hands down.
