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Welcome to a demonstration of the portal for the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, or MBON.
The network currently consists of sites in the US National Marine Sanctuaries, including Monterey Bay, Florida Keys and Flower Garden Banks, as well as other sites in the Santa Barbara Channel and Chukchi Sea.
The MBON portal serves a database of biogeographic datasets with the ability to filter by species, location and time for viewing the data as an interactive map, histogram or time series.
We'll view as an example dataset in the portal the Reef Fish Visual Census, which is based on an underwater scientific survey through a multi-agency effort to monitor reef fish populations in the Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas.
Species counts and biodiversity summaries are included for each sample event that's associated with a location and date.
On the portal you can search for datasets, view the metadata, or information about the dataset, and add them to the portal for an interactive map view with options to adjust the layer's settings, get more information, and zoom to the layer's extent. You can select measurements such as Count, filter by habitat, MPA or taxonomy, by scientific name or common name.
The time slider allows for filtering by a window of time. Then you can click play to increment and animate the dataset over the time period of observations collected.
The default view for point observations is to summarize by hexagons, which resize based on the extent of your map view. When zoomed into a fine scale, you can view data on individual points.
You can also draw polygons for an arbitrary region of interest to summarize, in this case a measurement of count, which shows a bar chart over time, or change the measurement to a diversity index and get trends of the index over time for the drawn polygon region.
Physical environmental conditions can shape marine biological communities. So you can backdrop other layers such as sea surface temperature, or SST. Then update the color ramp to the range of values in the map view to display variation. A separate time slider for SST is available for independently specifying the layer's date.
The MBON project and data portal are funded under the National Ocean Partnership Program between NOAA, BOEM, and NASA, with the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System.
The portal was developed through a consortium of research, university and consulting organizations in the Gulf of Mexico, California and Alaska.
Please visit the portal. We will continue to evolve the portal with more datasets and functionality over the life of the MBON project, so we greatly welcome your feedback. Please email CJ Reynolds with any questions, comments or suggestions.