The illusion of distance and free particles : quantum entanglement

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The illusion of distance and free particles : quantum entanglement.

Two particles linked together with a bond which is beyond comprehension. Changing the state of one of them, changes the state of the other one even across universe with an unknown bond.

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Amazing! So does this mean that - since every particle were once very close to each other at the beginning of the Big Bang - all the particles are entangled with each other in the whole Universe? If this is true then every action in the Universe, every action we do, think, dream…etc. immediately affect the other particles in the Universe everywhere and the same way every action in the Universe immediately affect us as well and everything! This is mind boggling yet BEAUTIFUL!!


I didn't want to watch the entire video because it was a bit bohring.


So that one guy says "without quantum mechanics we'd be in the dark ages" no, without quantum mechanics we wouldnt be anywhere lol.


The answer to the enigma can be found in Wolfgang Smith's book The Quantum Enigma, Finding the hidden key.He says these particles are  not "things' as such but are in the ontological category of potentiae. The act to which they are in potency is the corporeal entity .These particles actually have no separate existence but derive their existence from the ontological whole of the corporeal reality.The problem is due to the fact that modern science has been affected by bifurcation and Cartesian dualism .Thomistic metaphysics easily answers the enigma.  A primary causality  ultimately holds the fabric of the universe together beyond determinacy. And this causality is called God.


What were the results of the experiment? Why is N. Borh's hypothesis the only one remaining?  Shit documentary


no one understand quantum physics,   It's sort of like the wizard of oz,   appearing all knowing and powerful,   baffling everyone with math equations that might as well be ancient sumerian.  when in reality all that we take for granted is nothing more than trial and error, observations, good ol fashioned invention is and always will be the impetus for understanding.


13:54 I actually vomited. Say instead, "A mate of mine told me a French guy did an experiment and it definitely worked, but we don't know what he did it probably worked anyway. Therefore Einstein was wrong."


Spooky action as a distance is real and is a property of our space. Any particle is connected to any other (instantaneously) no matter what the distance is. There are many signs of this: 
The fact that gravity extends to infinity (as 1/r^2) and the life time of an electron is infinite ensures that everything in the universe is entangled- ie all know of the presence of each other. There is no speed of light restriction here. 
Another fact is that it is impossible to move one mass some distance without moving another equal mass the same distance in the opposite direction (regardless of the separation distance); ie sum (displacement x mass)=0 along any line- leading to; the common center of mass never moves. This must be true because the time derivative of this expression (for a constant mass) is the conservation of momentum; sum (velocity x mass)=0 along any line, and this is known to be correct all the time. Also the second time derivative gives; sum(acceleration x mass)= sum(forces)=0, along any line- leading to the ‘action and reaction of Newton’ which is also known to be true all the time, and it is instantaneous. This is the same as the argument of the distant masses invoked to explain inertia 'Mach's principle'.


okay, i dont really understand how that thing at the end disproves einstein, and also what the experimental pairs have to do with it. it seemed completely theoretical.

so could someone smarter than me explain this, because i dont understand shit after about 12th minute of the video?


I think the title is right .. "illusion of distance" .. entanglement happens because of the fabric of space and time is such that we think these particles are apart but, somehow, they are in the same plane, as others posted, maybe the particles have "hookups" in a higher dimension where they are intimately connected.. but, no matter, this reality is, indeed, not as we think it is exactly..


My hunch is the measuring device communication is flawed. The link to each partical is the location of the measuring device and the human(s) receiving the data.
I think there lies the lying data.


I often wonder if all these weird quantum problems are actually taking place at a higher deminsion..but we're just stuck in the 3rd dimension so we can't comprehend or sense with entaglement, the particles are separated in the 3rd dimension but not some higher dimension. 


It is not the case of EITHER / OR (because of the limit 'c').

If this 'reality' is a holographic projection of something more real, then such connection could occur.  Chirality (direction of spin already determined) does not explain the electron's 'decision' (or is it some consciousness's decision?) to behave like a wave when not being watched in real time, but to behave like a particle when it is being observed in real time.

What you have to remember in all these debates is that scientists are only human, and are subject to emotions and prejudices like anybody else.  They do NOT become some infallible objective Being when they put a white coat on.  There is much emotional baggage in people's commitment to a World View.

The only true scientific philosophy is a kind of 'honest agnosticism' (I call it), which runs something like this:
'Lets keep an open mind on whether matter is primary (and "consciousness is merely a property of matter organised in a special way - the brain" - Karl Marx), or, if reality is primarily the result of some Consciousness (not necessarily singular), or, if consciousness DOES arise AFTER the organisation of matter, that consciousness can still affect matter in ways that we used to call "supernatural" - in ways that we haven't discovered yet.


This would be a more useful clip if they explained how they ruled it out, this is just claims of their results.


I kept thinking, "Don't they realize that it's not the 'measurement', but the directing of attention to the particles?"  Even if machines do it, that is attention.  The intent of the experimenter affects the experiment.  And, time being only an experience and not a true ordering of events, the fact that the experimenter "later" observes the results means that that observation affects the action during the experiment.


Wow, when even someone who was determined to disprove Quantum Mechanics confirmed it, that's pretty convincing evidence.
There are ramifications of this: the behaviour of matter is NOT independent of human (and maybe other animal?) consciousness - not to the extent that we intervene in the material world with forces of our making, but purely by our observation, purely by looking.  How like a dream!


yeah if they could have explained how the entanglement was actually tested rather than just state that it was tested, that would've been great


Could that mean that quantum particles are projections from a source point, much like the reflection of virtual images on a mirror (space-time) from an LCD projector (the quantum entanglement)?


In watching this, you should see a thumbnail/ad for another clip appear on the Right (along with many others, stacked one on top of the other).  One of those displayed is: "Quantum Awakening - Have Scientists Found God?" by "ppsimmons".

It's a nice try but there is some sleight-of-hand.  The fact that material structures (like atoms & molecules) are held together electromagnetically, it is then claimed that "everything is held together by light - because light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum"!  But visible light is only a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and visible light is electrically neutral, so that is specious reasoning.

As for the Judaeo-"Christian" "God", there is much historical evidence against such a Being (or any Religious Being who is claimed to be: omnipotent AND omniscient AND omnipresent AND totally loving & caring of humanity and all life on Earth.  The historical evidence is that there has been far too much suffering for too long for this to be true.  It is argued that this 'God' gave us Free Will (though the MOST sola-scriptura theologians - the Calvinists - challenged the idea of Free Will), and so this 'God' can't intervene to save us from the consequences of our free choices.
But in the same scriptures, it is often presented that this 'God' DOES intervene to save various people, tribes & nations at different times, and that this 'God' (or "His Son") is coming one day to save us all!  So, when it suits Theists, their 'God' can't intervene, and at other times "He" does, and eventually 'has to'! (But not yet.  More millions of children have to die first.)  This is an antagonistic logical contradiction (not a living, real contradiction - like every day from the time we are born we are getting nearer to our own death, a real seeming-contradiction, a dialectical unity of opposites - dialectics as discovered by Heraclitus in ancient Greece, then resurrected & systematized by the German: Hegel in the 18th Century).

There is too much historical evidence against any traditional omnipotent AND omniscient AND omnipresent AND totally loving & caring of humanity and all life on Earth 'God', and too many logical contradictions within any of those "scriptures" (the claimed-Divinely-inspired Word of each different 'God' - the main 3 being: the Jewish 'God'; the "Christian" 'God'; and the Islamic 'God') for this kind of 'God' to be real (other than in the imaginations of those who believe in 'Him' - of whatever version they believe.  OMG! [pun intended] Might they manifest such a 'God'?!  What if competing 'God's are manifested!  War in heaven!)

But, Quantum Mechanics (and research in neuroscience since the late 1990s - see "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot) shows that some kind of consciousness (very close to, or synonymous with ours) is at least equal in influence to "natural laws" if not even the supreme determinant of this 'reality'.

It's all a bit like when Truman gets to the edge of the 'sea' in his artificially-created TV-set world (in the movie "The Truman Show" - starring Jim Carrie) and finds the sky to be a painted solid dome.  We are beginning to discover something dream-like about this 'reality' when we get to the 'edges' of it; and the 'edges' are at the smallest level, and at the largest level.

Also recommended: "The Power Of Now" - by Eckhart Tolle.  (Also, "A New Earth", by the same author.)


Here is the answer of Quantum entanglement : we live in 5 dimensions : 4-space-and-time dimensions, 1-consciousness and unconsciousness dimension.
the act of mesurement is to bring the particle from the unconsciousness state to consciousness state. In unconsciousness state, the particle behaves like waves which exist everywhere beyond 4-dimensions time-space ; in consciousness state, the particle behaves like single grain possessing a value ( 1 ? ) engtangling with other particle - other single grain elsewhere in 4-dimension time-space with a value ( 0 ? ).
Quantum entanglement opens the possibility to travel instantaneously everywhere in the universe. It shows the universe which is very big can be very small - the ONE.
In unconsciousness state, everything is united with ONE. In consciousness state, the 4-dimensions time-space appears, each one of us is living RELATIVELY in our own universe, our own universe interacts with other universes forming THE UNIVERSE by sharing the same human consciousness through ears, eyes, nose, tongue, body and thinkings.That means the world we know actually is MULTIVERSES .From ONE to MULTIVERSES likes we can draw different things in a empty paper. Besides of this universe, i am sure many many ... other universe exists. Even they are existing, they are created by THE ONE !
