InPresence 0196: Are Spirits Real?

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Jeffrey Mishlove distinguishes between spiritual entities and a spiritual realm. He suggests that the reality of spirits is dependent upon the level of reality being discussed. Spirits may possess a dream body or an astral body; however, at a deeper level of reality, individual "selves" are something of an illusion created, according to Buddhist thought, by codependent origination.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on September 23, 2020)


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Dr. Mishlove seen awalys so happy. He loves the subject and it shows.


Dr. Mishlove such a POSITIVE energy, such a positive force.. thank you!


My girlfriend and I have been reading PK Man. She has a more materialist view than mine and we have really enjoyed discussing the possibilities.


My grandfather came to me in a dream, I woke up & saw him there next to me for a few seconds, was so tired I just rolled over & went sleep again. the next day my mum told me he had passed away 350 miles away, I was 17! I've had many things happen since then that I keep to myself, it's better that way. Unless as u hav, the subject is brought up, I rarely hav a time to write or talk about my experiences. I just hav a 6thsense something truly Fantastic is behind all that we r going thru! Unfortunately we only hav words & I'm not good at them, so frustrating, guess loads of folk must feel the same!? Y try to explain when it seems impossible!!? Thank You tho, I just lov hearing ya talk etc u r so good with words, keep on doin ya stuff, it's BRILLIANT*, 😋


I had a similar experience, dreamt my friend was departing this world and we shared goodbyes. It was the most realistic dream I ever had, woke up with tears running down my face. However, this was before he died, which made it more complex, almost like a premonition preparing me for what was to happen shortly. He was a good kid


I would propose that the 'self' is a construct of our conscious and unconscious minds through which we interact and exist in physical form and in the physical world. The 'spirit', 'soul', 'consciousness', or whatever else one uses to describe it, exists far deeper in the 'being'. It always has been and always will be 'as is' free of the concepts we manifest throughout our lives. Perhaps when we 'see' 'spirits' we perceive them in their physical form because our minds find that an easy reference. I have had many experiences over the decades, mostly as vague forms of 'something' (some kind of energy) rather than human shapes - but instinctively I seem to perceive what or who they are for the most part. I have no answers, but it is a fascinating subject.


Yes, when I was 6 years old I saw a spirit. As I was lying atop of my bunk bed I saw a man who I did not know standing there across the room about six feet away from me staring and smiling at me. I got scared and put the covers over my head and started calling mommy, mommy. When she came I don't recall what she said, I only remember falling back to sleep. When I got older I described to her the man I saw that night and asked her who she thought that man was and she said he was probably my father's friend who at that time committed suicide. I remember that night today like it was yesterday. I've never had another spiritual experience like that since then.


Hello thank you for your video. I saw my father on the 9th day of his passing. I am very luck to have seen my father I was with my sister at the same time, we were awake...not asleep. We saw him in his bedroom. My father had been in a wheelchair for 6 years, he died in hospital and we where at his hospital bed when he passed. The 9th night in Jamaican culture is the time family and friends come round stay late pray, talk eat and drink tell stories about the deceased. It's called the Nine Night. As a little girl I once saw a white man walk through our living room. He was dresses in the style 1940's clothing. I have one more experience but have to run. Love your vids.stay and your family.


Thank you for the distinctions. I have arrived at a similar understanding. May all you love thrive.


My mother had a dream of her best friend dying at 4.30 am of cardiac arrest and she narrated the whole thing to me in the morning with vivid details but I brushed her aside saying that she was attached to her more than she should but then an hour later the deceased's brother called my mum saying that her best friend died that morning at 4.30 am due to cardiac arrest.. I was shell shocked.. Not sure what to make of this.. Just thought of noting it here..


Has Tom Campbell ever been on this show? I'd love to hear Jeffery's unique questions for him.


Do I believe in spirits? You and I are spirit, so, yes, I do.


For what it's worth, I believe I have been guided, at many moments, throughout my life. It seems to me there is a presence that brings about my awareness of certain things, or that leads others to say something or do something that leads me in the direction I was meant to go - if I pay attention and then follow. Thank you so much for the interesting thoughts. Quite surprised you didn't mention spiritism, which makes a lot of intuitive sense to me.


I think I was 18 when I dreamed my next door neighbor came and kissed me on the cheek. When I talked to my mom the next day she told me that he had dyed that day


The spirit realm fascinates me. I used to regularly attend a spiritualist church and sat in a development circle. I have so many experiences but one that I want to share is about my Mum, who was also very spiritual and so we could discuss this topic freely with her. Towards the end of her life my sister and I used to tell her that when she passed to the "other side" she was to come back and give us a sign that she was still around. I told her I'd like her to touch my nose. That would be her calling card for me. Well she passed nearly 3 years ago and she has indeed come back many times and touched my nose! Sometimes when I've specifically asked her to and sometimes out of the blue as if she just wants me to know she's around. I experience the touch as a pulsing or tingling on the nose, not like anything I've ever experienced before, very distinct! I also get a pulsing in my forehead and my left temple which I believe to be angels and spirit guides. I can call upon them at any time. Very comforting.


Thank you, I've been a fan of yours for some time!


Thank you for posting my Brother! Love to you and your family.


Yes. I have definitely had contact with the spirit realm via my grandmother appearing thousands of miles away from where she died to place her hand on my forehead and tell me, "Everything is going to be okay, " before I received phone call to tell me she passed. Powerful sensation of her hand and unconditional love. In addition, I've seen apparent full body "appearances" twice I cannot explain, and experienced a vivid "spirit dream" of an old man I did not know morphing slowly through his life to a baby. Have also had complete aerial views of dense cities I've never visited as well as several future self realities parts of which came true in my physical reality over decades. Thich Nhat Hanh's 94th continuation day is 10/11, and I'll be doing walking meditation in his honor...his writings have impacted my understanding of interconnected becoming more than any source.


Wonderful talking as always. Thank you so much.


That was excellent. I can see the self being an illusion, only of this world for purposes of experiencing life.
