Is knitting a mindfulness based intervention for fidgeters | James McIntosh | TEDxKingsCollegeLondon

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James McIntosh is a self-confessed fidgeter.

As someone who struggles to enjoy the present moment, on 5th March 2023 at King’s College London, James spoke about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Living in the present moment using traditional mindfulness-based interventions is impossible for someone with a brain that constantly runs at above 50MHz.

A world award-winning food writer, TV presenter in China and Global Ambassador for AGA cookers, James was living his dream.

That was until 2015, when he was confined to bed with what was diagnosed as a ‘moderately severe depressive episode’. A lost career, a failed company, panic attacks, low self-worth and esteem. Add into the mix the death of parents and suffering from homophobic and narcissistic abuse.

Was the answer to simply rebuild his life, one stitch at a time?

Enter the ancient craft of hand knitting. In his talk, James calls for the need for published academic research into hand knitting (which uses randomised controlled trials). His hypothesis: a mindful approach to hand knitting has similar benefits compared with the well established evidence base of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. This will serve as a growing evidence base for interventions available for the concept of social prescribing. James McIntosh is a self-confessed fidgeter.

Living in the present moment using traditional mindfulness-based interventions is impossible for someone with a brain that constantly runs at 50MHz.

A world award-winning food writer, TV presenter in China and Global Ambassador for AGA cookers, James was living his dream.

That was until 2015, when he was confined to bed with what was diagnosed as a ‘moderately severe depressive episode’. A lost career, a failed company, panic attacks, low self-worth and esteem. Add into the mix the death of parents and suffering from homophobic and narcissistic abuse.

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As a longtime knitter, I know for a fact that knitting has saved a great many lives....of the people around me....


Thank you James I agree with everything you say. Knitting takes you into a world away from life's stresses, it is a wonderful hobby. What makes me a little bit mad is when some people skit and make fun of people who knit. You know what I mean, old grannies etc. Well I have been knitting since I was three, my mother taught me the simple knit stitch. I still knit, it relaxes me, it is a wonderful therapy. Good luck James and thank you for your interesting talk. Ann (age 80) in South Australia.


Our grandmothers and mothers all knew that they could handle the world better behind a pair of knitting needles. We have begun to lose the essential crafts of the household and James gives a modern take on the psychological impact of simple, repetitive, manual tasks and their value to a fidgeter. Flow provides a deep place of human calm in a busy world and James' story will encourage everyone to knit one, pearl one for their mental health.


What a wonderful craft! I am just getting into knitting at 68! Took me probably 12 hours to make 1 fingerless mitten!!! Rib it! Rib it!! It is the journey!! I am learning so much! Knitters are beautiful people!!! One day at a time!! I am so grateful to have heard your story!!! Made my day!!


Makes you really think about the deeper meanings of things ! Great talk, Congratulations !


It hadn't occured to me before, but you're right. I knit to occupy not just my hands, but my mind as well. And when my mind is occupied by knitting there's no room in it for any bad thoughts and feelings. I've always known that knitting calms me, but you've shown me why that's the case. Thank you.


A wonderful talk on the very real benefits of knitting that can just as easily apply to crochet or sewing. I'm off to get my crochet out now...


That was a fantastic talk, personal and passionate. What a lovely realisation, I hope it helps people.


A beautiful talk! Thank you James. Without knitting I don’t think I’d have got through the decades of narcissistic abuse and it’s wake of trauma encountered after during the healing process. I’m so pleased for you and what you’ve achieved, well done you! Love the pink jumper too! The old one you use to line hanging baskets, 😍


A truly remarkable story James, inspiring how you found a release and embraced knitting as a means of recovery. You’ve cultivated a personal growth that anyone can access and achieve a priceless moment in the present.


This is an extremely enlightening talk, thank you so much James for your transparency and amazing story. I hope this talk is able to spread awareness about the different forms of mindfulness, and its importance in daily life!


Wow, such a powerful and eye-opening discussion on the benefits of knitting! Truly inspiring those of us to see more than just the creation of a garment but also creating a safe space to process our emotions. Well done and thank you for sharing your knowledge and vulnerability with all of us! ☺️


Fantastic life experience thanks for sharing!


Fantastic talk James, I think I need to start knitting!


WOW, what a fabulously inspirational and enlightening talk. Well done, and thank you, James.
