Glass Recycling

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Did you know that every month, we throw out enough
glass bottles and jars to fill a giant skyscraper? Join Curiosity Quest Goes Green host, Joel Greene on this quest to find out how glass bottles are recycled. This DVD begins at a plant that collects millions of glass bottles, where Greene learns how they are separated out and witnesses how they get broken and crushed. From there they are trucked out to one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world and Greene sees how all the bottles we recycle turn into “cullet” and become part of a recipe for brand new bottles. During the process you will see how the “cullet” and other ingredients are melted down into a river of molten hot lava and very quickly get pressed into a mold to become a new bottle. The best thing is that this process can be repeated over, and over, and over, and over….
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For the adults that are mad about the host being energetic, I’m pretty sure this video is made to get kids interested in recycling. He’s trying to keep their attention. Adults not finding him entertaining enough to pay attention is most likely not his focus. Personally, I think it’s pretty cool these videos are made. Recycling is important and the younger that people realize that, the better


I'm 35 and I really enjoy these recycling videos. Educative & fun to watch. :)


This is great. The host is engaging and it's excellent that they follow the process from the glass plant to the bottler. Thanks for making this video and sharing this important info!


I love this video! I'm a retired Hand Glass Blower from Kimble Division which closed 1999!


Ten minutes was all I could stand Joel.


For 35 years I worked in a plant witch extracted magnesium out of seawater. We had rotary kilns 220 feet long....much bigger then these kilns. It takes millions of gallons of seawater to produce one ton of magnesium and we were producing 500 tons a day.


This is the first time I am seeing how a bottle is made. Usually I see a man picking up molten glass with a stick and blowing into it to create a shape and I thought that this is not right. No one can make millions of bottles sitting and blowing air into it. Thanks for showing how glass is made, even though there is a lot more talking and clowning in this video.


Ever since I found out that my Nalgene plastic water bottle was poisoning me, I only drink water from glass bottles that I wash and reuse. The water never taste like plastic any more!

There is a massive amount of energy being used in this process. It would be really great to show how beer bottles are recycled here in Ontario Canada. They are washed and reused. We pay a 10 cent deposit on the bottles so when the bottles are brought back to the beer store, they give you 10 cents per bottle or can.

Recycling like in this video is certainly much better then always using virgin materials but it is far more energy intensive then washing the bottles and reusing them.

I would love to see where all the energy came from to run those places. I think it would be great if they could somehow use the non recyclable garbage to fire the furnaces for this!


These facilities need to exist in every state so nothing goes to waste. This would create tens of thousands of jobs in America.


Going green with Joel Greene, coincidence?


We need more glass recycling plants in the world. Next year my area are requiring we just throw all glass into the garbage because there is no plant around to take of all of them. Most things were shipped to China. They said no more and I don't blame them. If we as humans cannot recycle what we make, we should not make it in the first place!!


5:29 "Something you get out of the dryer"
Good thing she's pretty.


Lovenswaardig project!!! Veelzeggende beelden, duidelijke verantwoording, persoonlijke getuigenissen: beklijvend, inspirerend, overtuigend! Good luck with the project!


The gobs going down the slides was satisfying


Interviewing those kids just shows how educated they aren't.


Such a great video! I'm baffled and outrage that society doesn't concentrate all efforts possible into recycling all glass. Instead we're are constantly using new resource while could perfectly recycle all glass. Don't even get me started on plastics and the horrible effects on the oceans and marine life.


Been collecting antique bottles for years, always interested in the bottle making process! Wow this takes it to a whole new level!


Here in SC we are told at the recycling centers that they are not taking glass anymore. And to just put it in normal trash.


The ignorance of kids in the US is abysmal - What can you make out of glass? - ANS: Cans?


"what can you make out of glass?"
