Behind Enemy Lines - Reverse Engineering C++ in Modern Ages - Gal Zaban - CppCon 2019
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What do C++ programs really look like? When developers think about hierarchy and virtual calls they see it as design patterns and code but reverse engineers look at it from a different angle, they think about Assembly puzzles.
C++ is known as a tangled language, templates, lambdas and pointers. All of these features create a jungle of objects intended to make life easier for the programmer. But once the program is compiled, the target program is no longer what it once seemed.
Reversing C++ programs is tedious, demanding, and requires rebuilding inheritance, identifying templates and tainting program flow in order to combat the ties of function overloading and class utilization.
C++ Binaries are a world of mysteries. In my presentation I am going to show how C++ binaries looks like after compilation and how reverse engineers see C++ binaries and understand their logic.
Gal Zaban
Gal Zaban is a Reverse Engineer with a particular interest in C++ code, currently working as a Vulnerability Researcher. As part of her journey in understanding the catacombs of C++, she developed various RE tools for C++ including Virtuailor.
In her spare time when she's not dwelling into low-level research, she designs and sews her own clothes and plays the Clarinet.
Twitter: @0xgalz
What do C++ programs really look like? When developers think about hierarchy and virtual calls they see it as design patterns and code but reverse engineers look at it from a different angle, they think about Assembly puzzles.
C++ is known as a tangled language, templates, lambdas and pointers. All of these features create a jungle of objects intended to make life easier for the programmer. But once the program is compiled, the target program is no longer what it once seemed.
Reversing C++ programs is tedious, demanding, and requires rebuilding inheritance, identifying templates and tainting program flow in order to combat the ties of function overloading and class utilization.
C++ Binaries are a world of mysteries. In my presentation I am going to show how C++ binaries looks like after compilation and how reverse engineers see C++ binaries and understand their logic.
Gal Zaban
Gal Zaban is a Reverse Engineer with a particular interest in C++ code, currently working as a Vulnerability Researcher. As part of her journey in understanding the catacombs of C++, she developed various RE tools for C++ including Virtuailor.
In her spare time when she's not dwelling into low-level research, she designs and sews her own clothes and plays the Clarinet.
Twitter: @0xgalz