Raju Ramachandran Mr., Sr. Advocate., SC. Topic: M.K.Gandhi's assassination: The unread judgements.

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Friday Group:
Topic: Gandhi's assassination: The unread judgements.
Speaker: Mr. Raju Ramachandran,, Sr. Advocate., Supreme Court of India.
Organizer : G.Seshagiri Rao, Advocate Supreme Court of India.

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A very informative and enlightening lecture by eminent Senior Advocate Mr. Raju Ramachandran. I feel privileged to have attended this Friday Group meeting in person where dignitaries like Sr. Adv. Mr. Vikas Singh President of Supreme Court Bar Association graced the occasion, organized by Friday Group, Administrator, Mr. G. Seshagiri Rao, on Mahatma Gandhi’s 75th death anniversary,
Coincidentally this lecture was delivered in Friday Group on Friday coinciding with the fateful Friday of 30th January 1948. This discussion on the unread judgments convicting the accused in Mahatma Gandhi’s murder has paid homage to the great soul through this enlightening talk on lesser known, yet very significant aspects of the trial, serendipitously coinciding with the 75th Martyr’s Day, the anniversary of Gandhiji’s martyrdom.
I thank the Organizer Mr. Rao for sharing this video on YouTube because the words of Mr. Ramachandran are etched in our heads and the light shed on such aspects of the unread judgments will linger on in the minds of the members of legal fraternity and people around the world the way Gandhiji’s message continues to live on forever.

Rahul Sharma
Supreme Court of India.


Most enlightening disclosures by Hon'ble Shri Raju Ramachandran! How I hope he speaks also on why the hilly areas of undivided UP now a separate state named Uttarakhand as long as they formed part of undivided UP till 53 years after independence were made to travel most horribly all the way till not even Lucknow which falls 230 km earlier but right uptill Allahabad to seek justice which means more than thousands of kilometres away? Why Centre created a single HC Bench only way back in 1948 and that too so near to Allahabad at Lucknow only and nowhere else? Why when Justice Jaswant Singh Commission headed by former Supreme Court Judge Justice Jaswant Singh recommended three HC Benches for undivided UP and two for hilly areas of undivided UP att Nainital and Dehradun respectively and one in West UP in Agra yet not one created and same Centre when people agitated for separate state most happily created High Court itself at Nainital? Why no one speaks one word on this most worst betrayal of people of hilly areas and districts of West UP numbering 30 and still we see the people of West UP numbering more than 10 crores are suffering in silence? Why for just four and eight districts of Karnataka two Benches created at Dharwad and Gulbarga respectively in 2008 when population of Karnataka is just 6 crore and similarly Maharashtra which is the home state of incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud has maximum number of Benches in India and which tops in the latest justice index ranking list and where women and girls are totally safe even in night all alone and in UP termed by UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon as rape and crime capital of India has just one Bench and that too so near to Allahabad at Lucknow and nowhere else and so also why Bihar which is the home state of incumbent Chairman of the Supreme Court Bar Association of India Mr Vikas Singh that is lawless Bihar just recently in news for huge violence in Ramnavmi procession and still has not even a single HC Bench and no one again speaks a word on it? Please organise a seminar by a leading legal luminary on this also so that litigants who suffer in silence travelling all the way to Allahabad which means whole night and half day and still Centre most horribly never allows to even one High Court Bench created in West UP or Purvanchal or Bundelkhand or anywhere else in UP or in Bihar which is most atrocious! My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


Dear Seshugiri Sir kindly attach the pdf form of judgements so that we the YouTube viewers could also read them.


What an amazing talk. Sir, where can I access the soft copy of judgement


Very Good After Noon Sirs, is it possible to have the judgments' copy either as PDF or as physical copy Regards. Adv. Deva. Ramanathan Pondicherry


It is good to see that the incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud is most worried about the lower representation of women in judiciary but he must also worry for the women of lawless Bihar which is the home state of incumbent Chairman of Supreme Court Bar Association of India Vikas Singh and where we saw how worst riots broke out just recently during Ramnavmi procession and still has not even a single HC Bench and on the contrary the home state of incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud has maximum number of Benches and this despite the irrefutable fact that it is Maharashtra and not Bihar or UP which tops in the latest justice index ranking list and UP and Bihar figure among bottom states but over which CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud maintains a deafening silence always just like his predecessors except former CJI Mr Ranjan Gogoi who while giving a sympathetic hearing to women lawyer KL Chitra who in her PIL pointed out how far the litigants of West UP had to travel to seek justice as there was no Bench in West UP and former CJI Mr Ranjan Gogoi appreciated that there is merit in what she pointed out but it is for Centre to decide in 2018! Is Centre waiting for 2047 when India will complete hundred years of independence? Lord Pandit Jawaharlal Nehruji took just few months to create a High Court Bench in Lucknow in 1948 and that's all! My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


dear seshagiri rao garu, can i get the pdf copy of the judgment of the trial court.


Sir my name is venkatesh telangana state khammam district.sir i reqest the llb cpc crcp subject and section ela gurthu pettu kovali.ela chadhavali plz reply answer any one guide


Why the most populated State of India with maximum number of pending cases has just one Bench and that too so near to Allahabad at Lucknow only and nowhere else? Why Lord Pandit Jawaharlal Nehruji had the guts, gall and gumption to create a High Court Bench so close to Allahabad at Lucknow only but no PM had the guts, gall and gumption to create even a single HC Bench anywhere else in any of the districts of Uttar Pradesh? Why a peaceful State like Maharashtra which tops in the latest justice index ranking list and which already had multiple HC Benches was given one more at Aurangabad in Maharashtra in 1985 but for UP for which Justice Jaswant Singh Commission recommended three HC Benches and why yet not even one created till now? Why no one speaks on this so important legal topic? Why the home state of Vikas Singh who is the incumbent Chairman of Supreme Court Bar Association has not even a single HC Bench? My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


Why is it that Mahatma Gandhi always was concerned about the poorest of the poor but Centre is most concerned about the richest of the rich by creating more international airports in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar but is not ready to create even a single HC Bench in lawless Bihar or in Uttar Pradesh and this despite the irrefutable fact that late Atal Bihari Vajpayee who is the former PM had as Opposition leader in 1986 demanded Bench for West UP in Parliament and so also Yogi Adityanath who is UP CM had thundered for a High Court Bench in Gorakhpur in 1999 and then he even brought a private member bill in Parliament in 2015 and yet even after becoming second time Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is able to do just nothing on it so that the poorest of poor litigants don't have to travel so far to Allahabad to seek justice! Why the e-filing facility has been created in ten districts of Orissa but in UP where it is needed most not even a single HC Bench created due to which the litigants of 30 districts of West UP have to travel whole night and half day all the way till Allahabad which is 230 km away from Lucknow and yet Centre is dead determined never to allow even a single HC Bench for whole of Uttar Pradesh? Is this the best way to respect Mahatma Gandhi? Is this the best way to respect Constitution and Article 14 enshrined in it? Kindly speak on this also! My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


The worst murder of Mahatma Gandhiji was not by bullets but by ensuring that not a single HC Bench was allowed in the whole of undivided UP except at Lucknow also known as Nawab City where Lord Pandit Jawaharlal Nehruji created a High Court Bench way back in 1948 which is so close to Allahabad and nowhere else and where Bench was just not needed. To top it all the hilly districts of undivided UP were attached not with Lucknow but with Allahabad which is 230 km away from Lucknow and due to which the poorest of the poor litigants had to travel more than thousands of kilometres like a donkey all the way to Allahabad to seek justice and when people revolted then after fifty four years Centre pompously announced the creation of High Court itself at Nainital for newly created Uttarakhand and when Justice Jaswant Singh Commission headed by former Supreme Court Judge recommended three HC Benches for undivided UP at Nainital and Dehradun in Uttarakhand and at Agra in West UP not one was allowed to come up and over which we see even the incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud maintaining a deafening silence even though he speaks very well on deplorable conditions of lower courts in Uttar Pradesh! Why Maharashtra which is the home state of incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud has maximum number of Benches and this despite the irrefutable fact that it is topping the State list of Justice Index Ranking List and for whom Justice Jaswant Singh Commission recommended one Bench and it was most promptly created at Aurangabad in 1985 but not a single for UP not a single for West UP as recommended by Justice Jaswant Singh Commission. The 230th report of the Law Commission of India recommended creation of High Court Bench in states but gathering dust since last fourteen years! Centre feels that the best way to honour Mahatma Gandhiji is not to approve even a single HC Bench in whole of Uttar Pradesh nor for lawless Bihar which is the home state of incumbent Chairman of Supreme Court Bar Association Vikas Singh but to approve more and more international airports by which richest of rich gains! This I consider worst than what Nathu Ram Godse did for whom Centre is so miser on creation of more High Court Bench and for states like Maharashtra which has maximum number of Benches and still former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray approved one more at Kolhapur for just six districts! For Karnataka Centre approved two High Court Bench at Dharwad and Gulbarga respectively for just four and eight districts only in one go in 2008 but for 30 districts of West UP Centre not ready to create even a single HC Bench anywhere! Is this the best way to respect Mahatma Gandhiji? Is this the best way to implement Article 14 as enshrined in Constitution? Gandhiji was worried for poorest of the poor and not Richest of rich! Centre must shun it's double standards on creation of High Court Benches in different States! My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


Why can't such learned legal luminary speak on why Uttar Pradesh which has the maximum number of pending cases has just one High Court Bench and that too so near to Allahabad at Lucknow only and nowhere else? He must speak on why former UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon termed UP as the rape and crime capital of India and still has just one Bench and that too so near to Allahabad at Lucknow only and nowhere else? Why West UP which owes for more than half of the total number of pending cases of UP has not even a single HC Bench and why the 30 districts of West UP have been attached not with Lucknow but with Allahabad which is 230 km away from Lucknow and the litigants have to travel whole night and half day all the way to Allahabad to seek justice? Why a peaceful State like Maharashtra which already had multiple HC Benches was given one more at Aurangabad in 1985 on the recommendation of Justice Jaswant Singh Commission headed by former Supreme Court Judge and which recommended three HC Benches for undivided UP yet not one created till now? Why for just four and eight districts of Karnataka Centre approved High Court Bench at Dharwad and Gulbarga respectively in Karnataka but for 30 districts of West UP not a single HC Bench approved till now even though lawyers of West UP have gone on strike for 6 months as in 2001, for five and a half months as in 2014-15 and strike every Saturday since last 42 years from May 1981 and what not and yet no High Court Bench? My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate


Why the home state of incumbent President of Supreme Court Bar Association of India termed lawless Bihar which recently was in news for huge violence during Ramnavmi procession has not even a single HC Bench and why Maharashtra which is the home state of incumbent CJI Dr Dhananjay Yashwant Chandrachud has maximum number of Benches and for whom former Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court Dilip Babasaheb Bhosale said that women and girls are totally safe even in night all alone and can go anywhere all alone but in UP women and girls are not safe even with their family and on national Highway in broad daylight while listening a case of loot, rape and assault of women and girls on national Highway in Bulandshahr in Western Uttar Pradesh for which Centre is dead determined never to allow even a single HC Bench and Maharashtra tops in the latest justice index ranking list and UP in bottom like Bihar and still why Centre keeps on discriminating between these States and South States like Telangana with just three crore population was given High Court in 2014 by PM Narendra Damodardas Modi and for 30 districts of West UP with more than 10 crores population which owes for more than half of the total number of pending cases of UP not a single HC Bench created even though Justice Jaswant Singh Commission recommended one in 1970s and Uttar Pradesh tops in the latest list of States having maximum number of pending cases and still Centre is dead determined never to allow even a single HC Bench for whole of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar! Why? Just recalling Mahatma Gandhiji without implementing what he always stood for regarding poorest of the poor and caring for Richest of rich by approving more and more international airports without creating even a single HC Bench in UP and Bihar is the worst insult and worst assassination of Mahatma Gandhiji! My best wishes and best regards, Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate
