Living in the Future's Past | AWARD WINNING DOC | Jeff Bridges | Environment

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Living in the Future's Past - This film upends our way of thinking and provides original insights into our subconscious motivations, the unintended consequences, and how our fundamental nature influences our future as mankind.

Living in the Future's Past (2018)
Director: Susan Kucera
Stars: Jeff Bridges, Piers Sellers, Wesley Clark
Genre: Documentary
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: 7 March 2018 (Greece)

What kind of future do we want to live in? Jeff Bridges presents this beautifully photographed 4K tour de force of original thinking on who we are and the life challenges we face. This film upends our way of thinking and provides original insights into our subconscious motivations, the unintended consequences, and how our fundamental nature influences our future as mankind.

"This film completely reframes the narrative of the typical 'environmental documentary', instead focusing on the behavior, trends, and impact of humanity from a psychological and ethical perspective. It is truly groundbreaking to capture such a diverse array of thought leaders and scientists in one film - offering disparate yet complementary perspectives on why we find ourselves in this current state of uncertainty and how we can all engage - do our part for positive change. From the incredible visuals, score, and narrative journey... Filmmaker Susan Kucera does a brilliant job for nimbly transcending the doc-status-quo, opting instead for a more intellectually challenging and inspiring course for this remarkable film!"

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Living in the Future's Past
Australia Living in the Future's Past
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Живот в миналото на бъдещето
Greece Το χτες του αύριο
Russia Жизнь в прошедшем будущем
USA Living in the Future's Past


#Environment #documentaries #economy

Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for making this available on Youtube. No judgements, no finger pointing ... just common sense and how it belongs to all of us to find the solution(s) to the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced.


I have profoundly thought about many of these ideas in one form or other since I was a child. "WHY" my friend yelled to me one time 40 years ago, " You always want to know why?, that's not normal " . Around the same time my father said "Son, those thoughts and questions are dangerous ". Now at 65 my lovely and very traditional thinking sister said " What I love about you is that you continue to be fearlessly like Don Quixote. Trying to defeat injustice but with understanding . by observing this amazing world as it is that I live in. This documentary is a reflection of many thoughts I have had, but this doc does so in very clear language and concepts. A story that needs a wide and healthy run. WELL done ya'll!


The indigenous people of the America's have not forgotten wisdom of the elders. This is a teaching of balance and respect. When you open up to this knowledge. This when you start to learn what it means to be a human being. Medicine for one and all. Ah-ho.


Jeff Bridges is the original "Starman" I would expect nothing less than this documentary. Thank you for bringing this to all of humanity!


LOVE the very last quote. One of the most balanced and relatable docs. No finger pointing needed. We are part of the systems around us as a human super organism, conditioned to the illusions we have built. Now it's time to shift our power of now to become aware of our how we are part of nature. The answer lies in the "unconditioned" space inside each of us. Tap that blocked energy and all you find is love.


Thank you Jeff and all who spoke in this documentary! Using your gifts to contribute to this human and earth connection! I am hoping, I too can find a place to contribute!!!


Kudos to directors, photographers and commentators! This film should be shown at every school.


I am studying in this book; UNDAUNTED
Living Fiercely into Climate Meltdown in an Authoritarian World!
Study in a group and explore what’s coming with others!!
Preparing to respond and connect to the earth and your brothers and Sisters!
“I love this earth it’s our Mother in harmony with each other!!”


So excited and in love from this documentary! Thank you GOOD SCIENTISTS for all your healing care, good intended curiosity, and open-minded exploration! I love how Jeff Bridges encourages everyone at the end to do what is natural to them and inspires good change. As a natural born writer and healer, I feel the big connections and synchronicities.


That absolutely smashed me, especially the end. I've often dwelt on the universal balance that is fostered by innumerable inhabitants and made decisions that not only benefit my life but that of all.
I particularly enjoyed the passage about energy, it made me think of all the cars that drove past me as I walked to work, how much energy they must have borrowed and how it was to be given back.
At my work my boss wants me to operate machinery to do a job slightly faster, I said I'd prefer to do it by hand because it would save the power for when it was really needed, he said time costs more, and power was always available.
I try not to be bigoted towards those who see or understand things differently but I have to admit, when I see those cars driving by I do wonder, how many species have we killed because we borrow energy, how many Amazon dwelling natives have been slaughtered for man's desire to fit in, make money or even eat a burger.
I think humans will live on, in far smaller numbers, and in generations to come they will know the great folly we created for ourselves, and I like to think they won't make the same mistake.


Terrific quote at the end. Love is the fundamental principle of all creation. And the opposite of love is ... not what many people think. In truth, the opposite of love is fear. Take fear out of your heart and you will find love.


This video needs to go viral!!! It really wakes you up to realize how fragile our planet and we are!! Well done documentary, you had my attention at every minute!!! My hats off to you Mr. Bridges and your Team!!


This channel makes me cry…this is when I love the internet …..such intelligent brilliant minds and concepts given to me free via the internet. You are making this 60yr old brighter and a better human being . Thank you 🙏


I see the effects of the poverty I live in clearly in this video. I am not primarily motivated by money, but by real meaning, by truth. And so it’s sad to see the “Me shaped hole in the world” in the ideas of this video which are only a partial description of our most serious problems. It’s because I have tried for decades to be heard, and I will never give up on humanity, or on life, because I dearly love it. That’s why I am poor. Because the way I think in wholes across time and space can neither be monetized or easily understood. So I am a symbol of the problem. I don’t exist to a world looking for anything but truth, in the larger holistic sense. They look for monetization, usefulness now, fame, etc. these things are just local motivational structures but the overall picture is very different. That’s where I am supposed to come in, but I cannot get a job despite being extremely high in IQ and obsessive about accuracy and truth. Because I will never stop at the avenues to destinations that are not in my higher GPS, so to speak. I actually know what and why the problems are and how to solve them. This video is a start, but they don’t understand the whole picture. It’s bigger than organisms. I wrote a book 20 years ago about the meta-cognitive aspects of life and human civilization that contains the seed of the solutions and I spend every day writing articles and sending grant proposals or finishing my next book about all these things but humanity did not make a spot for me. Not currently. Granted, I am an anomaly, but the problems that are arising and human consumption are the way they are for specific very important reasons. Obviously it is not sustainable. It’s a crossing of a bridge to the future where things WILL be sustainable. It’s a war against chaos which has been all-out. We think we are consuming or gaining wealth, but these things also have a higher meaning which actually is what enables them at all, the same higher pattern which gave us language. It has been sending messages across time and space for eons. In the form of these patterns. Our short lives and self-centered perspectives has made us blind to it, it’s a matter of time-vision. Hardly anyone has it. Thanks for this video. I will keep trying. Sometimes the smallest thing can change the world forever. I intend to keep trying to be that butterfly which changes all of history for the better. Despite being homeless and ignored because people cannot understand me, and I understand them all too well.

Thank you for reading this if you did. Please read some of my recent comments or like or subscribe if you see anything in them. I need help, and I am asking for a favor from you for one thing, to make life better. I am not asking money. But a place in the world. A voice for the message and meaning that I see and the world could benefit from. Thank you for being you. I love you because you are my hero. Every person in every mundane job is a warrior but they don’t even know or understand. I do. And I thank you with complete sincerity because we ARE truly one. And we ARE all in this together. And as long as we know this, no darkness can ever extinguish our light from the universe. ❤️‍🔥🙏🏻♾


Our disconnectedness will be our undoing. The earth is shifting and evolving at a rapid rate and if we don't connect with it, we will never have the opportunity to experience such beauty again.


This was so wonderful guys🌎❤️ I have been studying fungi in my local forests for around 5 years now…intensely…This is what truly opened my eyes to just how connected everything is incredibly fascinating ..I just love life..I pray for our species and all others..Why can’t we stop destroying things😔🌎❤️


This is the first presentation about climate change that has NOT made me feel powerless. People with good hearts are locked into unproductive behaviours because their primitive psychological need for 'more' hasn't been tempered by long term goals for their children, grandchildren and the planet at large. I'm sure I'll watch this more than once, and think about it, journal about it and finally act on it. What a gift to be able to find a way forward that leads with the heart. Thank you so much.


So beautiful and thought provoking. Thank you. We have to face what is happening to our world, but in a way that we do not become demoralized. This documentary tells us the danger of our reactive subconscious. There are meditation traditions to help address this ignorance. For some this may be the gift, the way of making a difference, that Jeff talks about.


We are in an era of unprecedented material and financial greed, wherein those that control what his hurting our Planet and Humanity, are putting their financial prosperity... today... now... before what is in the best interest of us all as a species, long term. This documentary touches on that topic. Not everyone needs a Bentley. But we all need fresh air, clean water, and sustainable lives for ourselves today, and our posterity, tomorrow.


We look, take, and destroy every creature, animal on our planet. What a legacy we species have left. The planet will recover eventually.
